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The Liverpool Irish Festival is proud to be supporting the inaugural Celtic Animation Film Festival, which will feature as part of this year’s programme, showcasing creative ingenuity and stories from and about Celtic life. The main focus of this festival-within-a-festival will take place 20-21 October 2017 and will involve screenings, talks and awards.
The inaugural Celtic Animation Film Festival competition provides a platform for established animators of Celtic heritage and emerging Celtic animators from around the world.
CAFc celebrates storytelling relating to Celtic identity, myths, cultural history and personal stories from Celtic animators from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man, Brittany and Cornwall and those who have migrated around the world. CAFc also welcomes international animation submissions celebrating cultural diversity and identity from outside the Celtic regions.
Los Angeles Academy of Film Awards (LAAFA) is an organization focused on bringing Independent films from around the world a venue to show filmmakers’ shorts and feature films to an audience in the center of the Entertainment Industry. LAAFA is a quarterly festivals with a yearly LIVE screening, for selected winners from each quarter, held in Hollywood, California on February 10, 2018. All filmmakers who entered are welcome to join us at the LIVE screening. We will also hold Q&A’s as a live streamed interviews for those filmmakers’ films who can not attend.
Il Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Skepto ha carattere competitivo ed è aperto a cortometraggi senza limiti per quanto riguarda il soggetto, lo stile o il budget di produzione. È aperto a cortometraggi di ogni genere, tra cui documentari, videoclip musicali, videoart, cortometraggi sperimentali, spot, trailer falsi, format di nuovi media, video mobili, ecc.
Il festival si svolgerà a Cagliari nell'aprile 2022, con proiezioni collaterali nelle stesse date o nei mesi successivi (entro la fine del 2022 — abbiamo in programma di organizzare almeno due eventi in altre località sarde e due in altre città italiane o internazionali). Le date esatte saranno pubblicate sul sito ufficiale del Festival
Il Tallahassee Film Festival è orgoglioso di una programmazione eccezionale e inaspettata. Crediamo che il cinema sia una forma d'arte che ha la capacità di apportare cambiamenti non solo nella vita di qualcuno, ma nel mondo, e quindi rispettiamo e nutriamo i nostri registi selezionati come artisti con qualcosa di importante da dire. Abbiamo creato questo Festival come uno spazio sicuro per artisti e registi per condividere il loro lavoro con un pubblico sia dei loro coetanei che di coloro che apprezzano il cinema.
Il Tallahassee Film Festival ha tenuto il suo evento inaugurale nel maggio 2008. Da allora, il Festival ha portato film e registi all'avanguardia nella capitale della Florida. Abbiamo presentato film di registi vincitori degli Oscar, prima che fossero vincitori degli Oscar. Abbiamo presentato film in anteprima provenienti da tutto il mondo e da molti dei festival cinematografici più prestigiosi. Nel corso degli anni, il Festival è diventato un hub internazionale per i registi per mettere in rete, far festa e condividere il loro lavoro con un pubblico che la pensano e apprezzerà il cinema.
«Screen Short Fest 2024" è un festival internazionale di cortometraggi, che torna alla sua sesta edizione. Il festival è nato da un'idea di Soham Banerjee, un pluripremiato regista e imprenditore di cortometraggi.
Il festival invita tutti i registi di cortometraggi, con i loro cortometraggi, nel genere live-action e animazione, in qualsiasi lingua (con sottotitoli in inglese), entro la durata di 20 minuti (compresi titolo e crediti).
Il festival mira a mostrare il meglio degli ultimi cortometraggi nazionali e internazionali del mondo davanti agli amanti del cinema di Calcutta, in India.
Il 19° Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio Asiana (AISFF2021) è presentato dal Comitato Esecutivo dell'AISFF.
L'obiettivo del Tlanchana Fest, Film e Digital Art Festival è quello di fornire più spazi per la mostra e di permettere al nuovo talent show il loro lavoro. Incoraggiamo la creazione di film in combinazione con i nuovi media e l'arte digitale.
SUBMIT TODAY! $5000.00 in awards
10th Annual Web Series Festival Global
September 8, 2023 Online Screenings & Awards with presenters from around the globe.
• All Genres accepted
• For A Global Community Of Content Creators
• Helping Creatives Shape the Future of TV
• Entries considered for Grand Prize or Category Winner $5000.00 in Awards
• We accept links to view online
• IMDB official event
A great opportunity for anyone wanting to
gain more exposure for their web series. There are four
categories that will be judged in this competition which are
Web Series Scripts (all lengths and formats)
Web Series
One Page Feedback
Content can be submitted with or without distribution.
All submissions will also be considered for the grand prize. $5000.00 in Awards!
You could be the next Award Winner! Submit today. Screenings & Awards are from the heart of Hollywood. For our global community of creators, online screenings & awards.
Genres include but are not limited to: Drama, Comedy, Action, SyFy, Documentary, LGBT, Script, Animation, E/I, Horror. Experimental, Social and more.
• All award wins must be used within one year of festival win date.
Submit early and save.
“We saw the other winners, and there are some truly great series, congratulations!” – Rose of Dolls
“We would like to express our gratefulness for recognition and acknowledgement.” – Cedra Wal
“The biggest prize was just being accepted and considered and I’m entirely grateful for the experience.” – V. Carubia
"Web Series Festival Global is a very well run festival with great
communications with a group of prestigious judges that I’ve found to be more than fair in their selection processes.
I highly recommend this Film Festival to any screenwriter looking to have their Web Series take a major step in the right direction." -
Charles Petrilla
"Good communication. Nice people. Great selections." -Christopher Ramsey
Lanciato nel 2008, ENFOQUE International Film Festival, un festival cinematografico annuale che si tiene a Porto Rico e si è stabilito con lo scopo di mostrare film che contribuiranno e cambieranno la vita delle persone attraverso il potere della cinematografia. Giunto alla sua decima edizione, il Festival internazionale del cinema ENFOQUE 2019, torna a Porto Rico dal 05 al 08 giugno con il meglio del cinema. ENFOQUE proietta lungometraggi nazionali e internazionali, documentari, video musicali e cortometraggi che rappresentano paesi di tutto il mondo da registi emergenti e premiati da una serie di premi della giuria e del pubblico. ENFOQUE offre al pubblico appassionato di film l'accesso a registi acclamati dalla critica, professionisti dell'industria cinematografica e talenti emergenti provenienti da tutto il mondo.
La programmazione comprende il festival del cinema in PR, nuove mostre di musica e arte, ENFOQUELABS, eventi familiari e comunitari, premi per registi e un concorso di cortometraggi riconosciuto a livello nazionale.
Il Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Cartagena de Indias è un evento cinematografico orientato socialmente e culturalmente e per scelta, ad accesso gratuito per chiunque. La FICCI legge costantemente le circostanze particolari del nostro paese e del nostro mondo per produrre ogni anno una versione di livello mondiale del nostro festival, guidata dalla conservazione della libertà e dall'amplificazione della conversazione culturale attraverso film ed eventi accademici pertinenti, umani, sottili, sofisticati e che fungono da veicolo per migliorare la coscienza umana, espandere la democrazia e contribuire a creare società libere, progressiste e inclusive.
Il Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival (FICCI) è il forum più antico e permanente delle Americhe per il cinema colombiano, iberoamericano e mondiale. Essendo parte attiva della mappa del cinema mondiale dal 1960, nella 64a edizione, continuerà a fornire spazi per la memoria, la riflessione, voci diverse e, come sempre, per la migliore cinefilia.
Il Festival valorizza la libertà creativa dei registi di tutto il mondo e offre spazio a film di qualsiasi formato, lunghezza, nazionalità, tema, genere o tecnica, che soddisfano i più alti standard di qualità, assumono rischi narrativi e propongono contenuti di grande rilevanza umana e cinematografica, pertinenza e sostenibilità.
Festival Internazionale dei Cortometraggi di Errenteria, che nel 2021 celebra la sua XXVI edizione. Il nostro festival è caratterizzato da un impegno per il cortometraggio basco, una difesa basca e una promozione del cortometraggio spagnolo.
The Music Video Underground is competition festival exclusively focused on music videos, dance films, animated music videos, and other special stuff made of music and video.
You have music, you have images, and it's not a film ? We want it.
It's bizarre or borderline ? Submit to Best Music Video and we will consider you for free in addition for the BEST SPECIAL STUFF category, our own personal jewels we pick every month. There no limit for this one...
We are looking for all sorts of music videos. We are named the International Music Video Underground.
International means we accept videos from everywhere.
Music means we love music.
Video means you can do anything mixing images with music.
Underground means we are looking for fun, for ideas, for engaged artists, not only big budget productions. It also means we are approachable.
We select Music Videos and dance movies from all over the world and we screen them to give young artists both sides of the camera an opportunity to be noticed for their talents
2016 : took place in Paris
2017 : took place in Los Angeles (Sunset Boulevard)
2018 : took place in Los Angeles (Studio City)
2019 : next annual screening will have the festival back in PARIS.
Do you have an inspirational or CHRISTIAN faith-based film that will leave the viewer encouraged, uplifted or in a place of retrospection? Whether it's a short or feature film, animation or a mini-film, we want your film!
Please note however, that the festival takes place on a church property, therefore NO PROFANITY, NO NUDITY, NO HORROR OR INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT WILL BE ACCEPTED.
The three-day festival begins with a welcome party will screen short films, feature films and documentaries from around the world, that inspire hope, encourage dreams, and tell stories about courage and faith in the midst of challenges.
ON Awards Night, we will have winners in all categories plus a special award for Best Female Director/Filmmaker. There are also a host of special awards such as the Inspiring Missions Awards and the coveted Inspired Faith Award for the top film.
Categories are: Mini, Short, Middy, Feature, Student, Documentary and Animation.
Inspired Sisters!!! Give your faith-based and inspiring films an audience. We will honor women filmmakers, directors and/or producers with a Best Female Filmmaker/Director award dedicated just to recognizing the contributions of women filmmakers to the industry.
Inspired students!!! Students are encouraged to submit their short films for consideration.
Inspired Animation!!! We would love to see an inspirational story in animation. Remember, children's stories can be inspiring too.
Inspired Faith is produced by BarriVIsion Films & Productions, Inc., producers of family-friendly and faith-based films and television programming. The festival is sponsored by BarriVision Films and Redeemed Christian Fellowship, where it will be held.
So head for Marietta, just an hour from downtown Atlanta, Georgia in May, for a weekend of exciting films, fun and fellowship.
See you there!
Kiev International Film Festival ( KIFF) successfully held its first season. We are opening entry for the 2nd season. Looking forward to your work.
All the genres will be represented at the festival.
Cinematographers from all over the world have a chance to present their works . Special discounts and awards will be offered for student projects.
Professionals from 5 countries have been invited to form the jury.
There also will be public vote and people's choice awards.The audience will be able to enjoy the most interesting works in different genres
Our plans are to show films from more than 25 countries.
"Kiev International Film Festival" welcomes everyone!
The cinematographers will be able to present their projects for a reasonable fee
as we will have to cover the expenses on renting cinema theaters, advertising, organization. For more information please go here:
"Kiev International Film Festival" will be held from May 25-27, 2018
For an audacious and innovative cinema which does not amount to the basic vocabulary, which really raises itself the question of the direction, for an innovative cinema which is not formated " French cinema " style excessive social realism, but which inhales the big wide with visual and sound experiments which will remain burnt in us of long weeks after the projection, and especially, for a cinema which makes us dream and like the cinema, come to WE LOVE PARIS FILM FESTIVAL.
The 7th Goyang Smart Film Festival is aimed at exhibiting pure creations for two competing sectors of the short competition and mobile competition, and selects outstanding works through competition screening.
The 48 Hour Film Project is a wild and sleepless weekend in which you and a team make a movie - write, shoot, and edit - in just 48 hours. The 48HFP is the world's oldest and largest timed filmmaking competition – the granddaddy of them all. If you want the real deal, this is it. The 48HFP is all about creativity and fun. It's also about community.
La nostra missione è fornire strumenti ai registi di tutto il mondo, per esporre e distribuire i loro lavori. INCORTO raggiunge milioni di spettatori e registi attraverso INCORTO Film Festival, attraverso Film Channel e attraverso il tour di proiezioni dal vivo, che distribuisce parte dei suoi profitti a registi di 95 paesi.
For 9 years a film festival grew on Patmos surrounded by friends and colleagues who believed in the vision to create a filmmakers’ meeting point on the Aegean. The supporters of this idea succeeded in building an international festival and a platform for the development of new projects and ideas.
The international Aegean Film Festival has the mission to educate, entertain, and invite filmmakers and opinion leaders to this unique celebration of cinema. We consider a great honour for us and an award for filmmakers to be selected to travel and present their work to the audience of the islands. Therefore, we do all we can to provide perfect screening specifications in open air cinemas, stress free conditions for networking, inspiring seminars and events for our guests and finally to promote the films beyond Greece through collaborations with international platforms and other festivals.
Royal Holloway University of London is proud to announce its third official Film Festival!
The festival will take place in just one day, on Sunday 2nd of June, from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, in Founder's Building at Royal Holloway.