Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

Trieste, Italy

Logo of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

18 Sep 2015

Veröffentlicht: 29 May 2015
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is a multidisciplinary event devoted to the exploration of the realms of the “fantastic” genre, and the use of new technologies and experimental languages in film, television and visual arts. Its main purpose is to present and promote, in Italy and in its neighboring countries, “fantastic” productions from all over the world, focusing particularly on science-fiction and fantasy cinematographic and audio-visual works.
The 17th edition of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival will run October 31, 2017 - November 5, 2017.

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is organized by the Italian film center La Cappella Underground. Since 2005, Trieste Science+Fiction Festival has been a member of the E.F.F.F.F. – European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation


Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere

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