#laculturarestaccesa Festival ()

#CultureStaysOn Festival


13 Abr 2020

25 Abr 2020
Festival fechado

01 Mai 2020
Data de Notificação

04 Mai 2020
10 Mai 2020


.,  ., ., ., Italy

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens >1' 30'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Nacional
 Festival on-line
 Data de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de produção: Requerido
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  >1' 30'<
English Italian
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of #laculturarestaccesa Festival
Photo of #laculturarestaccesa Festival
Photo of #laculturarestaccesa Festival
Photo of #laculturarestaccesa Festival


Início do Festival: 04 Maio 2020      Fim do Festival: 10 Maio 2020


The participant, with the presentation of his works, guarantees that he has the full right to use them and assumes all responsibility for the presentation and their content, keeping the festival from any responsibility for the possession or dissemination of the same in the cases provided by the following regulation.

The works received will be the subject of a pre-selection by the University Cineclub (category "Short films") and the Musiclub Unisalento (category "Music Songs" category). In the days immediately before the Festival, the authors of the works deemed suitable will be notified of the selection.

Membership is free. The official registration card, available on the festival's social pages, compiled in all its parts, must be sent between Wednesday 8 April and Thursday 26 April 2020. By signing up for CRAfest 2020, the participant authorizes the organization of the festival to make available the streaming of their work and its card, which contains the main information related to the work, provided by the participant at the time of registration. The streaming screening and the opera board can also be made available on the platforms managed by the festival, limited to the days of the event (4-10 May 2020). Participants are recommended to promote content presented at the festival on their social channels, using the official hashtag #LaCulturaRestaAccesa.

The first two classified in the categories "Short Films" and "Music Songs" will receive the opportunity to present their works during one or more festivals, respectively film and music, of national importance. In the event of an award, the participant with the registration of the festival grants permission to the free use of the material presented to the award providers and their events.

The works presented at CRAfest 2020 will remain in the archives of the organization that will ensure that it is not disseminated to third parties unless the title is agreed. The personal data of the participants will be managed according to the provisions of European law; Under the EU 2016/679 privacy code, it is announced that personal identification data will be processed for the purposes of the project or activity outlined in this Regulation. Each artist will be able to present only one artistic work.

Any artist who submits more than one piece of work will be excluded from the selection (e.g. participation in band formation and single line-up).

Among the participants in the call, the DAMS jury, in its unquestive judgment, will select the artists who will enter the festival.

The films presented must be the original work of the participant. Films of all genres are allowed, excluding those with advertising, pornographic or contravening Italian law. All films in any language other than the Italian language must have English subtitles.

The music presented can be edited or unpublished. The participating artists must be composers, authors and/or original performers of the presented piece. Covers of other artists are therefore not allowed. Songs of all genres are allowed, excluding those with advertising, pornographic or contravening Italian law. The same restrictions apply to video material paired with the song.



Descubra grandes filmes e festivais, um clique de distância
