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The Naoussa International Film Festival constitutes a unique event. It's a very pioneering, innovative, youthful, active, vivid, and qualitative experience. For the Naoussa International Film Festival, the adoption of digital technology consists of an evident strategist choice. A choice which brings it in the front role of progress in the new digital era of cinema and contributes to the formation of its distinguishable character.
Thanks to the technological innovations and the willingness of its people, the festival embraces all creators, provides a chance to express themselves, supports them, showing particular interest in the creator and his/her work.
The quality, vividness, variety, innovation, and professionalism that discriminate each individual part of the festival have established it in the consciousness of creators and the public as a real cultural celebration.
A festival that people around the globe, distinguished people of the artistic field, high-quality pictures, events of unique interests, activities for children imaginary musical journeys, along with the spirit of volunteers compose an impressive mosaic of colors, images, sounds, culture, joy, and creation.