Noticias: Festivales de cine


International Festival of Outdoor Fims

Ostrava, Republica Checa

Logo of International Festival of Outdoor Fims

Fecha Límite
31 May 2018

Publicado: 18 Feb 2018
 NO tiene tasa de inscripción

The International Festival of Outdoor Films is a competitive touring cine-meeting of outdoor films. Within last fourteen years it has become one of the largest touring festivals in the World. In 2017 the festival visited 54 Czech and Slovak places. The Festival focuses on the sports and life with outdoor topics, on the adventure, extreme, adrenalin and travel films.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes


Photo of International Festival of Outdoor Fims
Photo of International Festival of Outdoor Fims
Photo of International Festival of Outdoor Fims
Photo of International Festival of Outdoor Fims

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