Logo of Cortintelvi International Short Film Festival

30 Mar 2017

Published: 06 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internazionale Cortometraggi Cortintelvi

Cortintelvi International Short Film Festival

Centro Valle Intelvi, Italy

The competition is addressed to filmmakers from all over the world who produce short films and documentaries.

Its purpose is to appraise short films and documentary-films whose goal is expressiveness and cultural disclosure starting a cinematographic event throughout Val d’Intelvi.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Feelfest, Docs, Shorts, Toons international Festival

01 Jul 2017

Published: 05 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Feelfest, Docs, Shorts, Toons international Festival

Feelfest, Docs, Shorts, Toons international Festival

Madrid, Spain

International documentary, short film and animation festival which will be held entirely online on the Video on Demand web portal FEELMAKERS.COM

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Malta Short Film Festival

31 May 2017

Published: 05 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Malta Short Film Festival

Malta Short Film Festival

Malta, Malta

The Malta Short Film Festival is now in its 14th year, and it is adjudicated by a panel of judges. This enables the filmmaker and the viewer to understand the production value of each entry and its ability to communicate with its audience

The final program consists of an award presentation.

The Festival has a wide audience, 40,000 +

9 programmes on Malta National Television. (TVM) and repeat on TVM News Plus on Sundays at 9p.m.1 hour duration, starting Sunday 24 July 2022 and ends on the 25th of September 2022

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of BYU Final Cut Film Festival

22 Sep 2017

Published: 04 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner BYU Final Cut Film Festival

BYU Final Cut Film Festival

Provo, United States

The BYU Final Cut Film Festival is a student-produced, student-created film festival. Over a period of several evenings, we screen a collection of the best fiction films, documentaries, commercials, and animations that students create here at BYU. Final Cut is sponsored by the BYU Theatre and Media Arts department and the Student Film Association.

The purpose of this festival is to encourage students to create and watch meaningful and creative media. Festival submissions are open to all current BYU students.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Lucca Film Festival

20 Feb 2017

Published: 04 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lucca Film Festival

Lucca Film Festival

Lucca, Italy

Lucca Film Festival is an annual event that celebrates and promotes cinematographic culture. Through screenings, exhibitions, conferences and performances, the Festival has been able to captivate an ever-increasing audience with a program that ranges from experimental to mainstream films. Through the years, Lucca Film Festival has carved out a niche for itself, standing apart from the many other festivals thanks to its bold yet carefully studied programming. Over the years, great names of international filmmakers and well-known celebrities have attended Lucca Film Festival as invited guests; David Lynch, Oliver Stone, Jeremy Irons, Willem Dafoe, George Romero, Terry Gilliam, William Friedkin, Alfonso Cuarón, John Boorman, Rutger Hauer, Joe Dante and Peter Greenaway, just to name a few. At the same time, the Festival has offered retrospectives of “old” glories while unearthing new talents. To top it all off, breathtaking Lucca serve as a stunning backdrop to an event that has now firmly established itself, becoming a highly anticipated and not-to-be-missed appointment in Italy and in Europe: the Lucca Film Festival.

Since its creation, the festival has always been committed to promoting contemporary films.
Therefore, directors from all over the world can submit their films to the competitive section of the festival through the dedicated call for entries. The 2022 edition of Lucca Film Festival will be held from 23 Semptember to 1 October, both in cinemas and online.

The 2023 will be the 8th edition of the Lucca Film Festival International Feature Film Competition. In the previous editions important personalities of cinema like Cristi Puiu, Rutger Hauer, Philip Groening and Claudio Giovannesi had been part of the international jury.

The films shown during this competition are Italian premieres and last edition was won by "Yamabuki" di Juichiro Yamasaki.

There are three awards: Best feature film prize (3000€), awarded by a jury of renowned guests from both the cinematographic and academic worlds; and Best feature film – university jury prize (awarded by an university jury), Best feature film - Popular jury and the Marcello Petrozziello Award.

For those who are interested in this competition, the last day for submissions is July 14 2023, until midnight.

There are no limitations to the genre or topic of the films. The only requirements are the following: the films must be at least 60 minutes long and must have been produced in 2022. Moreover, they must be Italian premieres, so they cannot have been presented in any other Italian festival, shown on any online open platform or distributed in any other way in Italy.

For the 18th year in a row, it will take place the historic short films competition, whose winner will receive a 500€ prize. Every year, the selection committee of this competition receives more than 300 films to evaluate. Among the directors who took part in earlier editions, there are celebrities like Adan Jodorowsky, son of the famous Chilean filmmaker.
Even though the “free experimentation” is the fil rouge of this year's edition, the films have no limitations in genre and topic. The only requirement is that they cannot last more than 29 minutes. For the short films competition, the last day for submissions is July 28, 2023, until midnight.

Lucca Film Festival launches, for the 2023 edition, a new short film competition, "Lucca Film Festival for Future", which was born thanks to the collaboration with the Sofidel Group, 2nd producer in Europe and 7th in the world for production capacity in the sector of paper for hygienic and domestic use (known in particular for the Regina brand), which has made sustainability a strategic lever of development and responsible growth to reduce its impact on natural capital and favour the transition towards a low carbon impact economy. The prize is 1000€.

List of the selected films will be published on the festival’s website within September 15, 2023. During the festival the movies will be shown in the cinemas taking part in the event and on demand online.

The Lucca Film Festival, coordinated by Nicola Borrelli, is one of the key events organized and sponsored by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca.

The event's main sponsors are Banca Generali and Banca Pictet, whereas the exhibits are produced with the support of Banca Société Générale. The organization of the Lucca Film Festival has also been possible thanks to the funding from Funder35 and the support of Gesam Gas & Luce S.p.A Istituto Luce Cinecittà S.r.l., Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca, Baldini Vernici, Lucar S.p.A Lions Club Lucca Le Mura, Alleanza Assicurazioni S.p.A, Luccaorganizza, Il Ciocco S.p.A, MiBACT (the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism), the Region of Tuscany, the City of Lucca, the Province of Lucca with the collaboration and co-production of the Giglio Theatre in Lucca, Consociazione Nazionale donatori di sangue Fratres, Fondazione Giacomo Puccini e Museo Puccini – Casa Natale, Fondazione Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti, Fondazione Mario Tobino, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Martinelli Luce, CG Entertainment, Fondazione Centro Arti Visive e Fondazione UIBI. Thanks also to Lucca Comics & Games, Trenitalia Regional Management, Unicoop Firenze and to the Degree Course in Performing Arts and Civilization Department of Communication and Forms of Knowledge at the University of Pisa, Photolux Festival and App18 for their collaboration.

Come to the Lucca Film Festival and experience a full 360° immersion in both the cinema and the heart of Tuscany.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Los Angeles Short Film Festival

31 Jan 2017

Published: 04 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Los Angeles Short Film Festival

Los Angeles Short Film Festival

Los Angeles, United States

Welcome to the Los Angeles Short Film Festival. This is an International Film Festival.

This is an International Film Festival. Everybody can submit. Film festivals are still the best place to screen independent work and get it noticed. With YouTube and Vimeo so overcrowded, good shorts often drown in a sea of bad. Showing the best of the best is a priority at Los Angeles Short Film Festival. We provide filmmakers an opportunity to share their shorts with an enthusiastic and responsive audience that’s eager to see new films, new faces, and new art. Los Angeles Short Film Festival – where emerging talent finds a place to shine!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Hendaia Film Festival

30 May 2017

Published: 04 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Hendaia Film Festival

Hendaia Film Festival

Hendaye, France

(En español debajo)

The HFF is the first short film festival in Hendaye. Since its creation in 2013, on the initiative of the association Begiradak, this Festival focuses on the distribution of films that value differences (both linguistically and culturally and socially):

The presented works can participate and be judged by a jury of recognized professionals of the sector.

An international official section.

In addition, short films and documentaries out of competition will be presented in the context of a focus, a tribute, a previews or exceptional sessions.-------------------------------------------------

El HFF es el primer festival de cortometrajes en Hendaya. Desde su creación en 2013, por iniciativa de la asociación Begiradak, este Festival se centra en la distribución de películas que valoran las diferencias (tanto lingüísticas como culturales y sociales):

Los trabajos presentados pueden participar y ser juzgados por un jurado de reconocidos profesionales del sector.

Una sección oficial internacional.

Además, cortometrajes y documentales fuera de concurso se presentarán en el contexto de un enfoque, un homenaje, una vista previa o sesiones excepcionales.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Los Angeles CineFest

31 Jan 2017

Published: 03 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Los Angeles CineFest

Los Angeles CineFest

Los Angeles, United States

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of craft film festival bcn

15 Feb 2017

Published: 03 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner craft film festival bcn

craft film festival bcn

Barcelona, Spain

Autoproduced feature films , DIY film micro budget only.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Soundscreen Film festival

01 Mar 2017

Published: 03 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Soundscreen Film Festival

Soundscreen Film festival

Ravenna, Italy

A new FILM Festival dedicated to all films that have MUSIC as protagonist.

Cinema and music have always been arts in close relationship. Music, in Cinema, is obviously a soundtrack which defines the identity of the film; but it can also be the main theme of the story: from fictions to biopics, from documentaries to musicals. The Festival aims to explore the new talents of cinema who consider Music as a fundamental element of Cinema.


Main event of the Festival, it will screen the best international films for artistic research, Italian premieres of all genres, related to Music: fictions, documentaries, musicals and biopics.

INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION for SHORTS. A selection of 15 short films of all genres, related to Music: fictions, documentaries, musicals and biopics.

SPECIAL EVENTS. This section will screen works by celebrated film-makers and by the protagonists of the musical scene, in national premiere.

SATELLITE EVENT: the festival every year proposes a live film-concert of classic films performed by the best contemporary music groups.

PANORAMA on the new trends of international cinema in the last 10 years, all films unreleased in Italy.

Another kind of culture is possible: intellectual without being academic, popular without being populist, intelligent without being boring, artistic without being incomprehensible.

The festival aims to create a new culture of cinema, showing its new forms and alternative genres, a fine cinema born in a fresh biodiversity made of brilliant ideas, great visions and powerful emotions; and exploring, in the contemporary arts, the more and more fertile relationship between cinema and music.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Turku Animated Film Festival

30 Apr 2017

Published: 03 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Turku Animated Film Festival

Turku Animated Film Festival

Turku, Finland

Turku Animated Film Festival is a fresh international film festival that celebrates the creative mind and the art of animation.

TAFF seeks to promote animated film culture both in Finland and internationally. We are the biggest animated film festival in Finland, creating a platform for encounters between filmmakers, industry delegates and local lovers of animation. We’re also interested in extending the concept of film screening, bringing together cinema and other forms of creativity as well as entertainment.

For the International Competition, International Student Film Competition, TAFF Junior Competition and National Competition we are looking for original, bold, uncompromising & inventive animated shorts under 30 minutes to compete for Grand Prix, Best Professional Film, Best Student Film, Tough Eye award, TAFF Junior Award, Main Prize in National Competition and Audience award in International Competition. In addition, the festival programme consists of a seductive selection of carefully selected special programme screenings, workshops, discussions, exhibitions and escpecially parties.

TAFF takes place in the hometown of the renowned Turku Arts Academy. Our venue is a beautifully restored old factory milieu by the River Aura in Turku, Finland.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of International Film Festival for Peace, Inspiration and Equality

19 Aug 2017

Published: 03 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Film Festival for Peace, Inspiration and Equality

International Film Festival for Peace, Inspiration and Equality

Jakarta, Indonesia

The International Film Festival for Peace, Inspiration, and Equality (IFFPIE) was established to celebrate the World Peace Day (September 21) and to participate in making a more peaceful and better world, raise the quality of life, and maintain intercultural relationship for better acceptance and deeper understanding of people and diversity in life. Our main mission is to promote films about peace, inspiration and equality issues, carrying strong methods of storytelling, produced with excellent technique and crafted with passion and love for humanity.

IIFFPIE is one of the members of a consortium festivals group internationalfilmfestivals.org which aim is to help promote the goals of the United Nations in celebrating international days of peace, women, anti-discrimination, tolerance, youth, family, humanitarian, human rights, health, environment, disability, etc.

We receive submissions from all over the world. The festival accepts feature and short film, documentary (any length), screenplay, music video, and we welcome ambitious newcomers to star their excellent films. The festival appreciates all the hard work every department contributes to making a film. With the all-in-one package, juries of the festival will value various performances such as directing, cinematography, editing, performance, story, acting, sound, production design, costume design, music, etc. The festival would give separate awards if they got selected.

Following the big success of our last year's events and outstanding acclaim from Indonesian audience regarding international film festivals about peace, inspiration, and equality, and to celebrate the United Nation International Day of Peace on September 2017, with the bright hope we are welcoming filmmakers into our seventh-year festival.

Our prominent past winner include the Indonesian President, former USA President, Pope, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Hollywood stars, Academy Award Winners, and many more.

We conduct a press conference, awards ceremony, workshop, and dozens of films are screened. Working together with the largest Indonesian cinema network, several private foundations and international culture centers, and having good connection with influential members of high-ranking society, the festival has managed to conduct yearly outstanding awards ceremony attended by kings, sultans, queen, ministers, senators, parliament members, notable guests, artists, and leading newspapers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of World Humanitarian Awards

15 Jun 2017

Published: 03 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner World Humanitarian Awards

World Humanitarian Awards

Jakarta, Indonesia


Welcome aboard, humanitarian heroes.
World Humanitarian Awards is part of a big festival group, the International Film Festivals. Working closely with the Council of Creative People (Dewan Kreatif Rakyat) and International i-Hebat Volunteers, we strive to give recognition to people, who work and dedicate his/her life for the betterment of humanity. He/she could be anyone from any kind of profession, from all age, and from any parts of the world. May it be an ordinary man/female or a nation leader. We value hard works labored for peace and humanity, reaching hunger souls crying for help.

Our mission is to promote humanitarian issues and inspire others. Winning person profile will become our showcase based on their CVs.

The Festival Group prominent past winners include President Jimmy Carter, John Pope II, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, and many Hollywood stars: Alice Krige, Robin Shou, Dennis Rodman, Leonardo DiCaprio, Academy Award Winner Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen, James Cromwell, David Anders, Julian Sands, Pearl Jam, U2, etc.
May all the good works spread around the globe and become both a living sample and inspiration to others.

We receive submissions from all over the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of BASFF Bariloche Short Fantastic Film Festival

31 Aug 2017

Published: 03 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner BASFF Bariloche Short Fantastic Film Festival

BASFF Bariloche Short Fantastic Film Festival

Bariloche, Argentina

The festival brings together directors, producers, screenwriters, editors, actors, technicians, cultural managers and professionals related to horror movies, science fiction, fantasy and thriller (among other genres).

The purpose of the group will disseminate and promote Argentine film genre to encourage their production, distribution and exhibition.

We created the "BA Fantastic Shorts" as a way to keep abreast of what is produced in the world and spread it in our country.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Urban Films Festival 2021

01 Jun 2017

Published: 03 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Urban Films Festival 2021

Urban Films Festival 2021

Paris, France

As part of the 16th edition of the Urban Films
Festival organized by the association RStyle,
and to be held in Paris which will take place from 7 to 10 October 2021, the association launches its call for entries until June 30,2021.

What is the urban film ? : ”Films devoted to the city and to all the practices and ways of life that come from it. Through urban films, true stories, whether somber or funny, find their common denominator in their scenery: the street, from Seoul to Rio, and passing by Seattle or Ouagadougou. The urban movies rediscover the city in a broad sense: history, dance, movement, community, streets cultures, sports, all of the aspects of the city and urban cultures are represented.”

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Music Video

Logo of Urban Film Festival

14 Jul 2017

Published: 02 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Urban Film Festival

Urban Film Festival

Miami, United States

We are one of the largest international gatherings of Urban film and film industry experts, sharpening skills of young filmmakers, meanwhile allowing them to showcase their masterpieces internationally.

International Urban Film Festivals giving Urban content a Voice at the highest level of industry exposure. We celebrate content by the creators for the creators.

An outlet for real people, with genuine dreams, who want to tell their stories in their own voice in their own way.

Providing upcoming filmmakers with a dynamic platform, creating more opportunities to show their films.

Showcasing up and coming filmmakers as well as educate them to be organized, reduce costs, and time to help structure their content and learn higher level pre-production and post-production skills.

Urban Film Festival is a four-day event focusing on educating, exposing, and providing distribution opportunities for the new generation urban filmmaker. Held in sunny Miami, FL every Labor Day weekend, UFF is dedicated to providing a platform that allows urban artists the same opportunities as mainstream genres.


Producer Workshops – Pre-Production, Line-Producing, Scheduling, Budgeting & Contracts

RED Camera Workshops – Camera Tech., Managing Data, Financing Options, Current Education of RED Camera Technology.

Director & DP Workshops Administered by CVT/ Rum Bum – ASC Certified DP/Cinematographer Egon Stephens

Screenwriting Workshops –Story Structure, Plot Driven Scripts vs. Character Driven Scripts, Character Arch: Creating Multi-Dimensional Characters, Character Development from Concept to Finish. Marketable scripts. Script formatting

Acting Workshops – Building character. Multi-dimensional characters. Understanding your character arch. Script analysis.

Beginners “Actor’s Tool Box”: intro to acting, preparing your actor’s resume, actor’s reel, the importance of improvisation, basic scene study for actors, how to dissect a script, basic movement for actors, basic voice and diction for actors, basic steps to landing a major role

Advanced: “Actor’s Black Box Series” – top actors will be involved in the workshop that are a part of Fall Series. Advanced techniques for actors, advanced character analysis, Method Acting, Advanced Movement, Advanced techniques to landing the Major role, Script Analysis, Successful tips for being cast for a major role.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Golden Knight Malta International Short Film Festival

30 Sep 2017

Published: 02 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Golden Knight Malta International Short Film Festival

Golden Knight Malta International Short Film Festival

Marsa, Malta

One of the longest running film festivals of its kind worldwide. It is a short film festival open to non-professional productions, film school students as well as commercial productions. It is held annually during the last week of November.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Iron Mule Film Festival

31 Dec 2017

Published: 02 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Iron Mule Film Festival

Iron Mule Film Festival

New York, United States

Iron Mule is New York's only monthly short comedy film series, screening narrative, documentary, animated and experimental comedies from around the world. In our 15 years we have presented more than 1,000 movies, including early work from many celebrated filmmakers and comedians such as Stephen Colbert, Seth Macfarlane, Lena Dunham, Aziz Ansari, and Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Galzer.

Each screening features a guest judge from the world of film, comedy, television, or the New York art scene. Hosts Jay Stern and Victor Varnado interview attending filmmakers during the show, and each screening is followed by an after party, in which filmmakers and audience members can mingle.

In addition, Iron Mule produces the "Wanna Be a Star" contest, in which an audience member is chosen to star in a new film directed by an Iron Mule filmmaker to be shown at the following month's screening.

The Iron Mule is an open, accessible festival dedicated to fostering a community of filmmakers and film fans.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Arte Non Stop Festival  /  International Film and Art Festival

01 Aug 2017

Published: 02 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Arte Non Stop Festival / Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arte

Arte Non Stop Festival / International Film and Art Festival

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Due to the Pandemic, there will be no screenings of Films and no Exhibition of Works of Art in theaters, it will be a Virtual Festival from October 26 to 28 BA2024.

Art Non Stop Festival, is the International Film and Art Festival born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which takes place from October 26 to 28. Organized by the Producer Arte Non Stop, combining Cinema, Painting and Sculpture under the exclusive theme of cinema.

The reason for the Festival is to Promote Art in all its Expressions. Providing a new space year after year to the Artists and Sculptors, to interact their works of art together with the Films of Art and Fiction that participate from all over the world in different contests and categories, with functions and exhibitions open to all public.

It is an Official Independent Festival, free exhibitions and with itinerant venues that it renews year after year - Non-conventional Projection, Not in Cinemas - because its seeking to discover and promote new Art Spaces and create new viewers.

That is why it calls the Artists to Carry out Workshops live to create Works of Art intervened by all the Artists present, with the idea that they are Donated to beneficial institutions

Making Films and Art Works Exhibitions, Free exhibitions from October 26 to 28.


1 -Competencia Oficial Largometraje Internacional
Para aquellos realizadores que cuenten con 2 (dos) o más películas de largometraje (nacional y/o internacional) de ficción, animación y/o documental (Realizado en cualquier formato). Duración Superior a los 60 (sesenta) minutos.-

-Competition Official International Feature Film
For those filmmakers who have 2 (two) or more feature films (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (Made in any format). Duration exceeding 60 (sixty) minutes. -Títulos Incluídos-

2 -Official Competition Debut Film
For those filmmakers who present their first feature film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (made in any format) Duration of more than 60 (sixty) minutes. -Including Titles

3 -Competition Official Animation
For those filmmakers who present their feature film (national and / or international) of fiction and / or animation made in any format. Free run time. -Including Titles

4 -Official Documentary Competition
For those filmmakers of documentary (national and / or international) of fiction documentary, animation documentary and / or real documentary (made in any format). Duration exceeding 45 (forty-five) minutes. -Including Titles-

5 -Competition Medium-length Official Competition
For those filmmakers who present their film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (Made in any format). Duration from 10 (ten) minutes to 44 (forty four) minutes -including titles

6 -Competition Official Short film
For those filmmakers who present their short film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (made in any format). Duration LESS than 10 (ten) minutes -including titles-

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of 12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, New Delhi, India

31 Aug 2017

Published: 02 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, New Delhi, India

12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, New Delhi, India

New Delhi, India

12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, at New Delhi, India on 4th Jan-10th Jan, 2025

The Delhi International Film Festival Academy Awards is organized in various parts of the world annually, to recognize, honor and encourage excellence in Indian Cinema. The vast cultural and geographical diversities in India contribute to an eclectic and heady mixture of popular and art cinema in every region. Indian Film Industry has always been an amalgamation of Regional and Hindi Film Industry - both thriving uniquely as well as blending beautifully into a symbiotic relationship. DIFFAA attempts to bring under one roof and on one stage, Regional cinema as well as the famed Bollywood from India, and award artistic and technical brilliance in films released during the previous calendar year.


1. DIFFA AWARDS, organized by the DELHI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ACADEMY is a unique concept based on the sole purpose of promotion of Indian Cinema all over the world. Delhi International Film Festival has been striving towards taking the Culture and Cinema of India to various countries, ever since its first edition of a very rich Regional Film Industry is lesser known. To bring to the foray, the excellent films which :

2. Indian Films are hugely popular across continents and also, the existence of a very rich Regional Film Industry is lesser known. To bring to the foray, the excellent films which are made in India, be it the Hindi Films or the Regional, DIFF has conceived the idea of an Award, which will be given to individuals and cinema of excellence.

3. The Information & Broadcasting Ministry and the Culture & Tourism Ministries associate with Delhi International Film Festival. This support from the Government adds value to the DIFFA Awards. Also, the Embassies of various countries have expressed interest in the event.

4. DIFFA Awards will also present awards to the films made by the Host Country. An Advisory Board will recommend the films released during the year which shall be considered for Awards. Films so selected will also be screened during the DIFFA screening events.



12th DELHI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL-2025 is being organized from 4th JAN TO 10th Jan, 2025, at NEW DELHI, as a Seven day event, in association with GOVT. OF NAGALAND, NDMC, INFORMATION & BROADCASTING MINISTRY and THE CULTURE AND TOURISM Ministary, FILM BANDHU, UTTAR PRADESH are our Associate Partners.

The festival is approved by the INFORMATION & BROADCASTING MINISTRY and works as a composite body to promote INDIAN CINEMA, CULTURE AND TOURISM in INDIA and ABROAD.

DIFF has now grown into a global platform joining hands to collaborate with a multitude of film festivals in many countries or offering support to a host of upcoming festivals across the world. DIFF aims at understanding the science, art and emotion behind cinema, reaching it out to the audiences far and wide and promoting Indian Cinema, Art and Culture. The Festival offers premier showcase opportunity for talented film makers and artists, celebrates AVANTE GARDE CINEMA, felicitates masters and achievers from all walks of life and brings countries closer by building bridges to enable cross cultural exchanges, social understanding and creative idealization.

12th DELHI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL-2025 will be held from 4th JAN TO 10th Jan, 2025 at NEW DELHI

Also with this 11th DIFF 2024 is going to showcase 193 films from more than 58 countries and about 100 works of art displayed at the Art Show. Film Personalities, Artists, Diplomats, Political dignitaries and audiences close to 5000, will witness the spectacular Opening Ceremony, Closing & Awards Event and savor the vast variety of films screened during the festival.

With the focus on African Cinema , DIFF will screen some very interesting films.

Information & Broadcasting Ministry and NDMC offered invaluable support and association for this edition of DIFF as in the earlier editions. Jharkhand, Assam, UP-Film Bandhu, Uttrakhand became the State and Tourism Partner and ARGENTINA AND SENEGAL are the Country Partners this year.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video