FIDIC is a biannual international independent festival that gathers international, regional and local artists in a dance event that seeks to promote artistic creation and production, research, support and exchange among colleagues. It is also an occasion to train the audience through reflection and debate meetings that are open to general public.
The festival will take place in the City of Buenos Aires from September 7th to 17th, and its program will feature both national and international shows, urban interventions, and research and exchange meetings. It will also offer spaces for collaborative productions between artists that are coming from different regions and seeking cultural exchange.
FIDIC has many different sections: international, regional and local shows that will take place both at conventional and unconventional settings, performances, spaces to reflect, meetings with producer artists, screen dance, video projections and clinics. In this edition, there will also be place for artists who address movement from a different perspective to show their work. In addition, the festival schedule includes an analysis exercise developed by an interdisciplinary team.
Screen Dance Section – Third Edition Registration is now open: June 9th to July 7th
Submissions after the given deadline will not be considered.
The third edition of the International Screen Dance Exhibition aims to disseminate and promote these expressions, fostering their production in Argentina and around the world.
Artists from any nationality are allowed to participate.
The choosing of the topic is free and authors can submit as many short films as they wish. If the screen dance video submitted is in any language other than Spanish, subtitles in Spanish must be included.
Video runtime limit: 15 minutes.
Call for entries and selection process
Call for entries includes the following categories:
• Screen dance as an artistic expression (with performers or animated)
• Videoclips developed from the choreographic movement
• Screen dance documentary
Registration of plays will not be considered.
Submission process:
-Send an e-mail to fidic2017@gmail.com containing the LINK (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) to the material. If the material is password protected, it must be included in the e-mail.
-The e-mail subject line must be: Festival Cocoa 2017/Sección Video Danza. The e-mail body must contain title and author of the video.
-Register in https://festhome.com
Selection process is not competitive. Videos will be assessed by a judging panel. Results will be published on our website and social networks. Authors whose videos were selected will receive an e-mail with the proper information.
All selected videos will be included in the Festival’s video library and may be presented at different exhibitions organized during the year with exclusive cultural and or educational (not commercial) purposes.
Important: If the video is accepted, it will have to be shared through Dropbox or WeTransfer in .MOV or .MP4 h264 format, along with two pictures in high resolution and the signed statement.
Send form and statement to: fidic2017@gmail.com
2017 Cocoa International Festival requests, together with the submission of the video for its possible inclusion in the exhibition, the author’s agreement with the terms of the Festival. It also requests the author’s agreement to reproduce and exhibit their creation/s during any of the Festival’s activities, such as exhibitions, catalogues, videos, brochures and other promotional action regarding the Festival exclusively. The artist takes all the responsibility before third parties for any kind of claim regarding the originality or authorship of the submitted project/s.
Films of any genre, length and format with human rights themes.
The International Video Art House Madrid is an initiative to support contemporary video artists and promote their work internationally.
Located just 50 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Wine Country Film Festival is wine country's original and longest running film festival. It features more spectacular Festival screenings under the stars - Films al Fresco™ - than any other festival in North America.
A top tier event, the festival is slow paced and friendly with time to enjoy a wonderful recreation region.
Praised for its carefully curated program, the Festival takes pride in the discovery and exposure of new talent and broadening the ‘film literacy’ of our audience. It is your film and your voice that create the tone of each edition.
There are seven main sections: World Cinema, U.S. Cinema, Arts in Film, Music in Film, CineLatino, Cinema of Conscience (humanity and social issues), and EcoCinema, plus a special mini-section of Food On Film. We program shorts, documentaries, animation and dramatic features.
Share your passion and unique vision with us. At the Festival your film will be received by an enthusiastic public. You may be invited to participate in Master Classes that are lively and informative. Often we feature Filmmaker personalized tours to wineries and local attractions.
Many supporting events bring a greater appreciation to the art of filmmaking such as performances, readings, exhibitions of paintings, sculpture and photography. Films are screened in local venues and outdoors under the stars in spectacular wine country settings such as the sheltered emerald arena at Muscardini Cellars Winery.
Awards include (partial list)
Empowering current and future generations of artists currently underrepresented in front of and behind the camera, Diverse Points of View, a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization, launches this year and will present arts and entertainment created by minorities in three cities: Chicago, Dallas and Atlanta between February and April 2015. We encourage foreign film submissions.
In each city, Diverse Points of View will conduct a four (4) day international film festival complete with workshops, panels, independent and studio films, fine art gallery, live music events, industry parties and plenty of networking mixers. Filmmakers, film, TV, music, art and entertainment executives and celebrities are invited to participate in the event developed to highlight the creative work of artists from around the world.
Фиатикорти родился в 2000 году по идее некоторых участников «Молодежного проекта» Истраны.
Название мероприятия было выбрано по двум причинам: во-первых, «одышка» (fiato corto) — это результат кратковременных физических усилий (та же продолжительность короткометражных фильмов). Более того, фильм продолжительностью до 20 минут способен вызвать у зрителя сильные эмоции, заставляя его «задыхаться».
Изначально фильм «Фиатикорти» был сгруппирован в один вечер, а именно вечер награждения. Однако, начиная с четвертого выпуска, формат фестиваля расширился, и фестиваль проходит в четыре этапа, на которых представлены лучшие работы.
В 2006 году был открыт раздел FiaTiveneti для поощрения режиссеров короткометражных фильмов из региона Венето.
2011 год стал поворотным моментом в истории компании fiaticorti. Давний художественный руководитель Джанни Биллио не только передал эстафету Бартоло Айрольди Сагарриге (новому художественному руководителю), Андреа Греспан и Симоне Перотто, но и значительно повысилось качество конкурсных фильмов, а также количество иностранных участников, в основном из Франции, Великобритании, Румынии и Испании.
Но самобытность фестиваля, связанная с культурой итальянских киноклубов семидесятых годов, всегда оставалась неизменной. Его цель — передать культуру и страсть к короткометражным фильмам. Вот почему художественное руководство предпочло не сопровождать фестиваль другими мероприятиями.
Международный кинофестиваль ENFOQUE был запущен в 2008 году, ежегодный кинофестиваль, проводимый в Пуэрто-Рико и созданный с целью показа фильмов, которые внесут вклад и изменят жизнь людей через силу кинематографии. Теперь, в свой 10-й год, 2019 ENFOQUE Международный кинофестиваль, возвращается 05-08 июня в Пуэрто-Рико с лучшим в кино. ENFOQUE экранирует национальные и международные художественные фильмы, документальные фильмы, музыкальные клипы и шорты, представляющие страны со всего мира от новых кинематографистов, которые будут признаны в серии премий жюри и зрительских симпатий. ENFOQUE предоставляет кинолюбивой публике доступ к известным критикам кинематографистам, профессионалам киноиндустрии и новым талантам со всего мира.
Программирование включает кинофестиваль в PR, новые музыкальные и художественные выставки, ENFOQUELABS, семейные и общественные мероприятия, награды для кинематографистов и национальный конкурс короткометражных фильмов.
The International Human Rights and Film Festival Venezuela, pretends to be a communicational platform to allow cinematographers around the world to project movies that contemplate one or more topics in Human Rights matters, involving publics and private’s organizations and Non Governmental Organizations, nationally and foreign.
Ascona Film Festival started on the social networks and after 5 years received more than 12000 submissions form 95 countries.
The Ascona Film Festival success is due to the concept of a nice VIP film festival in the legendary Ascona Venue at the Hotel Ascona.
Admission to the projection is on invitation only to selected VIP international personalities.
Since 2003 the international Festival SIGNES DE NUIT is active in Paris, Berlin, Saarbrücken, Bankok, Quito (Ecuador), Tucuman (Argentina) and now Urbino, as also with special screenings world wide. The festival in Paris actually presents some Hundrets films over the year coming from around 60 countries.
The Festival is searching films, which reflects new views, original imagery and critical approach to the crucial points of the modern human existence. It is a place for cinema that expands its own boundaries, that is astonishing, different, potentially free from the pressure of tradition, ready to give itself to the unpredictable experimentation.
The minor costs of digital production makes an independant- from comercial influences and any kind of censorship- production possible. These independant productions create an alternative, an artistic space very subtle and accessible to all, in contrast to what mass media offer.
This opposition and the preservation of the free cultural space is the goal of the International Festival Signes de Nuit, which has realized screenings and interventions in 23 different countries including Algeria, Australia, Chile, Cuba, Lebanon, Lithuania, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Peru, Russia, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States beside the screenings in main festival in Paris.
With the high end digital cameras in hand, youngsters are making films which appeal to them. AIM, Avenues International Media is established with a mission to create a marketing distribution network for the Indie Films.
Now, to have a one to one rapport with these young film makers, AIM is launching the AIM MUMBAI INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM CARNIVAL 2014( AIM MISFC).
В здании Alamo Drafthouse в Темпе, Аризона, проходит фестиваль американских фильмов ужасов! Уже четвертый год мы путешествовали по стране, чтобы найти идеальное место от Техаса до Индианы, наконец-то поселились в штате Гранд-Каньон!
Самая красивая разница в нашем фестивале? Мы создаем пользовательское меню, чтобы идти с вашим фильмом! Правильно, представьте свою собственную версию 5 долларового шейка или Mississippi грязевой пирог, который будет подан, пока вы смотрите свой фильм! В Drafthouse Alamo есть полный сервис официанта, так что вы можете насладиться одним из пятидесяти сортов пива на кране, в то время как ваши киноэкраны, или даже побаловать себя полным ужином из трех блюд!
Наши показы предназначены для настоящих поклонников фильмов ужасов, и мы предаемся этому, поэтому не забудьте следить за нашими бесплатными подарками, включая футболки, наклейки с изображающими ваш фильм и многое другое!
Мало того, что у нас также есть связи с дистрибьюторами, агентами по продажам и финансистами кино, так что вы никогда не знаете, кто будет в аудитории с вами!
После показов у нас будет полная церемония награждения, а затем шанс выпить и отпраздновать событие в полностью лицензированном баре!
Так что если вы хотите упакованный показ, веселую благодарную аудиторию, в уникальной и живой атмосфере и фестиваль вы не забудете - это все! Отправьте сегодня, чтобы быть частью официального отбора, мы принимаем фильмы ужасов или всех форм и размеров и делаем акцент на качество, над бюджетом, каждый раз!
Only for filmmakers from Malaga or living here. Shortfilm must be filmed after 1 Jan 2019.
Women in Focus emerged in 2009 with the aim of encouraging the promotion and protection of women's rights through film, through the dissemination of films that allow give visibility to the violation of their rights and encourage debate. In this way he sought to create an open standard for men and women around the world space where open dialogue between genres and promote the active participation of the whole society to defend the full exercise of human rights, with a focus on the situation women in the world. They worked on a broad call, unlimited sex, age or origin, and with the conviction that change is possible only from the inclusion of attention.
The axis of Women in Focus is on the woman and her history of violations, to disseminate and denounce the naturalization of the unjust conditions they are facing, and give visibility to the diversity of social, cultural experiences and forms of organization, aiming thinking about other possible worlds. Through films about women also understand and discuss the construction of gender and how it is all of society we seek.
Документальные фильмы, вымышленные, анимационные и экспериментальные.
Политические, социальные, расовые, гендерные вопросы и т.д.