BuSho (Budapest Short) was established in the autumn of 2004 by a group of young Hungarian filmmakers and the first event successfully ran its course the following year. The festival became an international breakthrough in an exceptionally short period of time. We had plenty of festival screenings, selections of film academies, conferences, exhibitions, film-, and all-art workshops in the program. Our main target group is the generation of developing young filmmakers but we are very delighted at every entry. This film celebration takes place in Budapest in the late summer of 2019.
The DC Shorts Film Festival showcases one of the largest collection of short films in the USA. In 2015, we screened 125 films from 26 countries in 17 unique showcases over 11 days to audiences of more than 9,000 people.
The festival has been named as the “Coolest Short Film Festival” by MovieMaker Magazine, and is a three-time winner of the Washington City Paper’s “Coolest Short Film Festival” contest/award. The 11-day event (September 8-18, 2016) includes film screenings, Q&As, filmmaker workshops and parties in locations throughout the Washington, DC metropolitan area, and online through the secure DC Shorts Online Film Festival.
As we have done since 2003, after programming is announced, ALL ENTRANTS RECEIVE A REPORT WITH THE REVIEW COMMITTEE'S COMMENTS. We believe that filmmakers deserve to understand why their film or screenplay was selected or rejected — and what that process entails. On our submission website, DC Shorts spells out the entire selection process, and offers resources to research the types of material we are most likely to program. ===> We highly recommend reviewing our processes, past festival catalogs and other materials at dcshorts.com
The festival presents Short Films, Documentaries, Animation Films, Experimental Films, Music Videos and Feature Films over four days of festive celebrations attended by eminent guests from around the world.
The event is committed to the promotion of knowledge, life and culture, as it comes through from films and documentaries, made by people worldwide.
Bolgatty International Film Festival invites entries from filmmakers, television producers, videographers and new media creators who produce fresh, standout productions. It is an excellent venue for new and experimental media, television pilot programs, animation, educational programs, remixes & mashups, movie trailers, music videos, web series and tube length works. As long as your clip is 180 minutes or less, it is eligible for entry.
There are several things you should know about the Bolgatty International Film Festival:
1. Bolgatty International Film Festival has one mission - to find and recognize cinematic gems and unique perspectives in film and video. Whether you are an industry insider or new to the craft, we don’t care, we invite you to send us your best, original work our way!
2. Bolgatty International Film Festival is a unique hybrid, not a traditional film festival. We’re different. Different is more fun and entertaining!
3. Bolgatty International Film Festival creates publicity for filmmakers by announcing the list of award winners to our 60,000+ email list of industry professionals and influential insiders.
The submission deadline is coming up on October 30th, and the submission fees are among the most affordably priced on the international festival circuit.
Be sure not to miss out on this fantastic opportunity, and submit your film now!
NOCTURNA MADRID, Международный фестиваль фантастических фильмов является самым важным фестивалем такого рода, который проводится в Мадриде.
Международный фестиваль окрашенных птиц посвящен короткометражных и художественных фильмов, художественных, документальных и анимационных ДВИЖЕНИЯМ, СДЕЛАННЫЕ С 1 ЯНВАРЯ 2018 НЕ ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНЫ В ПРЕДЫДУЩИХ ЭДИЦИЯХ, с целью продвижения среди детей межкультурного диалога, социальной сплоченности и прав человека, особенно ДЕТЕЙ ДО 12 ЛЕТ.
Будет распространять качественные фильмы, которые вряд ли достигают Испании, стараясь не попасть в клише. Таким образом, постепенно фестиваль задуман как поле для встреч и обсуждений проектов, представляющих взаимный интерес.
Some call it the “Lady Tickler,” “Lip Spinach,” or even, the “Cookie Duster.” Formally, it is known simply as “The Moustache.” In all of its forms it represents a man’s individuality and inner strength. Whether a full, furry and lustrous lip warmer or a smooth, sleek line of suave sophistication weaving it’s way across a dude’s upper lip, a man’s Moustache is an indication of his robust heart and the very soul of his being.
As part of the annual Facial Hair Fest—a celebration of facial hair in Portland, Maine—we are now looking for submissions for the International Moustache Film Festival (IMFF). Films will be screened in several venues throughout the week of March 21 through March 28, 2015,.
The Facial Hair Fest features all sorts of delightfully hairy good times, including the 8th annual Stache Pag (a moustache pageant), the Facial Hair Farmers Market, the Can-Am Beard and Moustache Competition, and of course, the IMFF. A number of IMFF screening blocks will be held, each dedicated to a different kind of stache. And despite the official name of the festival, beards are welcome. They are, after all, the less refined cousin to the moustache.
Films will be selected based on two criteria. First, we want good films. Second, we want films that highlight conspicuous, outstanding, and awesome facial hair. It's that simple.
Past years have seen the IMFF covered in the global press, including: Movie|Line, EW.com, The Guardian, BBC, Reuters, The Huffington Post, Boston.com, Yahoo.com, The Times of India, Buenos Aires Herald, DownEast Magazine, The Tribune, American Mustache Institute, The Beard Club and Stuff.Co.NZ.
Have a main character with a nice stache? Send us your film.
A documentary about hippies with beards? That's good to.
A film about Salvador Dali or Jesus? Totally qualifies.
A film about any of the following:
Hippies. Prophets. Musicians. Mountain Men. Cops. Robbers. Firemen. Old Fashioned Strong Men. Cowboys. NFL Quarterbacks. Private Investigators. Scientists. Political Leaders. Pirates. Canadians. Wizards. Dwarves. Dads. Cavemen. You. Your friends. Your enemies.
So send us some films, and please consider attending the International Moustache Film Festival!
После удивительных 12 изданий, мы снова здесь. Это фестиваль, где играют 200 фильмов, больше, чем любой фестиваль в мире. Почти каждый фильм, который выходит на фестиваль, будет показан на фестивале, независимо от того, сколько дней проходит фестиваль.
Мы получили более 3000 записей в наших прошлых изданиях, что делает нас одними из самых популярных фестивалей в регионе.
В прошлом фестиваль посещали кинематографисты из более чем 25 стран мира.
Теперь победители получают DSLR и микрофоны тоже.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Церемония награждения состоится после 2 дней мероприятия, и мы забронируем билеты и отели для победителей.
Мы — независимый фестиваль, призванный собрать известных музыкантов и кинематографистов на форуме, посвященном короткометражным фильмам. Дублинский международный фестиваль короткометражных фильмов и музыки отмечает художественное, образовательное и историческое значение короткометражных фильмов и музыки. Она предоставляет независимым кинохудожникам платформу для обмена своими работами и налаживания диалога с сообществом. Он способствует обсуждению и изучению кинопроизводства.
DISFMF — крупнейший независимый фестиваль короткометражных фильмов в Ирландии, в 2023 году мы отмечаем 12-летие.
В 2022 году мы отобрали более 90 короткометражных фильмов со всего мира, фестиваль привлек внимание общественности к известным, начинающим и отмеченным наградами кинематографистам.
Вернувшись в кино, фестиваль проходил в Cineworld, крупнейшем кинотеатре Ирландии, и The Sugar Club в ночь церемонии награждения.
DISFMF проводится с точки зрения независимого кинематографиста.
Режиссер и продюсер каждого выбранного фильма получат бесплатный вход на все площадки и показы.
Принимаются все виды короткометражных фильмов. Вот несколько примеров: боевик, адаптация, приключения, реклама, анимация, арт-хаус, черная комедия, дети/семья, комедия, документальный фильм, драма, экспериментальный фильм, фэнтези, история, мелодрама, криминал и гангстер, биографические фильмы, нуар, дорожные фильмы, супергерои, сверхъестественное, документальное кино, независимое кино, музыка Видео, мюзикл, реалити-шоу, религия, романтика, научная фантастика, немое кино, спорт, студент, триллеры, сериалы и многое другое.
Массачусетский независимый кинофестиваль (MassIFF) — некоммерческая организация 501 (c) (3), управляемая кинематографистами, писателями и любителями кино. Наша цель — показать фильмы со всего мира, созданные подлинно независимыми кинематографистами. Мы хотим показать лучшее из современного независимого кино во всех жанрах (драма, экспериментальная, комедия, хоррор, медленное кино, sci fi, фэнтези, анимация, документальная и многое другое). Мы посвящаем время на вопросы и ответы и проводим видео-интервью для посещающих кинорежиссеров. Мы также помогаем продвигать отобранные фильмы, чтобы найти новую аудиторию. Мы любим искусство кино и приглашаем всех присоединиться к нам! Пожалуйста, посетите наш веб-сайт www.massiff.org для ознакомления с предыдущими фестивалями.
Городской совет Бильбао в настоящее время организует 30-й фестиваль фантастических фильмов в Бильбао — FANT2024, который пройдет в Бильбао с 3 по 11 мая 2024 года.
Located just 50 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Wine Country Film Festival is wine country's original and longest running film festival. It features more spectacular Festival screenings under the stars - Films al Fresco™ - than any other festival in North America.
A top tier event, the festival is slow paced and friendly with time to enjoy a wonderful recreation region.
Praised for its carefully curated program, the Festival takes pride in the discovery and exposure of new talent and broadening the ‘film literacy’ of our audience. It is your film and your voice that create the tone of each edition.
There are seven main sections: World Cinema, U.S. Cinema, Arts in Film, Music in Film, CineLatino, Cinema of Conscience (humanity and social issues), and EcoCinema, plus a special mini-section of Food On Film. We program shorts, documentaries, animation and dramatic features.
Share your passion and unique vision with us. At the Festival your film will be received by an enthusiastic public. You may be invited to participate in Master Classes that are lively and informative. Often we feature Filmmaker personalized tours to wineries and local attractions.
Many supporting events bring a greater appreciation to the art of filmmaking such as performances, readings, exhibitions of paintings, sculpture and photography. Films are screened in local venues and outdoors under the stars in spectacular wine country settings such as the sheltered emerald arena at Muscardini Cellars Winery.
Awards include (partial list)
100-секундный кинофестиваль — это место, где международные кинематографисты могут использовать свою краткость и бесконечное художественное творчество для создания фильма с многообещающими образами «этнического кино» в различных измерениях, форматах и перспективах, чтобы улучшить жизнь зрителей, создав короткометражные пьесы продолжительностью до 100 секунд искусство. 13-й фестиваль пройдет с 28 февраля по 3 марта 2023 года в городе Тегеран, ИРАН; после 4-летнего перерыва из-за кризиса в связи с коронавирусом.
IN the PALACE — международный фестиваль, посвященный короткометражному кино и цифровому искусству, а также представляет специальные конкурсные программы для полнометражных фильмов и сериалов.
Цель фестиваля — представить и продвигать современную форму кино из Болгарии, Европы и всего мира. IN the PALACE — это квалификационный фестиваль Student Academy Award® и квалификационный фестиваль «Оскар» для короткометражных фильмов в категориях «Лучшая анимация», «Лучшая фантастика» и «Лучший национальный фильм» (конкурс короткометражных фильмов). IN the PALACE является членом международной сети фестивалей и учреждений, обслуживающих сектор короткометражного кино — конференции короткометражных фильмов.
19 В Дворце состоится 26 февраля — 05 марта 2022 года в Фестивальном и Конгресс-центре Варна (Варна, Болгария).
Программа будет состоять из следующих основных компонентов:
• Международные и национальные, профессиональные и студенческие конкурсные программы в 4 жанрах - художественная, документальная, анимационная, экспериментальная - для короткометражных и полнометражных фильмов и сериалов
• Программы «ON FOCUS» и фильмы «EFA» и «Oscar®»
• Q & A сессии
• FILMER FORGE: образовательная программа, отраслевой рынок, отраслевые встречи, кинопитчинг сессия и вечеринки
• Видеотека
• Киномероприятия и инициативы для широкой аудитории
Традиционно «IN the PALACE» проходит в течение одной недели и предлагает широкий спектр мероприятий, мероприятий и программ как для местной, так и для международной киноиндустрии и аудитории. В дворце является культурным местом встречи киноиндустрии, художников, студентов, учебных заведений и широкой общественности, что обеспечивает доступ к последним тенденциям, разработкам и обучению в области искусства и культуры через показы, обучение и междисциплинарный обмен.
The 2018 Directors Circle Festival Of Shorts has officially opened our call for entries and will accept submissions internationally of short length films in any and all genres including Narrative, Documentary, Horror, Experimental, Avant-garde, Animation, Religious/Spiritual, Gay/Lesbian and all genres of Music Videos for our 2018 festival.
We will accept all forms of religious, Christian, and spiritual films including African, African American, Gay/Lesbian, Black, Hispanic, Islamic, Latino, Jewish, Native/Aboriginal and student films from the United States and around the world.
Festival horror categories for films will include Horror, Thrillers, Science Fiction, Suspense, Grindhouse Horror, Horror Documentary, Horror Animation, and student horror films.
Our Film Festival shall accept music videos from around the world of cross-continent and cross-genre productions of all ranges from pop, punk, rock, alt-country, country-western, folk, reggae, hip-hop to electronica, jazz, blues, Zydeco, industrial, gothic, karaoke, avant-garde, world music, and experimental.
The Directors Circle Festival Of Shorts is internationally recognized as a premiere showcase for creative, inspiring, and influential films of all types.
Bold visions, adventurous ideas, skillfully crafted and artistically inspired projects are the kinds of films we are looking for.
Our unique film festival reaches new heights internationally for independent film festivals presenting our films in a way unlike any other film festival in the world via our online screening platform and theater system. Viewing interactively online allows independent filmmakers and fans to take pleasure in the films worldwide on the go, from work and from the comfort of their own homes. In the technologically advanced world we live in, where communication and convenience MUST be at the tips of our fingers, we knew this was the next progressive step in film festivals.
Since debuting our fest in 2010 we have gained even more recognition among the film viewing public and filmmakers, not to mention production houses and distributors, because they no longer have to travel to find the next film that will make Hollywood sit up and take notice. Currently, convenience is the name of the game, especially for the independent film industry.
The 2018 DCSF will host a live film festival event in the great City of Erie Pennsylvania that will screen the best and most innovative films of the 2018 season. Housed in the historic Renaissance Centre located in beautiful downtown Erie, the 2018 DCSF live Festival will run consecutively with the opening weekend of the Festival.
Our online festival is presented in a virtual theater setting that will allow users to watch the films while the films remain completely safe from download or reproduction.
Films in this festival cannot be downloaded, the films HAVE NO EMBEDDING CODE and the HTML codes of the films, if copied and pasted, the films will not play, therefore they CANNOT be placed on other websites. The only time and place they can be viewed is in our festival. In short, we have gone to great lengths to set this system up to protect the safety and security of each filmmaker’s film, always keeping the filmmaker in mind. Basically, it is just as secure as a brick and mortar theater screening, only much better.
We made the decision to screen films online because of two reasons, first we understand that filmmakers around the world pour not only all of their time and heart into their work but also most of their money. Because of financial and time constraints independent filmmakers most times find it difficult to attend the screenings of their film. Now not only can the filmmaker attend, but all of their friends and family members can as well. In addition, the number of attendees to the festival is literally limitless giving the filmmaker much more exposure for their work.
In addition, you hear so much about the environment and global warming it got us thinking. When you realize how much power is used during the film fest, electricity for the building, natural gas for heat and the gasoline the people use to get to the fest it left one hell of a carbon footprint. By doing the whole festival online it actually helps cut down on greenhouse gasses.
The DCSF recognizes Filmmakers for outstanding achievements in their craft through creativity and imagination, while always paving the way and opening doors for the very talented Filmmakers world-wide.
By You, For You, About You”
Welcome to the 11th Annual World Music and Independent Film Festival (WMIFF) 2019. WMIFF was established to celebrate and provide a platform of achievements for international cinema artists. Dedicated to building a global film community and supporting emerging filmmakers, WMIFF offers all selected artists exceptional exposure with an inclusive vibe that has won over alumni, attendees, and industry members alike. WMIFF festivities are open to all, featuring some of the most talented artists in both film and music.
CINEFIESTA, our internationally recognized Festival, is a project that impacts culture and the economy. Over the years and with the support of multiple public and private entities, CINEFIESTA became one of the most important Short Film Festivals in America, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is one of worldwide relevance.
WELCOME to Short of the Month's February Online Short Film Festival.
'Short of the Month' hosts monthly 'Online International Short Film Festivals'. We, at Short of the Month, aim at bringing out the best short films from around the globe and to present it all on one single platform which is our website.
Short Of the Month's library has some very remarkable award winning short films from across the globe.
Short of the Month not only presents a short film but also undertakes it's promotion. Yes, a good film deserves to be seen by as much people as possible. We've been keenly indulged in promoting short films, trailers and posters using our personalized advertisement system which runs across the website.
So submit your short film now & if we find it worthy then you not only win awards but also get a chance to get your film advertised with Short of the Month.