Festival start: 26 April 2017
Festival end: 28 April 2017
Any kind of video or movie produced by 2014, in any language (we need Italian subtitles). The final term for inscription is february 19th 2017. Info www.videomakerfilmfestival.com
Videomaker award by technical jury; school prize; spectators award; special mentions
Free inscription. Download inscription form an read the complete regulation @ www.videomakerfilmfestival.com
Art.1 – VideoMaker Film Festival – International Short Film Festival – is organized by the Cultural Association T.A.R.E. (Terapie Artistiche per Ricoveri Emozionali – www.associazionetare.it), under the patronage of Comune di Casalnuovo di Napoli – Department of Culture and is dedicated to works produced in any format and genre. The Festival is reserved to International Videomakers and to Italian Schools (can also partecipate school classes, indicating in the inscription form dates of a referent) for which is instituted a separate section.
Art. 2 – Festival participation is free.
Art. 3 – Works that present pornographic content, racism, that aim at discrimination and/or make apology of violence will not be eligible for participation. The same principles apply for the titles of works.
Art. 4 – Any director may compete with only one work.
Art. 5 – The Festival is divided into two categories:
Free Theme (movies, dramas, music videos, web series [only one episode], short films, documentaries, animation, ecc. of maximum duration of 30 minutes included titles and credits). Works created no earlier than 2014;
Free Theme (movies, dramas, music videos, web series [only one episode], short films, documentaries, animation, ecc. of maximum duration of 30 minutes included titles and credits). Works created no earlier than 2014.
Art. 6 – The Direction of the VideoMaker Film Festival reserves the right to cancel the sections with no recorded works. The dates and times of screenings of films admitted in the competition will be disclosed later on the official website: www.videomakerfilmfestival.com (under “Selected Movies”).
Art. 7 – The material can be sent by:
1.E-mail (for example: WeTransfer, download link, etc.) to videomakerfilmfestival@gmail.com, attaching the filled out inscription form, no later than 19 February 2017;
2.By registered mail, the whole contained in a closed envelope, no later than 19 February 2017, to:
Videomaker FILM FESTIVAL (Ufficio Cultura)
Comune di Casalnuovo di Napoli, 80013 (NA)
Piazza Municipio, 1
3. By hand, delivering the envelope with the short movie and the inscription form at the municipal office protocol, at the above address, specifying the sender and the recipient, no later than 19 February 2017.
Art. 8 – Each participant must send for the selection as follows:
3 copies of the short film in DVD standard PAL format. Otherwise it will not be guaranteed the correct projection of the selected works (for those who will sent their work by mail or by hand only).
A copy of the Press Kit: official poster (if present) in JPEG format, film stills in JPEG format, a copy of the trailer (if realized), all on CD support, short biography of the director in Italian and English (if present), short synopsis of the short film in Italian and English.
When it comes to works of foreign directors, or in any case acted in language other than Italian, are mandatory subtitles in Italian.
Hard copy (only for whom will send the short movie by registered mail or by hand) or digital of the entry form compiled and comprehensive of the original signature of the person in charge of the project for acceptance of the regulation.
In case of an incomplete request for registration, admission to the competition will be decided unquestionable judgement of the Organization of the Festival.
Art. 9 – Shipping charges are charged to the person concerned. The Management is not responsible for works not received. Works received after the due date will be accepted for the next edition.
Art. 10 – For whom will send short films by registered mail or by hand, will be mandatory to clearly show title of the film, author’s name and contact details on the cover of the works presented (for School category, report the name of the school, the class that participates and the name of a referent).
Art. 11 – Each author is responsible for the content of their works.
Art. 12 – The Festival Direction reserves the right to make a preventative selection of the material received for the competition. The works sent will not be returned and will remain at the disposal of the Festival (it will be guaranteed no public access to the work), except to advertise future editions of the festival and for cultural and educational purposes.
Art. 13 – The event will take place in April (exact days will be announced on the Festival’s official website, at the “Cinema Multisala Magic Vision” located in Viale dei Tigli, 19 – Casalnuovo di Napoli and at other facilities located in the Province of Naples. The Awards Cereminy will be held during the final evening after the projection of the winning entries. Prizes will be delivered directly to the winners or their delegates. The absence of the interested parties do not imply the granting of the award. Please contact the management of the Festival for any doubt or problem to the e-mail: videomakerfilmfestival@gmail.com
Art. 14 – The jury that will award the prizes will consist of expert in the audiovisual sector and their decision is final.
There will also be a “People’s Choice Award” to be awarded after a vote of the public present at the event through specific forms distributed at the entrance.
List of Awards:
Best Movie: Trophy “Golden Camera to the best short film”.
Best Movie: Trophy “Golden Camera to the best short film”.
The organization and evaluation of School Section Short Films will be entrusted to ISIS “Giancarlo Siani” of Casalnuovo di Napoli.
Both categories will compete for “People’s Choice Award”.
People’s Choice Award: “Silver Camera to the best short film”.
Other prizes may be added at unquestionable judgement of the Jury.
Art. 15 – Participation in the competition implies the unconditional acceptance of the present Regulation. The Direction of VideoMaker Film Festival has right of final decision on all matters not specifically mentioned by this Regulation.
Art. 16 – In accordance with the law no. 196/2003 regarding privacy, participation in the VideoMaker Film Festival implies, by the author, the authorization to process, electronically or otherwise, personal data and their use by the Association T.A.R.E. (Terapie Artistiche per Ricoveri Emozionali) of Casalnuovo di Napoli and/or third parties appointed by it, for the performance of the obligations relating the Festival or to send informative material.
Short Films 30'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
19 Feb 17
Save up
All kinds of movies
Italian school
Short Films >1' 30'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
19 Feb 17
Save up
Short films from Italian schools and / or relatable to Italian school projects. No film schools (for those see main section Videomaker).