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The Festival considers entries of all genres from shorts to full-length features, and is held in 'Festival City, USA' at the end of the Utah Shakespeare Festival in Southern Utah. Within a 20 min. drive is Kolob Canyon of Zion National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Brian Head Ski Resort, dry desert, sheep herders, ranches, red mountains, green mountains, and UFO sightings. The location is ideal for the vacation-seeking filmmaker. It is an artist's retreat for film, cuisine, parties, and workshops with approachable professional people. This emerging festival is held each Fall in Cedar City.
To encourage the production of media in both the independent and professional market that portray the human race in a positive light, and to applaud original works that redefine media through innovation, creativity and sensitivity that both enlightens and educates audiences from around the world.
The International Red Rock Film Festival. The Red Rock Film Festival was formed in 2007 in Southern Utah, and quickly became a internationally recognized festival with award-winning judges and rigorous pre-selection process. It made MovieMaker Magazine's list of "Top Festivals Worth the Entry Fee" in both 2009 and 2013.
All films are reviewed by members of our previewing committee and scored in Directing, Screenplay, Acting/Talent, Production Values and Post-Production Values. Local or international, friend or stranger, pretty or plain, famous or not: all films are given equal treatment and go through the same democratic film selection.
The demographic is well educated, consisting mostly of empty-nesters, college students and senior citizens. The festival also aims to find new films for the wise as well as quality films for youth, sports films and films with a message.
All genres are considered. Although documentaries have been a predominate focus at the Red Rock Film Festival, festival audience often compliment the variety and diversity of films selected for the festival in Utah. Animation, arts, children, comedy, documentary, drama, experimental, fiction, narrative, romance, sports, student, horror, suspense, mystery, musical, music videos, war themes, women's issues, family, and humanitarian films are all taken into consideration. Cultural diversity is also a highlight at the festival; African, American, Asian, European, Indian, Indigenous, Islander, Latino, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Spiritual, Yogi, and other philosophical, governmental, historical, and artistic cultures are to be explored.
All genres are considered including animation, documentary, experimental, fiction, music video and student-made films. The festival has several categories of competition, including unique subcategories of featurette and short-short.
The Program Directors may also select additional categories at their own discretion, depending on how many qualified entries are received.
It's all about how much we like a film and where we place them. We just want good, original film that showcases our mission. We expect some films would be great to release to the theaters, others for television, some for the classroom, for our film series, or a great premiere. To encourage the independent spirit, Red Rock strives to find a home for all films that qualify in competition. This gives the filmmaker a chance to give their work exposure even if they may not make the festival finals. The festival also hosts a mini-film market, special screenings throughout the year plus we make recommendations to other festivals.
The Utah Film Market is a small section from the festival where filmmakers and other industry professionals can view films on their own in the festival library or in special industry screenings given to select finalists and other favorites from the festival.
SALÓN INTERNACIONAL DE LA LUZ® Volumen XI Mayo 12-17 de 2020
El Salón Internacional de La Luz, Volumen XI, tendrá lugar en Bogotá D.C., Colombia, del 12 al 17 de mayo de 2020. Este año estará dedicado a establecer las relaciones entre la pintura y la luz, y su aporte a la creación fotográfica y cinematográfica.
El Salón Internacional de La Luz cumple 11 años dedicados a la imagen, a la creación con la luz y a la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica. Tendrá películas en competencia en las categorías de largometrajes ficción y documental, cortometraje ficción y documental, spot publicitario, video clip, experimental en cine, película preservada, realidad virtual y trabajo universitario entre otras categorías, donde se premiará exclusivamente el área de Dirección de Fotografía.
Se desarrollarán eventos teóricos sobre la luz, con invitados internacionales, conferencias técnicas y Show-rooms, con la muestra de la última tecnología en cámaras, películas, luces y soportes para la imagen en movimiento. Además, se realizará la muestra “125 años Luz”, con la proyección de algunas de las películas más importantes dentro de la historia de la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica.
El Salón Internacional de La Luz® comprende los siguientes apartados:
1.1. Pueden participar obras audiovisuales de cualquier nacionalidad, producidas con fecha posterior o igual a enero 01 de 2018.
1.2. Las categorías de la presente convocatoria son:
1.2.1. Largometraje Ficción (Duración mínima de 70 minutos).
1.2.2 Largometraje Documental. (Duración mínima 60 minutos).
1.2.3. Cortometraje Ficción ( Duración mínima de cinco minutos. Duración máxima 40 minutos).
1.2.4. Cortometraje Documental. ( Duración mínima de quince minutos. Duración máxima 40 minutos).
1.2.5. Video Clip.
1.2.6. Spot publicitario.
1.2.7. Obra experimental (Género libre y formato de captura exclusivamente: Cine súper 8mm, cine 16 mm, cine 35mm, cine Súper 35 mm y Cine 65mm, o mezcla de soportes, y con duración no superior a 30 minutos).
1.2.8. Película restaurada de cualquier época (Género y duración libre).
1.2.9. Trabajo de escuela o Universidad de cine, medios audiovisuales o afines (en los géneros de ficción y documental con una duración no inferior a 1 minuto, ni superior a 50 minutos).
1.2.10. Serie o película para televisión (realizadas exclusivamente para canales de televisión u otras pantallas diferentes a las salas de cine), de cualquier temática y duración.
1.2.11. Obras de VR (Virtual reality-Realidad virtual) de cualquier temática y duración.
1.3. Se premiará exclusivamente el área de dirección de fotografía.
1-4- Todas las obras para su selección, deben presentarse con subtítulos en español exclusivamente, si este no es su idioma original.
1.5. La inscripción de las obras (película, spot publicitario, video clip, experimental o trabajo de escuela de cine) deberá realizarse a través del sitio web del Salón, www.saloninternacionaldelaluz.com, enviar enlace para preselección a salondelaluz@gmail.com o en las plataformas habilitadas (www.festhome.com), hasta del 21 de marzo de 2020.
1.6. Los interesados deben llenar el formulario de inscripción que aparece en el sitio web del Salón Internacional de La Luz®, con toda la información requerida, incluida la ficha bio-filmográfica del participante.
No se aceptarán solicitudes de inscripción incompletas y sin firma. Este formulario se debe enviar antes de la fecha de cierre al correo electrónico: salondelaluz@gmail.com
1.6. La inscripción de una obra se acompañará además, de materiales de prensa y publicidad tales como: stills, press kits y tráileres. La copia de selección contendrá exclusivamente la grabación de la obra inscrita. Se recomienda que el remitente verifique la correcta reproducción de la copia de selección antes de enviarla al Salón. La imposibilidad de visualizar el contenido de una copia de selección, o que esté defectuosa, invalida automáticamente la inscripción de la obra en el SalónInternacional de La Luz®. Las copias de selección no serán devueltas, y pasarán formar parte del archivo del Salón Internacional de La Luz®
Las películas en idiomas diferentes al español, deberán tener obligatoriamente subtítulos en español, de no ser así, no se tendrán en cuenta para la selección final.
1.7. El jurado en cada categoría estará compuesto por reconocidos profesionales del sector cinematográfico, y sus nombres se darán a conocer el día de la inauguración del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
1.8. Las características de los premios para cada categoría se informarán durante el transcurso del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
1. Las copias para exhibición de las obras seleccionadas por el Salón Internacional de La Luz® , deberán enviarse antes del 15 de abril de 2020.
2. El Salón Internacional de La Luz®, sólo podrá exhibir las obras que participen en la Sección Oficial en alguno de los siguientes formatos:
• Cine 35 mm y 16 mm, DCP, Archivo de Datos, BluRay, LTO 6 o 7.
3. Los costos de envío de las copias desde el lugar de expedición corren por cuenta de quien inscribe la obra.
4. Por disposición de las autoridades de aduana, los materiales inscritos entrarán en el país bajo el régimen de importación temporal.
5. El seguro contratado por el Salón Internacional de La Luz®, cubre los riesgos de incendio, pérdida, robo, daño y destrucción de la copia para el período comprendido entre la llegada al Salón y su retorno a la dirección indicada por quien haya inscrito la copia.
6. En caso de pérdida o deterioro imputable, la indemnización por parte del Salón Internacional de La Luz®, se limitará al costo real de la reproducción de la copia. El plazo máximo para efectuar cualquier reclamación será de dos (2) meses a partir de la fecha de devolución.
1. El Salón Internacional de La Luz®, se reserva el derecho de seleccionar las obras que participan en la Sección Oficial y de establecer el orden y la fecha de exhibición de cada película. Una vez que la aceptación de una obra haya sido comunicada por el Comité de Selección al autor, productor u otra parte interesada que la haya inscrito, y esta haya manifestado su conformidad al respecto, dicha obra no podrá ser retirada antes de su proyección en el certamen.
2. La inscripción supone la plena aceptación del presente Reglamento. Para mayor información o consulta dirigirse al sitio web del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
3. Toda la correspondencia relacionada con el Salón Internacional de La Luz®, debe dirigirse a:
Salón Internacional de La Luz®
P: (57) 3194957408
salondelaluz@gmail.com saloninternacionaldelaluz@gmail.com
Sitio web: www.saloninternacionaldelaluz.com
Durante el Salón Internacional de La Luz se llevarán a cabo una serie de conferencias en torno a la imagen y a la dirección de fotografía, con la participación de reconocidos invitados nacionales e internacionales. Esta sección estará abierta al público general pero se requiere previa inscripción por correo electrónico en : salondelaluz@gmail.com
El SIL®, ofrece un programa de actividades destinado a los profesionales de la dirección de fotografía, la post producción y todo lo relacionado con la creación de la imagen. Esta sección estará abierta al público general pero requiere previa inscripción por correo electrónico en : salondelaluz@gmail.com
Se desarrollarán eventos teóricos sobre la luz, con invitados internacionales, conferencias técnicas y Show-rooms, con la muestra de la última tecnología en cámaras, películas, luces y soportes para la imagen en movimiento. Además, se realizará la muestra “125 años Luz”, con la proyección de algunas de las películas más importantes dentro de la historia de la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica. Adicionalmente se dedicará esta edición, a explorar la relación entre la luz y la pintura y su influencia en la fotografía y cinematografía.
5- LABORATORIO DE LA LUZ® Continuamos con el proceso de formación permanente, con seminarios y talleres especializados en la creación con La Luz. Informes en: laboratoriodelaluz@saloninternacionaldelaluz.com
6- Otras actividades: InLight Magazine®, Tienda de La Luz®, Conversatorio de La Luz®, Café de La Luz® Presentación y venta de libros y revistas especializadas, insumos fotográficos y cinematográficos, exposiciones y conciertos. Lanzamiento especial de la revista y portal web especializado en la luz: In Light Magazine®.
7- ADFC LAB Presentaciones, talleres y conferencias de la Asociación de Directores de Fotografía Cinematográfica de Colombia ADFC.
Email: salondelaluz@gmail.com
P: (57) 3194957408 . Bogotá-Colombia.
Evento registrado: Zer01Digital® Media Lab
SIL® está asociado en ANAFE y registrado ante el SIREC.
ONLY ACCEPTS FILMS FROM THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey.
SEE a Paris is a dedicated attempt of all the twelve South-East European countries to create a special contribution to the cultural unification of Europe as our common home. Dante Alighieri declared Paris to be the “universal spiritual heritage”; Jean Monnet said that if Europe was to be built again, it should definitely start with the culture, and Nicolas Bouvier wrote that “the Balkan is the heart of Europe” in his magnificent book “L’usage du monde”. Therefore, starting this April and following every spring in the future, this heart of Europe shall pulsate in Paris through the films of the SEE cinema.
The Council of the SEE FF in Paris is consisted of 15 members, 12 of which are directors of national film centers or film funds. The Council includes Yves Boisset- President d’honneur, who is a French director and eminent connoisseur of films from the SEE region, Jordan Plevnes- President and founder of the Festival and internationally reputed Macedonian writer, as well as Dragan Milinkovic Fimon- Festival Director, filmologist and festival consultant. President of the Jury is Mr. Max Azoulay, Director of ESRA Group..
The festival program includes feature films, documentaries, animated and short films from all 12 SEE countries. Every festival edition one of the regional festivals from SEE countries will have presentation during the SEE a Paris.
We're looking for weird, wild, ridiculous and outrageous short films and features.
If you shot it and you're proud of it, we're interested.
The Melbourne Underground Film Festival (M.U.F.F.) is a cutting edge premiere showcase for Independent cinema from around the world. It is known for its radical, adventurous and iconoclastic programming decisions, in addition to its support of different voices from independent, alternative, underground and student filmmakers worldwide. The festival focuses on both Australian and International cinema. M.U.F.F. plays many shorts every year and a lot of features, plus an exciting array of documentaries and curated retrospectives. M.U.F.F. is an essential forum for new cinema that will look beyond production values, and find the hidden talent within. M.U.F.F. has been the launching board and incubator for many talented and famous filmmakers including James Wan, Scott Ryan, Jenna Fisher, Jim VanBebber, Bruce LaBruce, Peter Christopherson, Stuart Simpson, Shannon Young, Kel Dolen, Steven Kastrissios, Ivan Kavanagh, Mark Savage, Anna Brownfield, Patrick Hughes, Jeremey DeCeglie, Gregory Pakis and many, many others.
Attending the festival will let you experience a wide selection of Italian-themed contemporary films, documentaries, panel discussions, workshops and events.
The 5th edition ICFF 2016 promises to be a great celebration of the art of Italian cinema. In 5 cities (Toronto, Vaughan, Montreal, Hamilton and Quebec City) , film lovers will find a rich, surprising and eclectic film program, where emerging talent rubs shoulders with prestigious guests. This year, the opening and closing galas will be held at the glamorous Ritz-Carlton and Roy Thomson Hall, where movie goers have the opportunity to mingle with directors and celebrities alike.
ICFF is a Festival that takes place during Canada and Ontario’s “Italian Heritage month.” As the only Italian Film Festival in Canada, ICFF is an influential showcase for contemporary cinema of Italian origin from all over the world and brings together filmmakers and audiences to celebrate Italian heritage cinema as well as explore its new frontiers. All films are in Italian or other foreign languages subtitled in English. ICFF takes place over 9 days of cinematic experiences centred on Italian life, culture and history.
The festival will present an international collection of feature films, documentaries and shorts, including premieres, advance screenings and independent films. Screenings will be supplemented by guest appearances by filmmakers, actors, authors, academics and other expert speakers and complemented by Q&A sessions.
Come join us!
Corti a Ponte is a great little festival in the Venice area.
Films are screened in Italian or in original language with Italian or English subtitles in front of an audience from 3 to 99 year old.
Blissfest333 is a multimedia, cultural arts, film festival.
This festival is about the community and the arts. Getting together in a blissful, harmonious environment. Meeting new friends, artists and the community in a positive atmosphere. Blissfest is devoted to help and raise money for charitable organizations. This year we are helping the sick, the poor, the homeless, and the abused. We also donate and help rescue and save abused animals. We welcome the community with open arms.
We want to position Miscellaneous GLBT International Film Festival of Panama, as the best choice for film screenings with issues related to sexual diversity.
The Wildlife Conservation Film Festival attracts an international representation of film, filmmakers, advocates and scientists dedicated to the preservation of global biodiversity. Visitors come to New York from across the globe to attend this unique film festival. Opportunity for the filmmaker and visitors exist to interact and engage is discussion.
Representatives from multiple distribution companies are invited to review films in the festival for television listings on their respected networks.
The WCFF takes place in New York the third week in October for ten days of film screenings, receptions, workshops and parties. In addition the WCFF hosts a monthly film screening series to accommodate films that can not fit into the the October schedule.
All films accepted are qualified to participate in the WCFF Channel. An online film festival, reaching a global audience that is a subscription platform that pays the filmmakers.
Prokuplje Short Film Festival, founded in 2011, is the youngest film festival in Serbia. In Prokplje is event where audience can see the best from the field of documentary, experimental, animated and fiction from around the world. Thousands of films from all over the world arrive at the festival's address, and it has been reflected by the numerous audiences in Prokuplje, but also in other cities in Serbia and the region,because the team organizes Tour in which the best films are presented in over 30 cities. The lack of the Cinema, as well as the lack of a movie as a subject at school, prevents young people from learning about this art.
In order to see something of this content, the young people must go to Nis, or even to Belgrade. This is an opportunity to see the latest short film achievements from all around the world in Prokuplje. In recent years, according to research, there is a decline in audience attendance at the festivals all over the world. So because of that and because of the introduction of the film to young people, we brought the work with them, in all primary and secondary schools, which are potential audiences and will be animated by the presentation of festival films and the discussion on the significance of the Festival. In addition to work with young people in Prokuplje,the Film Club Prokuplje is the first to start animating the audience from the rural areas, which are completely excluded from all events, especially cultural events.
Based in the Georgian midlands town of Birr, OFFline Film Festival is an exciting event for film lovers and makers alike. With Irish and international films being screened in a quirky array of venues around the town, all preceded by short films, audiences are spoiled for choice.
The festival also includes workshops on all aspects of film-making given by industry professionals. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of OFFline is the short film-making competition.
Teams of film-makers make and edit a short film in Birr in a matter of days, often enlisting the help of locals in front of and behind the cameras.
The films are submitted to an international panel of judges and screened to the public on the final day with the winning short bagging a generous cash prize.
The festival screens narrative and documentary feature and short films, music videos, as well as experimental and animation films, in competitive and non-competitive sections. This event is complemented with repertoire and special screenings. The 22nd Cine Las Americas International Film Festival (CLAIFF22) took place May 1st to 5th, 2019 in Austin, Texas. In addition to welcoming over 3,000 audience members for films and special events, CLAIFF22 screened 114 titles; these selections represented 25 countries’ participation in the production or co-production of the projects, including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Jordan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, UK, Uruguay, USA, and Venezuela.
Over the past 22 years, Cine Las Americas has presented more than 2,600 films in Austin and at various screenings across the state of Texas, becoming one of the most prestigious of Latino film organizations in the country. Cine Las Americas remains a community-oriented organization, offering diverse opportunities for culture, education, professional development and entertainment. Each year the film festival brings a wide range of international films and filmmakers to Austin, creates networking opportunities for industry professionals, and provides a rich cultural experience for attendees.
BuSho (Budapest Short) was established in the autumn of 2004 by a group of young Hungarian filmmakers and the first event successfully ran its course the following year. The festival became an international breakthrough in an exceptionally short period of time. We had plenty of festival screenings, selections of film academies, conferences, exhibitions, film-, and all-art workshops in the program. Our main target group is the generation of developing young filmmakers but we are very delighted at every entry. This film celebration takes place in Budapest in the late summer of 2019.
The DC Shorts Film Festival showcases one of the largest collection of short films in the USA. In 2015, we screened 125 films from 26 countries in 17 unique showcases over 11 days to audiences of more than 9,000 people.
The festival has been named as the “Coolest Short Film Festival” by MovieMaker Magazine, and is a three-time winner of the Washington City Paper’s “Coolest Short Film Festival” contest/award. The 11-day event (September 8-18, 2016) includes film screenings, Q&As, filmmaker workshops and parties in locations throughout the Washington, DC metropolitan area, and online through the secure DC Shorts Online Film Festival.
As we have done since 2003, after programming is announced, ALL ENTRANTS RECEIVE A REPORT WITH THE REVIEW COMMITTEE'S COMMENTS. We believe that filmmakers deserve to understand why their film or screenplay was selected or rejected — and what that process entails. On our submission website, DC Shorts spells out the entire selection process, and offers resources to research the types of material we are most likely to program. ===> We highly recommend reviewing our processes, past festival catalogs and other materials at dcshorts.com