Festival start: 10 July 2020
Festival end: 12 July 2020
The 23rd Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival [2019. 07.17 – 2019.07.21]:
International Animated Film Festival is now live for with a call for entries.
Greetings from the SICAF International Animated Film Festival!
The SICAF International Animated Film Festival is one of the most renowned animation festivals in Asia. The 23rd Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival hopes to not only preserve past traditions but also discover with new, exciting trends within the animation industry. With that, the SICAF International Animated Film Festival (7.17-7.21 at Seoul) would like to open its call for entries. We look forward to your participation in the following categories of the official competition: Feature, Short, Student, KID and Online & Commissioned.
Cash Prizes: 16,320€
(Korean currency: Won)
Feature Films
Best Picture 10,000,000
Short Films
Best Picture 5,000,000
Student Films
Best Picture 1,000,000
Best Picture 1,000,000
KIDS Choice
Audience Award 1,000,000
TV & Commissioned
Best Picture 1,000,000
SICAF Choice
Best Picture 1,000,000
SICAF Best Korean Film 1,000,000
*All winners are responsible for their own income tax withholding.
SICAF is not responsible for withholding any taxes or payments to any government agency, at any level.
SICAF 2020: Seoul International Animated Film Festival
Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival (SICAF) is organized by SICAF Organizing Committee, and Seoul Metropolitan Government with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
SICAF 2020 International Animated Film Festival aims to introduce the hidden gems of animations and expand the horizon of animated films
SICAF 2020 International Animated Film Festival will be held from July 10 to 12, 2020 in Seoul, Korea.
D. Official languages
The official languages of SICAF 2020 are Korean and english..
E. Qualification for Entry
Any video or film (i.e. frame by frame films, computer assisted animation films, etc.) made for the cinema, television and/or internet, can be entered. Only films completed after 1st April 2018 and never previously selected for SICAF final selection will be accepted. Each entrant declares to be the author or rights owner of film(s) and to own all the literary, artistic and musical rights. Information supplied at the time of registration will be used in various bilingual publications and may be translated or modified. Failure to obtain such agreement will result in the works being disqualified from the competition.
Work must be registered under one of the following categories :
1) Feature Films : Works with a running time of over 40 minutes in length and/or films made for cinema
2) Short Films : Works with a running time of less than 40 minutes in length
3) Student Films : Works produced by students with a running time of less than 40 minutes in length
4) SICAF KID : Works made for children
- Films for under 12 years old
5) TV & Commissioned : Animated works created for the purpose of commerce or promotion and TV series.
a) TV series, web series and TV special
b) Advertisement/Marketing Videos(Music Videos, Game related works, etc.)
c) Web series, Web animation and moving toon.
- Upload one's submission to Festhome and send required documents through SICAF’s e-mail. If one is having difficulties with uploading the submission via Festhome, please submit your work through Vimeo(http://vimeo.com) and send a link address, password and required documents to SICAF’s e-mail.
- One’s films should be downloadable and active up to 10th July 2020.
- Set a password to your URL links.
- All non-english or Korean language film entries must have english subtitle when submitted
Works must be submitted with the one of the following high definition original formats for screenings:
24-frame is preferred.
a) High Definition File (mov. with process 422HQ or MP4 with h.264 preferable)
b) DCP
The original work submitted to the finals must be the same as the films for the pre-selection review.
1) No registration fee is required.
2) Compulsory enclosures:
a) Entry form : Available at SICAF official website www.sicaf.org
b) Biography and filmography of director
c) Preview screener (with english subtitles)
d) 3 different photos of major scene (min. 6cm x 6cm, 300 dpi)
e) A photo of the director/s (min. 6cm x 8cm, 300 dpi)
f) Scripts of dialogue and/or commentary in original language and english
3) Submissions, along with required materials should be submitted online and received by the team by April 12, 2020
Late submissions will not be included in the judging process.
- The members of the SICAF Selection Committee, all of whom must be animated film specialists, will be appointed by the SICAF Organizing Committee.
- The SICAF Selection Committee member must not be involved in the production and/or distribution of any works submitted for selection.
- The pre-selection result will be announced no later than April, 2020 via SICAF official website and email newsletter.
- The SICAF Selection Committee will judge and finalize the award-winning films.
- The SICAF Organizing Committee will finalize SICAF Selection Committee members, and will be announced on public, prior to the festival, through SICAF’s official website: www.sicaf.org.
- The SICAF Selection Committee will be made up of 50% of foreign specialists in the animated film field.
- The jury members in the SICAF selection committee will have the final say in the results; questions regarding the decisions made will not be accepted.
- Based on the final decision of the jury there may not be an awardee.
- The final results will be announced through official website: www.sicaf.org , e-mail, and SICAF’s social media.
I. awards
* Official award and prize offer may be adjusted by adding, changing and/or modifying.
- The SICAF Organizing Committee will not be responsible for customs duty in the process of shipment. To ensure safe and timely shipment, mark the parcel with and do not list a value higher than USD10.00 on your entry package.
- When sending submissions, transportation costs and insurance charges must be fully paid by the entrant. The Festival will not assume responsibility for any charges. Any submission sent carriage forward to the Organizing Committee will be refused and returned.
- All materials submitted for pre-selection will not be returned.
- For the FINAL FEATURE FILMS, SHORT FILMS, STUDENT FILMS, SICAF KID, TV & COMMISSIONED, SICAF Organizing Committee will bear the one-way return shipping cost. The shipment will be made only through the official courier service designated by the Festival, and the return shipment should be made to the origin.
- SICAF Organizing Committee will only be responsible for film storage and insurance costs during the storage period. In case of loss or deterioration, the organizer is liable to a replacement value of prints based on standard rates.
- All non-english language entries must have original time-coded text of the original dialogue and/or commentary, as well as translated english subtitles for screenings.
- Non-english speaking films must be subtitled in english by the entrants themselves, at their own expense.
- For final selection films with dialogue, SICAF Organizing Committee will subtitle non-Korean speaking films. The Committee will bear all expenses of this operation only if the festival office receives the complete english or Korean text of the dialogue and commentary, before 12th April, 2020. The following subtitle will remain as SICAF’s property.
- The SICAF Organizing Committee will offer the selected applicants the followings:
1) Festival Badge
2) Accommodation (double occupancy)
- Directors or representatives entitled to the hospitality must confirm about the details of attendance dates during July 17~21 by May 15, 2020.
- Films selected for final selection will be screened at SICAF’s official venue.
- Upon submitting the entry application, the applicant is deemed that they will be showing their work if they are to become a finalist.
- The SICAF Organizing Committee may share a part of the animated film on the internet, social media, or marketing firms; we will screen no longer than 10% of the film (maximum: 5 minutes). The SICAF Organizing Committee has the right to edit the entrant’s film for said usage.
- After the 2020 festival, SICAF will have the right to screen the participant’s film at SICAF-related events and use it for non-commercial purposes. In this case, SICAF will have consent from the directors.
※ ‘SICAF in Local’ is a project with a purpose of sharing and expanding the culture of animation and art – this will be included in the “SICAF-related events.”
- Selected films in SICAF 2020 will be used for SICAF related events such as a program of animation education and an animation archiving with a director’s consent.
- The SICAF Organizing Committee gratefully accepts donations of prints of award-winning films and films in the final competition of the Festival.
- The SICAF Organizing Committee will start returning works within 30 working days after the Festival has ended. Applicants must inform the Organizing Committee the return address when sending print. If the return address is different from its origin, the SICAF Organizing Committee will not cover the shipment expenses.
- Works submitted for the pre-selection cannot be returned in any circumstance.
- Other matters not indicated in these regulations will be decided by the SICAF Organizing Committee.
- Entries and awards may be canceled if they do not comply with the entry requirements or if the entries are found to be false.
- In submitting the entry form for SICAF 2020 Animated Film Festival, the SICAF Organizing Committee considers that the entrant accepts, without reservation, the terms of the present regulations as stated in this document.
Short Fims
Short Films 40'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
12 Apr 20
Save up
Works with a running time of less than 40 minutes in length
Feature Flms
Short and Feature Films >40'
No Fee
Submissions deadline
12 Apr 20
Save up
Works with a running time of over 40 minutes in length and/or films made for cinema
Student Flms
Short Films 40'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
12 Apr 20
Save up
Works produced by students with a running time of less than 40 minutes in length
Short Films 40'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
12 Apr 20
Save up
Works made for children
- Films for under 12 years old
SICAF TV & Commissioned
Short Films 40'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
12 Apr 20
Save up
TV & Commissioned : Animated works created for the purpose of commerce or promotion and TV series.
a) TV series, web series and TV special
b) Advertisement/Marketing Videos(Music Videos, Game related works, etc.)
c) Web series, Web animation and moving toon.