Festival start: 24 April 2018
Festival end: 27 April 2018
We are a platform that’s seeking to internationally promote the research, production and distribution of experimental video.
“5° PROCESO DE ERROR”, Experimental International Video Festival is waiting with expectation your Works, will be a privilege for us to disseminate the power and creativity that for sure you will show us.
“Proceso de Error” is a non-competitive Festival that seeks to encourage internationally the investigation, realization and diffusion of the experimental video. This version will take place between the 24th and 27th April 2018 in Valparaiso, Chile, comprehending other parallel activities made previously as well as afterwards the official exhibition, including displays in halls and public spaces. Our main focus is to approach this kind of work to the broadest audience possible through the implementation of free exhibitions. The organization of the calling it is made by INVE, Plataforma Experimental de Artes and financed by the Fondo de Fomento Audiovisual del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Call 2018.
For the current year, the 5th International Festival of Experimental Video opens the Call for international works in the following programs:
Video Art – Experimental Film
Video Dance – Video Performance
Experimental Animation
Creative (or Experimental) Documentary
Video Installation on Loop
Experimental Feature Film
We understand that in the experimental video field, categories tend to be broken, that is why when the works are received and selected, we will also consider those that work based on: found footage, video diary, video letter, underground film, essay film, video poetry, cinema without camera, abstract, etc. What we are interested in is your personal concept and vision through one (or various) aesthetic(s).
There is no rigid limit on the duration of the works, but in general we select mostly works of up to 5 minutes in length. This year we hope to receive and select more extensive works, of up to 12 minutes, and for the first time, we call to send long works of more than 60 minutes, among which we will select 1.
Those who want to participate, should:
Fill the application form available here and/or send their work through the FestHome.
Send the work with a quality of 720p or 1080p, .MOV, .AVI or H.264, at the same time, it can be through links to Youtube, Vimeo or Dropbox.
Include a link to a photogram of the work in 300 dpi, all of which must go in the application form.
After been selected, the authors will be notified so they can send their work in a better quality if needed.
Can participate natural persons or producers, of any age or nationality, but each video whose main language it is not Spanish, must have subtitles.
The work can be originally made in video or celluloid, but only works finished on digital will be accepted.
The production will only take care of the applications made properly, namely: those that include the application form, high quality works and the photogram of it in 300dpi.
The Festival will not choose or send emails in case the work comes with any damaged file.
Must be clear regarding the copyrights of the Sound of the work.
The representatives of the works accept that the organization of the Festival will project their video(s) on diverse activities that will be made, including the 2018 version of the Festival, showings in public spaces, exchange of works with other international Festivals, television and promotional videos for the 2019 version. In case of being selected for other Festival within the cooperation network, the videos will be shown in a capsule as part of our Festival “PROCESO DE ERROR” 2018, and this will be informed to the author and also trough social media.
It is important to know that “PROCESO DE ERROR” 5th International Festival of Experimental Video it is non-competitive. Instead, it is a diffusion platform for the works of the artists. This is why no fee will be delivered regarding exhibition. The organization commits to send the digital catalogue to the e-mail of the selected artists.
If the selected authors are able to travel to the presentation of their works and to the opening ceremony of the Festival, the organization may recommend hostels, but it cannot fund the accommodation. In any case, they must notify to the production of the festival if you will assist in order to consider it within our communications and media.
The reception of the works will be from January 20th to March 10th, 2018.
The selected works will be announced on April 1st, 2018 through e-mail, as well as on our website www.inve.cl and social media, where also the days and places of the exhibition of the works will be published.