Logo of Los Angeles CineFest

30 Aug 2016

Published: 06 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Los Angeles CineFest

Los Angeles CineFest

Los Angeles, United States

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Horror Trailer Festival

30 Sep 2016

Published: 05 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Horror Trailer Festival

Horror Trailer Festival

Los Angeles, United States

Have you ever watched a movie trailer and loved it only to be disappointed when you finally see the movie? Yeah...we have too. So this festival is dedicated to those great movie trailers that make us wish there was a movie. So send us your monsters, zombies, possession, and stalker trailer, we want them all.

This is not a short film festival but rather a movie trailer festival. Which means we want commercials for films that exist, will exist in the future, or we wish existed.

The selected trailers will be screened at the historic Vista Theatre in Los Angeles on Saturday October 22, 2016.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of KidFilm Festival

30 Nov 2016

Published: 05 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner KidFilm Festival

KidFilm Festival

Dallas, United States

33rd Annual KidFilm Festival
January 21-22, 2017
Dallas, Texas

Featuring an international program celebrating excellence in children's film arts.

KidFilm, presented by the USA Film Festival, was the first festival of its kind and is the largest children's media arts event in the United States.

The festival gives audiences of all ages an important opportunity to see and discuss films together. The public weekend programs showcase challenging, educational, and entertaining films.

Studio films that have premiered or previewed at KidFilm include THE LEGO MOVIE, THE SECRET WORLD OF ARRIETTY, ICE AGE, NANNY MCPHEE, CURIOUS GEORGE, A WRINKLE IN TIME, THE SECRET OF KELLS, AKEELAH AND THE BEE, CASTLE IN THE SKY, MILLIONS, along with dozens of independently-produced feature and short films every year.

KidFilm welcomes the submission of both feature and short family-friendly films!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of World Cinema Berlin

30 Jun 2017

Published: 04 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner World Cinema Berlin

World Cinema Berlin

Berlin, Germany

Any drama, comedy, music or documentary film between 1 and 45 minutes.

One of the greatest festival in the world to help filmmakers find a market to support their aims with people attending that can give good solid advice to work with established film industry professionals if you wish, screening, meetings, networking, world famous international awards ceremony.

A unique festival with our other festivals a real platform for filmmakers to meet, network, do business festival week.

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie, they will as with many films over the years of our other festival make it happen.

We are unique in the amount of platforms and festival we offer filmmakers, we can create a ripple for your movie to be seen around the world, it all starts here by entering your movie.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Best Film Awards - International Film Festival

27 Aug 2016

Published: 04 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Best Film Awards - International Film Festival

Best Film Awards - International Film Festival

Bucharest, Romania

Aiming to inspire, motivate and award new talents as well as experienced filmmakers, Best Film Awards takes the way visual stories are shared and experienced to a higher level. Best Film Awards is a dynamic international festival, connecting the audience to feature length films, shorts, music videos, documentaries, and screenplays from around the globe.

Our vision is to create an opportunity for independent filmmakers to have their work screened and judged. We believe in the potential of the public of becoming a significant actor in contributing to the development of the filmmaking process and we aim to engage them in discovering the potential of the online to the cinematic culture.

The film screenings will take place in the dynamic city of Cluj-Napoca, an emerging cultural hub in Europe and will bring the uniqueness of the online festivals into a well-known creative environment for all film enthousiasts. Cinema Marasti is a renowed meeting point for those seeking both traditional and alternative expressions of cinematography.

The best entries will be selected and screened twice a year. We will publish the results of the official selection on January 10 2017 and the official screenings will take place between 13-15 January 2017.

A jury of film professionals will review all eligible submitted films, evaluating from an independent point of view, seeking the energy and new ideas that will contour the future of the cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest

27 Aug 2016

Published: 04 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest

Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest

Bucharest, Romania

NEW - Check out Festival Teaser at - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFmtGzNYuPM

Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest is monthly film competition focusing on international independent cinema. Our aim is to support new filmmakers and to promote the research and development of new means of expressivity through cinematography as art among diverse audiences.

BSCF is located in the Eastern Heart of Europe, Bucharest being one of the most beautiful and diverse cities in the world.

The film competition runs on a monthly basis. The final deadline for our next selection, as well as the notification date are posted in the right-grid competition timeline.

❗All Films accepted in the Official Selection will be given a benefits pack worth 350$:

✶ iPitchTV 3 months studio licence worth 117$
✶ Filmstro 1-Year Pro Licence Exclusive discount worth up to 125$
✶ DCP2GO Exclusive Discount for mastering services worth 125$

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✶ FREE Trophy + Screening + Certificate Award
✶ 5 FESTIVAL ENTRIES worth 115$
✶ 90% DISCOUNT on DCP Mastering Services worth 300$ from KINOLIFE Distribution
✶ Filmstro Pro Licence discount worth 105$
✶ 1yr iPitchTV Studio Membership worth $299

All winners will receive online certificate awards and laurels will be offered to all participants who made it to the Official Selection.

Only films selected in the Competition will be showcased in the BscFest Official Screenings.

BSCF will be an outstanding event, where the audience can see new films, participate in workshops and meet filmmakers.

We guarantee that a jury of film professionals will view all submitted films. We encourage filmmakers who created their films with a low budget to enter their film to BSCF. The judgement criteria of the submitted films are new ideas, experimental cinematography, talented work of actors and an independent point of view.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of DocuTIFF - Tirana International Documentary Film Festival

09 Mar 2017

Published: 04 Aug 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner DocuTIFF - Tirana International Documentary Film Festival

DocuTIFF - Tirana International Documentary Film Festival

Tirana, Albania

DocuTIFF is exited inviting filmmakers to submit their films in the third edition of 2017 festival, which will take place in Tirana, this coming June, 2–9, 2017. DocuTIFF invites all documentaries from established and debut filmmakers alike to apply their films in International Competition and In Albanian Competition.

DocuTIFF aims to encouraging documentary film production in Albania and to give more chances to our filmmakers finding cooperation and enabling mutual contacts with their colleagues in our region, to build up a favorable climate creation in Albania and wider in region for development and cooperation of such productions.

DocuTIFF last year screened 180 films in three venues as well as in open air making it the largest film festival of its kind in Albania and one of the most important in the region.

Competition features four distinct sections:

∆ Feature Film Competition
∆ Mid Length Competition
∆ Short Film Competition
∆ In Albanian Film Competition

B. Open to any filmmaker from around the world DocuTIFF showcases the very best in documentary cinema from around the world, in such programs as Focus, Panorama, Reflecting Albania, RetrospecTIFF, Festival Partners, Special Screenings, Workshops & Masterclasses, Homage & Tributes, international guests together with Galá Awards and other special events.

DocuTIFF has the pleasure to announce four optional services available for applicants.
The applicants must apply clearly for each one of these new services. Fill the appropriate field in the entry form.

∆ DocuTIFF.TV Competition
With our media partners we offer the possibility to directors screening their films (selected for the official competitive program or not) to the Albanian audience and win the TV audience awards in a yearly competition.

∆ DocuTIFF on Tour
DocuTIFF will act as ambassador for the submitted films and will travel with a selection to other Albanian cities during the year. DocuTIFF will also propose special screenings to other regional festivals in accordance to a specific subject or theme of each collaborative festival.

∆ DocuTIFF Online Library
TIFF offer the online presentation of each film, in a dedicated page, as a part of a film library, with all related information and with the possibility to receive comments from the international Internet audience and industry. The screening of films is open to anyone without charges. The films will be available for viewing in the film library as long as director/producer wishes.

∆ DocuTIFF Market Corner
DocuTIFF will create a market corner during the eight days, where potential buyers can watch all films and make their selection. DocuTIFF will also act as a festival promoter and distributor. In case of financial contract with a distributor, DocuTIFF will receive a fee of 5%.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of ShortPole London International Film Festival

27 Aug 2016

Published: 03 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner ShortPole London International Film Festival

ShortPole London International Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

Don't forget to check our film platform that has been upgraded in order to provide you with even a greater experience:



Stay Tuned - 2016 AUTUMN OFFICIAL SELECTION - To be announced in Early November!

ShortPole London International Film Festival is an online based film festival, headquartered in the heart of the United Kingdom.

The festival runs in 4 quarters, selections being made every 3 months.

The entry deadline for our next selection will be September 31st and the winners will be announced by the end of October 2016.

There will be 20 categories and Best Film will receive the London GoldenEye Trophy, a Professional Review from our jury board and a cash prize which will be set depending on the number of entries.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of vvfilmf - Kids and Teens International Film Festival

31 Oct 2016

Published: 03 Aug 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner vvfilmf - Festival Internazionale di Cinema per Ragazzi

vvfilmf - Kids and Teens International Film Festival

Vittorio Veneto, Italy

The Association 400 Colpi is a non-profit organization created with the aim of promoting films that, thanks to their language, style, story, and themes, are intended for both young and adult audiences.

vvfilmf is synonymous with film quality and represents a window into the youth world. It is not just a film festival. It's an experience. It's a significant cultural moment for young people that unites and cultivates.

Over the years, vvfilmf has created events that discover spaces for young people, workshops for the study of new forms of visual expression. #vvfilmf presents itself as an initiative aimed at the entire country and internationally, with the intention of meeting the expectations of both a young population and adult viewers.

The goal is to bring the general public closer to quality cinematic forms. Despite the festival's programming having a preferential audience of children, school-age youth, and university students, it enthusiastically opens its doors to adults and all those interested in cinematic art, fascinated by artistic and visual culture, passionate about education, pedagogy, educational fun, and simple entertainment.

The festival represents an excellent opportunity to showcase new educational paths, offering a constantly renewed program of cultural activities, and to propose, through the cinematic medium, respectful skills and fruitful reflections open to all school members.

vvfilmf boasts the High Patronage of the European Parliament, the Patronage of the Italian Council Presidency, the Ministry of Culture, Labor and Social Policies, Tourism, and almost all Italian Regions, many Provinces, and Municipalities.

Among the multi-year collaborations developed by #VVFILMF are those with RAI Cinema, the Foundation for Entertainment, and Lancia Europa, as well as with RAI Radio 2 and RAI Educational.

Thanks to the high quality of the film selection in competition and the professionalism demonstrated over the years, vvfilmf has been chosen by the President of the Biennale Foundation, Paolo Baratta, and the Director of the Venice International Film Festival, to select a group of young jurors and accompany them into the world of international cinema during the Venice International Film Festival.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Cms International Children“s Film Festival  (ICFF)

30 Nov 2016

Published: 03 Aug 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cms International Children“s Film Festival  (ICFF)

Cms International Children“s Film Festival (ICFF)

Lucknow, India

The Festival is being organized by the management of City Montessori School in Lucknow, India.

The Festival aims at providing a common platform for the producers of Children films to project their views for proper development of children’s potential through meaningful educative films; and also for promoting friendship and co- operation among people of the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of Puerto Madero International Film Festival

31 Aug 2016

Published: 02 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Puerto Madero International Film Festival

Puerto Madero International Film Festival

Puerto Madero , Argentina

Puerto Madero IFF is an online annual competition based of the technical execution of films.

All submission are evaluated on each technical category: Script, Cinematography, Sound, Acting and Direction.

At the end of each year we announced the official selection films based on their creativity and technical execution.

Our festival is ONLINE only at the moment, we are working hard to make an annual event with public screening.

All the Official Selections and Winner are posted in our Social Network with a growing audience of more than 4600 followers and also on our web site.

All Official Selection will receive laurels.

The winner film will receive a technical reviews and laurels.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Digital Griffix Awards

31 Aug 2016

Published: 02 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Digital Griffix Awards

Digital Griffix Awards

Montreal, Canada

Digital Griffix film awards changed a bit over the years and is now an IMDB listed international online awards competition taking place each three months.

Each three months our jury determines the best films in each category. Note that we do NOT screen films online or onsite. The films are screened privately by the jury. Our goal is to help filmmakers take the next step in their career. Our jury is composed of award winning filmmakers who perfectly understand the hard work put in independent filmmaking !

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Wollongong Film Festival

10 Oct 2016

Published: 02 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Wollongong Film Festival

Wollongong Film Festival

Wollongong, Australia

Wollongong Film Festival is in its Inaugural year with many more to come. Wollongong Film festival is about celebrating Women in Film both on and off screen with all proceeds going to One Girl www.onegirl.org.au.

It is about giving a voice to Women Filmmakers and a voice to Women's stories.

Let's promote and award the talents of Women in the Australian and International film industry.

Wollongong Film Festival offers established and emerging Filmmakers an opportunity to showcase their various talents by accepting all film genres as long as a woman is in one of the following key positions on the film: Director, Producer, Writer, Lead female Protagonist, Editor, or Cinematographer.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Black Light Film + Video Series

17 Aug 2016

Published: 02 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Black Light Film + Video Series

Black Light Film + Video Series

Richmond , United States

Trouble Found Me

Blacklight Film + Video Series is currently seeking submissions for the upcoming Trouble Found Me film screening on October 16th, 2016 at Sediment Arts in Richmond, VA.

We are seeking narrative short films that touch on subjects of broken innocence //shattering of the adolescent bubble. Bad Dreams. Bad Ideas. Poor Execution. Themes of the paranormal welcome, given the season!
Submissions must be under 15 minutes in length and all genres are accepted. Work can be traditional or experimental and can be created in any film/video medium (VHS, Super 8, DSLR, etc.). Multiple submissions are accepted.


We ask that applicants include in their submissions:

-title of the piece
-run time
-year the work was completed
-a data DVD or online link to view the piece (preferred)

Please include in your submission a $5 US submission fee (please attach screenshot of paypal
receipt to the submission). Guidelines for submissions and more info on BlackLight Film and Video Series can be found at: http://www.blacklightfilmseries.com/p/submissions.html

If your film is selected we will require a downloadable HD copy of the film (preferred) or a data DVD.
If mailing physical copies please inquire via email for mailing address (mailed submissions must include a prepaid return envelope.).

Inquires and Email submissions may be sent to:
Natalie and Cody - blacklightfilmseries@gmail.com

Information about Sediment Art Gallery in Richmond, VA
- http://www.sedimentarts.org
- https://www.facebook.com/sedimentarts/

Thank you, and we look forward to viewing your work!

Natalie Kohlhepp and Cody Huff

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


30 Dec 2016

Published: 02 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional Lume De Cinema - 2021


SAO LUIS, Brazil

Authorial film festival held by one of the most important distributors of movie Brazil. The awards will result distribution contracts of winning films in Brazil.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival del Puerto

15 Sep 2016

Published: 02 Aug 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival del Puerto

Festival del Puerto

Puerto Escondido, Mexico

Short Film Official Selection

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Coachella Valley International Film Festival

22 Apr 2017

Published: 02 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Coachella Valley International Film Festival

Coachella Valley International Film Festival

LOS ANGELES, United States

Coachella Valley International Film Festival is preparing for our first fantastic festival of independent filmmaking from April 28, 2017, under the stars.

CVIFF is dedicated to celebrating the works of independent filmmakers from around the world, and we pay special attention to ultra low-budget films by first and second-time directors.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of One World Romania International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival

01 Dec 2016

Published: 02 Aug 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner One World Romania International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival

One World Romania International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival

Bucharest, Romania

The 11th edition of the One World Romania International Human Rights & Documentary Festival will take place between March 16 and March 25, 2018 in Bucharest. One World Romania is the first documentary film festival established in Bucharest as well as the only Romanian festival dedicated to human rights.

We invite you to submit your latest documentaries on any topic related to human rights. Short, medium, feature length as well as interactive documentaries, with any target audience, including children and adolescents, are accepted.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival



31 Jan 2017

Published: 02 Aug 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Mexicali, Mexico

It is a unique space for the promotion of audiovisual content environment to the sport.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Cinexico - Loreto Film Festival - CANCELLED

30 Sep 2016

Published: 02 Aug 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cinexico - Film Festival de Loreto - CANCELLED

Cinexico - Loreto Film Festival - CANCELLED

Los Angeles, United States

CINÉXICO, the Film Festival of Loreto, celebrates films from Mexico and invites cinema lovers to experience Mexican culture on the screen and in the natural beauty of Baja California Sur. In its second year, surrounded by unspoiled, protected islands and the vibrant ocean life of the Sea of Cortes, Loreto is truly a "Pueblo Magico," giving filmmakers a stunning setting in which to showcase their films that celebrate the environment, whether natural or urban, where human experiences converge.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental