Festival start: 25 November 2021
Festival end: 28 November 2021
International Festival of Shortfilms of Errenteria, which in 2021 celebrates its XXVI edition. Our festival is characterized by a commitment to the Basque short film, a Basque defense and a promotion of the Spanish short film.
Cash Prizes: 3,400€
• Ion Arretxe Award for Best address: €1200, Diploma and Trophy.
• Special Jury Mention Awards: €800, Diploma and Trophy.
• Award for the best short in Euskera: €800, Diploma and Trophy.
• Audience Award: €300 Diploma and Trophy.
On the screening days of the shorts, at the end of each session, the public will have the option to vote the one they like the most. The short film with the highest number of votes in all screenings will be the winner of the audience award (Note: the daily number of votes for the short films will be in percentage of the number of viewers that day)
In addition to the Official Jury, there will be a jury composed of young people. This jury will deliver a single prize called the Young Jury Prize for an amount of 300€.
1. The XXVI Short Film Festival of Errenteria is convened, in order to promote and develop the audiovisual arts in general and between the people and among those of our region in particular.
2. All authors over the age of 16 may participate in the same. The director of the work is considered author or writer.
3. The works must be original and not prior to the year 2020
4. The theme and genre will be free (fiction, animation, documentary, ...)
5. The works may be subject to any argument and appear in any language. The works presented in a language other than Euskera or Spanish must be subtitled to any of the two languages mentioned.
6. The maximum duration of the films to be tender will not exceed 15 minutes.
7. The proposals that by their content, language, image or message could offer a discriminatory image of women or sexist stereotypes and promote an image against the values of equality, will be left out of the contest, balanced presence, diversity, co-responsibility, and plurality of gender roles and identities, or to be offensive, to hurt the sensibility or to violate the rights of third parties.
8. The deadline for submission of work ends on August, 1st 2021 at 23:59.
9. The works will be presented on the platform FESTHOME https://festhome.com
10. The works that will go to the competition phase will be selected by a selection committee of the Errenteria Short Film Festival.
A minimum of 24 works and a maximum of 35 will pass to the competition phase; the duration and quality of the works will decide the final quantity. The preselection will be notified to all the participants by email.
11. Composition of the jury (5 members with vote):
• Presidency: The councillor Delegate of culture or person in whom he delegates.
• Members: three specialists in audiovisual arts and a technician from the Department of Culture.
• Secretariat: An official of the Department of Culture, with a voice but without a vote.
The name of the members of the jury will be announced on the Film Festival's web page, https://film.errenteria.eus/
12. The jury shall award the following prizes:
• Ion Arretxe Award for Best address: €1200, Diploma and Trophy.
• Special Jury Mention Awards: €800, Diploma and Trophy.
• Award for the best short in Euskera: €800, Diploma and Trophy.
• Audience Award: €300 Diploma and Trophy.
On the screening days of the shorts, at the end of each session, the public will have the option to vote the one they like the most. The short film with the highest number of votes in all screenings will be the winner of the audience award (Note: the daily number of votes for the short films will be in percentage of the number of viewers that day)
13. In addition to the jury indicated in point #12, there will be a jury composed of young people. This jury will deliver a single prize called the Young Jury Prize for an amount of 300€.
14. If the submitted works do not meet the sufficient quality, the Jury will have the power to leave the prizes void.
15. The amount of the prizes is subject to the statutory withholding tax.
16. The selected works will be screened at a festival to be held on 25, 26 and 27 November 2021. On November 27, the jury will issue its ruling, awarding any of the works or, if necessary, leaving the contest deserted. On the 28th, prizes will be given, the pass of the winners and others who, even if they were out of competition, have special interest.
17. To receive the prizes, it is essential to present, either in person or by accredited delegation, at the delivery ceremony.
18. The City Council reserves the right to keep a copy of the short film, in order to devote it to archiving, promotion and propaganda or projections and samples of short films.
19. The City Council reserves the right to exhibit the short film presented to the festival in samples of short films organized by it.
20. The works selected by the Jury will be screened in the sessions open to the public organized within the Festival
21. The selected shorts must send a projection copy in a format of sufficient quality. In the event that this involves any expense, it will be borne by the participant.
22. Participation in this contest implies the total acceptance of these bases. In turn, the city Council of Errenteria will take the necessary measures to develop and apply the established in them.