Festival start: 27 October 2015
Festival end: 04 November 2015
The Hon. City of Leganés, through the Delegation of Youth and Culture, and Cultural Association Cineduca aware of the importance of audiovisual media in Spanish society today, and trying to make them both a means of communication and education the school population of the city, will celebrate between October the 27th, 28th, 29th and November 3th and 4th of2015 the V Childhood Short Film Sample of Leganes.
The Festival consists of the projection of short films aimed at children and youths.
Prizes: as a non profit Sample, oriented to schools of Leganes, it has not been stablished a monetary prize for the 2015 edition.
If there is any change at this point and could provide a prize, participants will be advised accordingly.
The Hon. City of Leganés, through the Delegation of Youth and Culture, and Cultural Association Cineduca aware of the importance of audiovisual media in Spanish society today, and trying to make them both a means of communication and education the school population of the city, will celebrate between October the 27th, 28th, 29th and November 3th and 4th of2015 the V Childhood Short Film Sample of Leganes.
The sample consists of short films aimed at young audiences.
15. Submission to the Documentaries Sample, is open to all filmmakers older than 18 years old; it can be an individual or a collective production and the filmmakers must be born or resident in the European Union.
16. The thematic of the short film should be oriented to children and young people between 3 and 12 years regardless of the method of realization: animation, real image, stop-motion ...Se admitirán cortometrajes cuya final sea cine o vídeo.
17. The length of the shorts may not exceed 20 minutes for Children oriented and three to eight (3-7 years) and 35 minutes Elementary (8-12 years).
18. To be selected, short films, regardless of their original format, will be delivered in DVD or digital file in HD quality; running by the contestant shipping. Copies will be part of audiovisual background Cultural Association Cineduca not being used by it in any way without prior permission of the copyright holders exhibition and always under its foundational activities for educational purposes.
19. The films may be silent or incorporated sound, being the Spanish the language used; otherwise they must have subtitles in Spanish.
20. Each author and / or group may submit more than one job without a time limit in the year of production.
21. In all submissions must be on record, clearly, all author´s data, sinopsis and promotional images, if possible, in digital format.
22. DVDs Works will be sent to:
Asociación Cultural Cineduca
IV Muestra de Cortometraje Infantil de Leganés
Glorieta de las Amazonas, nº 24, 4ºB
28341 Valdemoro (Madrid)
23. Download links of the works in digital format and HD quality be sent by mail to:
The work may also register by:
24. Deadline: all submissions for this Sample must be received by the Organization by 00:00h. (Madrid time) on Septembre 15th, 2015
25. The Organization will make a first selection, the submitters of the short films selected will be notified of it; selected works will share their projections during que Sample, being part of the official program.
26. Prizes: as a non profit Sample, oriented to schools of Leganes, it has not been stablished a monetary prize for the 2015 edition.
If there is any change at this point and could provide a prize, participants will be advised accordingly.
27. Other considerations: the Delegation of Youth and Culture Hon. City of Leganés and Cineduca, as organizers, give all possible publicity to the exhibitions and logo of the production, distribution ... participants in all communications, signage will include ...
Also, if those responsible for the work they want, they can attend meetings exhibition of his works and go to the wizard young audience.
➢ Ayuntamiento de Leganés
o Delegación de Cultura
o Contacto: Enrique Peñalver - 91 248 95 80
o E-mail: epenalver@leganes.org
➢ Asociación Cultural Cineduca
o Contacto: Héctor García – 652 337 807
o E-mail: hector.garcia@cineduca.org