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Cittador International Film Festival in Vienna, a vibrant two-day event, showcases independent films. Crafted to recognize and reward emerging talent, it goes beyond mere entertainment, aiming to inspire and engage both film enthusiasts and creators. This festival is a curated experience that transcends conventional cinema, offering a platform for emerging voices and inspiring passion for the cinematic arts.
We strive to spotlight global cinematic themes in short and feature films, showcasing a diverse palette of genres for a comprehensive cinematic experience. Emphasizing filmmaker perspectives, we provide a platform for interviews to share their visions with the audience. Our festival welcomes all filmmakers who appreciate inspirational, high-quality, engaging, original, and imaginative short and feature films.
Cittador International Film Festival considers feature films up to 120 minutes and short films up to 30 minutes running time.
The live cinema screenings of the winning films will take place at the Studiokino Lugner City Vienna, Austria.