Cine Sinú Audiovisual Festival

Montería, Colombia

Logo of Cine Sinú Audiovisual Festival

15 Sep 2016

공개됨: 06 Jul 2016
 출품비 있음

Cine Sinú Audiovisual Festival is an event developed to promote and disseminate the National Audiovisual Production and Local . Emerges as a collective concern of search spaces for the dissemination of works and generate the interaction between artists and the community at large , in order to strengthen the audiovisual culture in the Department of Cordoba, Colombia .

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션  판타스틱영화  공포영화  실험영화

Photo of Muestra Audiovisual Cine Sinú
Photo of Muestra Audiovisual Cine Sinú
Photo of Muestra Audiovisual Cine Sinú
Photo of Muestra Audiovisual Cine Sinú

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