19th Rengo International Film Festival 2023

Rengo, Chile

Logo of 19th Rengo International Film Festival 2023

30 Sep 2023

Published: 20 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

FECIR aims to offer Chilean and foreign filmmakers a space for dissemination, exhibition and exchange of ideas, promoting audiovisual artistic creation and its relationship with the public. It also gives the commune of Rengo, the VI Region and Country, a space for reflection and recreation around filmmaking.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Photo of 19º Festival Internacional De Cine De Rengo 2023
Photo of 19º Festival Internacional De Cine De Rengo 2023
Photo of 19º Festival Internacional De Cine De Rengo 2023
Photo of 19º Festival Internacional De Cine De Rengo 2023

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Puerto Rico International Experimental Film and Animation Exhibition - MICEA

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Logo of Puerto Rico International Experimental Film and Animation Exhibition - MICEA

15 Jan 2024

Published: 19 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

The Experimental Film and Animation Festival of Puerto Rico, known by its acronym in Spanish "MICEA", is a film festival dedicated to promoting and presenting alternative cinema in Puerto Rico.

Our mission is to expose the public to a raw and daring cinema.

The MICEA has four national and international sections to present audiovisual works of the highest quality. Our priority is to show films from Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and Latin America in order to promote cultural exchange.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Experimental

Photo of Muestra Internacional De Cine Experimental Y Animación De Puerto Rico - MICEA
Photo of Muestra Internacional De Cine Experimental Y Animación De Puerto Rico - MICEA
Photo of Muestra Internacional De Cine Experimental Y Animación De Puerto Rico - MICEA
Photo of Muestra Internacional De Cine Experimental Y Animación De Puerto Rico - MICEA

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Rural FilmFest

Camp d'Elx, Spain

Logo of Rural FilmFest

30 Apr 2024

Published: 19 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Rural FilmFest, member of Green Film Network (GFN), is an international itinerant film festival, which offers a current overview of international documentary film, fiction and animation in a short, medium and long format related to the rural world, ecology, sustainability and natural and cultural resources. Rural FilmFest is not a common film festival, it is a unique and unrepeatable event. It is a summer camp, with excursions, multi-adventure, geocaching awards ceremony (Yes, you read that right. As a filmmaker you will have to find your trophy at the closing gala via GPS coordinates), international coexistence, dance, party and lifelong friendships. It is the experience of your life and if you attend, you will not want it goes over and you will want to return next year... If you have a fiction film, animation or documentary whether it is a short film or a feature film, do not hesitate to submit.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Rural FilmFest
Photo of Rural FilmFest
Photo of Rural FilmFest
Photo of Rural FilmFest

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Monterrey , Mexico


17 Sep 2023

Published: 19 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Tur de cine mexicano, is a competition festival that celebrates its tenth edition this year, presenting feature films and short films from all genres of Mexican cinema and inviting international films to participate in its programming. In this tenth edition there will only be one winner.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


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Granada Film Fest

Granada, Spain

Logo of Granada Film Fest

04 Sep 2023

Published: 19 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Focused since three decades ago on the discovery of new talents and the diversity of contemporary cinema, Granada Film Fest has a special interest in upcoming filmmakers of all nationalities, open to films decided to explore new audiovisual forms regardless of their definition, genre, format or duration.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Photo of Festival Jóvenes Realizadores
Photo of Festival Jóvenes Realizadores
Photo of Festival Jóvenes Realizadores
Photo of Festival Jóvenes Realizadores

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VII Al Este Film Festival

Bogotá - Medellín, Colombia

Logo of VII Al Este Film Festival

17 Oct 2023

Published: 18 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Al Este is a festival coming out from the french festival A l'Est du Nouveau. Present in Colombia since 2018, the mission of the festival is to promote film culture of the other Europe, that relegated to independent circuits, owning however, an invaluable wealth and tradition. Thus, Al Este - Colombia seeks to spread the filmography of Central and Eastern Europe into a profitable cultural exchange with South America.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Photo of VII Festival De Cine Al Este
Photo of VII Festival De Cine Al Este
Photo of VII Festival De Cine Al Este
Photo of VII Festival De Cine Al Este

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Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote


Logo of Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote

24 Sep 2023

Published: 17 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote is a project organised by Asociación Tenique Cultural, a non-profit organisation whose main goals are to promote, diffuse and debate independent films, analyse the local context and connect it to global level.

The 13th edition of the project is scheduled to be held between November 23 and December 3, 2023.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote
Photo of Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote
Photo of Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote
Photo of Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote

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Festival Internacional de Cine Luz del Desierto

Avellaneda, Argentina

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cine Luz del Desierto

20 Aug 2023

Published: 17 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

The Luz del Desierto International Festival is an audiovisual Festival that aims to promote cinema within the country and abroad. The festival will take place in october with competition for feature films and short films, both fiction, animation and documentary. There will also be talks and workshops.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Luz Del Desierto
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Luz Del Desierto
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Luz Del Desierto
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine Luz Del Desierto

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National Television Series Contest FICAL 2023

Almería, Spain

Logo of National Television Series Contest FICAL 2023

09 Oct 2023

Published: 16 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

National Spanish TV series competition only.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Photo of Certamen Nacional De Series De Televisión Almería 2023
Photo of Certamen Nacional De Series De Televisión Almería 2023
Photo of Certamen Nacional De Series De Televisión Almería 2023
Photo of Certamen Nacional De Series De Televisión Almería 2023

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7ed. IBICINE, Ibiza’s Festival - Astarté Awards

Ibiza, Spain

Logo of 7ed. IBICINE, Ibiza’s Festival - Astarté Awards

15 Sep 2023

Published: 16 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of 7ed. IBICINE, Ibiza’s Festival - Astarté Awards

Ibicine Asociación Cinematográfica de Ibiza (IACI) nace por amor al cine y a la isla de Ibiza con el firme compromiso de dotar a la isla de actividades relacionadas con el cine así como de una programación cinematográfica que abra el abanico de actividades culturales de la isla a nuevos públicos y convertir así Ibiza en un punto de encuentro del sector cinematográfico nacional e internacional.

Ibicine, Festival de Ibiza, es un festival organizado dentro de las actividades anuales de IACI. Un festival que apuesta por el talento emergente nacional, internacional y de las Islas Baleares.

Ibicine busca engrandecer a cineastas emergentes y generar vínculos con talentos consagrados, dotando de especial importancia al cortometraje y a sus técnicos, premiando por categorías los aspectos técnicos y artísticos que tienen cabida en estas producciones cinematográficas con los premios Astarté, una estatuilla creada y elaborada en Ibiza en honor a la diosa fenicia que dejó huella en la isla.

Además de la Sección Oficial de Cortometrajes SOC, el festival también cuenta con Secciones Paralelas, así como la Sección Oficial de Largometrajes SOL y los proyectos en desarrollo gracias a la creación del Foro de proyectos del Mercado de Cine de Ibiza para impulsar el cine profesional en la isla, de manera que se genere un punto de encuentro con la industria nacional e internacional para generar y fortalecer las relaciones dentro del sector: creadores, productores, plataformas, compradores, etc. se dan cita en Ibiza, un sitio perfecto para desconectar de las rutinas y del estrés de las grandes ciudades y, en este escenario perfecto se dan lugar sinergias, nuevos proyectos y aprendizaje, cerrándose contratos y generando así industria cinematográfica en un entorno inigualable.

Ibicine ha sido seleccionado por la UNESCO como festival representante de España en las rutas de turismo cinematográfico Movie Travel, ha recibido el reconocimiento del Consell d’Eivissa, ha sido premiado con el Business Excellence Award como Mejor Festival de las Islas Baleares por la revista Acquisition International y, recientemente ha recibido el galardón por la revista LUXlife como Festival del año 2023 - España.

Desde 2022 el Festival es colaborador de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España, formando parte del listado de festivales que califican para los premios Goya ‘24.

De esta manera, los cortometrajes premiados con el Astarté a mejor cortometraje de Ficción y con el Astarté a mejor cortometraje Documental, optarán directamente a la nominación a los premios Goya, y los seleccionados en Sección Oficial de Ibicine podrán optar a entrar en la lista de calificados a los Goya si suman, junto a esta selección otras seis selecciones en festivales colaboradores de la Academia. ***

***Para consultar las bases de participación en la 38 edición de los premios Goya
haz click en el siguiente enlace (cortometrajes en la página 39) : https://www.premiosgoya.com/pdfs/bases-38-premios-goya/
***Para consultar el listado de los festivales colaboradores a los premios Goya:

El comité de selección de Ibicine está formado por profesionales del sector de diferentes gremios: montaje, dirección, guion, dirección de fotografía, interpretación, etc. y trabaja de manera conjunta para que la selección sea cuidada y responda siempre a los criterios de calidad profesional, diversidad, igualdad y temáticas y géneros variados, para lograr una programación anual que logre llevar a los espectadores a disfrutar y aprender del séptimo arte a través de las diferentes historias.

El jurado de cada edición de Ibicine es siempre paritario y se compone de una media de entre cinco y siete profesionales del sector cinematográfico, representantes también de los diferentes gremios. El jurado es presidido por un/a profesional seleccionado/a por la junta directiva de la Asociación, que tiene las competencias de hacer desempatar en caso de empate, además de atender a medios en nombre del resto del jurado, siempre está formado por gran parte de miembros de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España.

Ibicine ha sido amadrinado en cada una de sus ediciones por las actrices Paz Vega, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, Nadia de Santiago, Inma Cuevas y Michelle Calvó y apadrinado, desde la primera edición, por el actor y cómico Jon Plazaola, quien nos acompaña en cada edición como padrino vitalicio del festival.

Hasta la fecha, hemos celebrado y reconocido el talento de talentos nacionales, premiando a sus carreras cinematográficas con el premio Astarté de Honor a: la actriz Terele Pávez, la directora Isabel Coixet, la Asociación de Mujeres Cineastas y de Medios Audiovisuales CIMA, el actor y director Paco León, la actriz Yolanda Ramos, la cómica Eva Soriano y la periodista y divulgadora cinematográfica Cayetana Guillén Cuervo.

Ibicine es posible gracias al apoyo de las instituciones insulares como el Consell d’Eivissa, l’Ajuntament d’Eivissa, l'Ajuntament de Santa Eulària y l’Ajuntament de Sant Antoni de Portmany, así como a empresas patrocinadoras, colaboradores y a la difusión mediática de los media partners como IB3, Diario de Ibiza, TEF y Periódico de Ibiza. Es gracias a ellos, al equipo apasionado y a voluntarios que se suman cada año, que este encuentro cultural en Ibiza es posible y se ha convertido en poco tiempo en una cita anual imprescindible para todo cinéfilo/a.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté
Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté
Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté
Photo of 7ªed. IBICINE, Festival de Ibiza - Premios Astarté

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Censored Film Festival

Lima, Peru

Logo of Censored Film Festival

01 Nov 2023

Published: 16 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

We are looking for films that have been censored, banned or that have found barriers to be exhibited for political, social, corporate, religious reasons, among others, anywhere in the world and during the last two years.

Censurados Film Festival is a film festival that disseminates and makes visible "the cinema that they don't want you to see". Based in Peru, the festival is committed to freedom of expression, human rights and diversity through the screening of films and the organization of artistic and educational activities. During the film event, a space for dialogue on censorship is also generated where the diversity of voices, artistic expressions and ideas can find a place to coexist and express themselves freely.

City and dates of the 10th edition of the Festival: Arequipa, from January 12 to 19, 2024.
Deadline: November 1, 2023.


1. Censorship Competition. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from anywhere in the world that have been censored due to political, religious, corporate, authoritarian or social pressures or interests, among others, or that have been victims of threats and/or violence, either during its investigation, production or realization as well as in its exhibition and/or distribution. It is an essential requirement to provide demonstrable information about the censorship, threat, pressure or violence that the film has suffered. Two Scissors will be awarded, one for each of the following categories:

Scissors for Best Censored Feature Film (Duration: +30 minutes).
Scissors for Best Censored Short Film (Duration: -30 minutes).

2. International Competition. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from anywhere in the world -except Peru- that aesthetically and discursively address issues of censorship and/or artistic freedom and expression. No duration limit.

3. Peruvian Competition. Peruvian fiction, documentary, animation and cinematographic experimentation films with no duration limit that formally and discursively address political, social and cultural issues with creative freedom. A prize of 1,500 Soles will be offered for the winning film.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Photo of Censurados Film Festival
Photo of Censurados Film Festival
Photo of Censurados Film Festival
Photo of Censurados Film Festival

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Caracas Movie Critics` Film Festival

Caracas, Venezuela

Logo of Caracas Movie Critics` Film Festival

30 Sep 2023

Published: 15 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

The Caracas Film Criticism Festival is conceived as a space to reflect and reward the expression of significance of film criticism in various national and international works. From In this way, it seeks to encourage, promote and disseminate Venezuelan cinema, as well as the analysis depth of the cinema made in Venezuela in comparison with the international cinema awarded in the
festivals in Berlin, Cannes, Locarno, San Sebastián and Venice.

The Caracas Film Critics Festival is designed as a space for reflection which aims to reward the best national and international works, according to the standards of film criticism.

In this way, we seek to carry out an in-depth analysis of the cinema made in Venezuela and abroad.

Of it, as well as encourage, promote and disseminate the cinematographic act. From a point of view external, thanks to the participation of foreign collaborators.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Photo of Festival de la Critica Cinematográfica de Caracas
Photo of Festival de la Critica Cinematográfica de Caracas
Photo of Festival de la Critica Cinematográfica de Caracas
Photo of Festival de la Critica Cinematográfica de Caracas

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Festival Internacional FESCILMAR

Barcelona, Venezuela

Logo of Festival Internacional  FESCILMAR

10 Nov 2023

Published: 15 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

We are an International Short Film Festival, which works in the Dissemination and promotion of Venezuelan cinematography, Latin American and worldwide in four countries simultaneously;

And of all its cultural scope. Try to show cinematographic works that entertain, but above all, that exert an influence education in children, youth and the general population.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Festival Internacional  Fescilmar
Photo of Festival Internacional  Fescilmar
Photo of Festival Internacional  Fescilmar
Photo of Festival Internacional  Fescilmar

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20 Oct 2023

Published: 15 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

The Excellency Ezcaray City Council, with the collaboration of Desván Films, announces the 7th EZCARAY ENCORTO National Short Film Festival 2023 in order to promote the creation and dissemination of cinema as well as boost and enhance the cultural, social and economic life of Ezcaray.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Photo of Ezcaray En corto
Photo of Ezcaray En corto
Photo of Ezcaray En corto
Photo of Ezcaray En corto

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Lunigiana Cinema Festival

Fivizzano, Italy

Logo of Lunigiana Cinema Festival

01 Jun 2024

Published: 15 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Lunigiana Film Festival is a festival dedicate to shortfilms that takes place in the "Città Nobile of Fivizzano", an ancient village in Tuscany on the Via Francigena.

The festival is divided into three categories: - Free theme - Environmental theme - Human rigts

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Photo of Lunigiana Cinema Festival
Photo of Lunigiana Cinema Festival
Photo of Lunigiana Cinema Festival
Photo of Lunigiana Cinema Festival

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Montenegrian Online Smartphone International Film Festival (MOSIFF)

Podgorica, Montenegro

Logo of Montenegrian Online Smartphone International Film Festival (MOSIFF)

01 May 2024

Published: 14 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Montenegrian Online Smartphone International Film Festival (MOSIFF)

Montenegrian Online Smartphone International Film Festival (MOSIFF) organisers are pleased to invite all filmmakers, entertainers, creative industry stakeholders, movie lovers and smartphone users to the prestigious festival.

MOSIFF provides new emerging film makers an international platform to showcase ideas, talents and creativity irrespective of the budget.

Encouraging professionals, amateurs and aspiring film makers to share their stories shot on a smartphones, tablets, and webcams to be screen on the big screen.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Photo of Montenegrian Online Smartphone International Film Festival (MOSIFF)
Photo of Montenegrian Online Smartphone International Film Festival (MOSIFF)
Photo of Montenegrian Online Smartphone International Film Festival (MOSIFF)
Photo of Montenegrian Online Smartphone International Film Festival (MOSIFF)

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1000 Gritos Film Festival

Punta Alta, Argentina

Logo of 1000 Gritos Film Festival

15 Sep 2023

Published: 14 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Only for Argentine filmmakers.

Short film festival

 Fantastic  Terror

Photo of Festival 1000 Gritos
Photo of Festival 1000 Gritos
Photo of Festival 1000 Gritos
Photo of Festival 1000 Gritos

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Chennai World Cinema Festival

Chennai, India

Logo of Chennai World Cinema Festival

01 Mar 2024

Published: 14 Aug 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Chennai World Cinema Festival Launch Program: 01-09-2023 To 03-09-2023.
The inaugural Chennai World Cinema Festival was held successfully for three days on September 1, 2, & 3. 700 seater Sri Devi Karumari Theater. A wide screen like an IMAX theater. It is a theater with 4K projection and Dolby Atmos sound system.

3 days,
18 screenings,
27 Short Films & Feature Films,
18,000 visitors,
70 Film Industry Celebrities.
The ceremony was held well.
All visitors were admitted free of charge.

More than 100 print dailies, online magazines, Twitter posts, Facebook posts, Instagram posts, YouTube videos, etc., all covered the festival.

Screening fee, travel expenses, accommodation expenses were given to the creative team who are not financially comfortable.
Film festivals to come will be grander than this.

With love
Director World Cinema Bhaskaran.
Contact: +919003917667

Chennai World Cinema Festival
07-06-2024 – 13-06-2024
[Here the ceremony must be held on the specified date.]

Chennai World Cinema Festival
07-06-2024 – 13-06-2024
INR 2,500,000 Cash Award Festival.
2023 New Year Offer!
You can apply free of charge for all categories till April 1st, 2024.

More Than Just A Festival!

Art, in all forms, inspires us. From the first drawings of prehistoric man to Artificial Intelligence driven illustrations, the journey of art has been one of curiosity, progress, and redemption. The form of cinema is the most impactful of them all. It is only this art form that has the power to blend time with space. The real and the images correspond to one another in films. It is only in cinema that we can reflect, introspect and often modify our realities as well as our history. It is a medium to look into our past and our future.

The transnationality of films often translates one civilization to another. Cinema is a calling card for the universal values of humanity.

We are here to celebrate this power of films: the power to unite, the power to transform and transcend. We are at the Chennai World Cinema Festival!

Tamil cinema has a history of 100 years.

Rangaswamy Nataraja Mudaliar (1885 – 3 May 1971) is known as the father of the Tamil Nadu film industry and was a pioneer in producing silent films. He had, directed, and released South India’s first silent film ‘Keesaka Vatham’ in 1918. The first Tamil talking feature film, Kalidas, a multilingual directed by H M Reddy was released on 31 October 1931. More than 100 Tamil movies are produced every year. Chennai is the Capital of the Tamil Cinema Industry.
Chennai World Cinema Festival is a unique film competition organized by working professionals from the film industry.
Our programming team focuses on Feature Films & Short Films, as our main mission is to promote talent and their vision. This festival encourages filmmakers from all countries to enter the Film Competition where we will be screening Indian and International feature-length films and short films. The festival will consider any film in any genre. From entertaining to educational, inspirational to thought-provoking, comedic to ironic, CWCF is the place to showcase your films to the widest possible live audience.

So, if you’re a Feature Film filmmaker or a filmmaker who creates innovative short films – whether they’re Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Action, Historical, Horror, LGBTQ, Children, Animation, or Experimental – you’re welcome to enter.

Date and Place:
The Chennai World Cinema Festival will be held from June 07 - 13, 2024 in Chennai, India
Festival Program:
The festival program is divided into the following categories:

Films produced internationally. Filmmakers working in all International languages, and those working on Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Action, Historical, Biography, Horror, LGBTQ, Children, Animation, or Experimental are encouraged to apply.

INDIAN WORLD CINEMA [Competition Section]:
The producer and the Director should be Indian nationals. Filmmakers working in all Indian regional languages, and those working on Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Action, Historical, Biography, Horror, LGBTQ, Children, Animation, or Experimental are encouraged to apply.

Winner of any category in FIPRESCI (International federations of film critics) Accredited festivals of the period 2021-24 are eligible under this category.

FIPRESCI ( International Federation of Film Critics ) Winners World Cinema Non-Competition Section:

[All Submitted films get screening & Digital certificate.]

Winner of any category in INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF FILM PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION-FIAPF ACCREDITED FESTIVALS of the period 2021-24 are eligible under this category.

FIAPF Winners World Cinema Non-Competition Section:

[All Submitted films get screening & Digital certificate.]

Short Films produced internationally. Filmmakers working in all International languages, and those working on Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Action, Historical, Biography, Horror, LGBTQ, Children, Animation, or Experimental are encouraged to apply.

INDIAN SHORT FILM [Competition Section]:
Short Films Producer and the Director should be Indian nationals.. Filmmakers working in all Indian regional languages, and those working on Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Action, Historical, Biography, Horror, LGBTQ, Children, Animation, or Experimental are encouraged to apply.

Programming is the soul of CWCF. The festival is programmed with care by the festival selection committee, keeping in mind cinematic aspects, as well as the topicality, social relevance, and geographical representation of the films. We welcome films that seek out new cinematic languages to engage honestly with issues of great concern.

CWCF aims to be shown on the most giant cinema screens.

1. SriDevi Karumari Theater, [700 Seat, 4K Projection, Dolby Atmos Sound] Virugambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,India.

2. Prasad Preview Theatre 4K Barco Projection, Dolby Atmos Sound, 200 Seat ], Arunachalam Road, Saligramam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

3. NFDC Tagore Theatre [4K Digital Projection, Dolby Atmos Sound, 100 Seat] Music College Road, State Bank Of India Colony, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai - 600028.

Welcome on board!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Photo of Chennai World Cinema Festival
Photo of Chennai World Cinema Festival
Photo of Chennai World Cinema Festival
Photo of Chennai World Cinema Festival

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International University Film Festival Lanterna

Ciudad de México, Mexico

Logo of International University Film Festival Lanterna

14 Aug 2023

Published: 12 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Throughout the history of cinema, people from all over the world have turned to this art form to escape their reality and become part of a story external to themselves. Movies speak to all individuals, regardless of their qualities, flaws, similarities, or differences. Cinema has the power and task of telling stories that transcend and have a profound impact on viewers. It is a great responsibility, one that has been revolutionized more than once over the past century by visionary filmmakers who dared to go beyond and changed the film world forever, becoming pioneers and agents of change. In the same century, humanity has witnessed countless events that have caused a rupture in the social framework of what is known, and it is in these moments that influential individuals emerge, marking a before and after. The seventh art, cinema, has been responsible for capturing these stories on the big screen, ensuring that they reach more people. This is how inspiration is born, how transcendence is achieved, and how new Change Makers are discovered.

This is the 13th edition of the International University Film Festival LANTERNA 2023. The power and knowledge shared with thousands of students throughout this Festival will serve as the engine and inspiration that will accompany them for the rest of their lives. With our deepest pride, we invite you to FICU LANTERNA 2023, Change Makers.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Universitaria Lanterna

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My town without garbage

Todos Santos, Mexico

Logo of My town without garbage

29 Sep 2023

Published: 12 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

The 19th TODOS SANTOS FILM FESTIVAL (FCTS) to be held from November 24 to November 26, 2023, call filmmakers from Baja California Sur or residents of Mexico to participate with their Cineminuto films in a competition inspired by the ecology of Baja California Sur and caring for your environment.

My town without garbage, sponsored by Cero Basura, is the project of 19 FCTS who, since its creation, has been dedicated to the conservation of our environment, through the dissemination of its films, documentaries, animations and its films produced by the School Cinema film Leonardo Perel.

Through the powerful of film, we creatively express in direct and concise messages the beauty of BCS, the need to protect our seas, towns and cities, the richness of its flora and fauna in our peninsula. The FCTS will disseminate the most outstanding films produced during the next 19th edition, as well as in collaboration events with other festivals and film clubs.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Photo of Mi pueblo sin basura
Photo of Mi pueblo sin basura
Photo of Mi pueblo sin basura
Photo of Mi pueblo sin basura

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