Festival start: 18 March 2022
Festival end: 20 March 2022
Il Trivium Festival vuole sollecitare, valorizzare e rendere concreta l’espressione artistica in ogni sua forma. La kermesse, caratterizzata da un approccio multidisciplinare all’arte, vedrà il susseguirsi di differenti specializzazioni dal cinema alla musica, dal teatro alle performing arts. Il Trivium Festival è un concorso multidisciplinare aperto a tutte le realtà artistiche professionali (nazionale e internazionale), che operano nell’ambito del cinema,della musica e del teatro.
Il festival è promosso e organizzato dall’associazione culturale Teatro del Grillo con il patrocinio del Parco Nazionale del Cilento,che spazi Vallo di Diano e Alburni, noto per i suoi paesaggi suggestivi e incontaminati, ricchi di arte, storia e cultura, che farà da vetrina alle diverse realtà musicali, teatrali e cinematografiche iscritte al Festival.
Cash Prizes: 1€
The finalists will be notified in advance of the performance date and the complete calendar of the event.
The Trivium Festival will take place in the summer of 2021 (July - August) for a total of 3/4 event evenings.
Three different juries will be appointed:
- the popular jury, made up of the audience present in the room, will decide the winning work of the "Audience Award" plate for each section.
-The technical jury, appointed by the artistic direction of the festival and made up of artists, industry experts with recognized artistic and professional backgrounds, will evaluate the works for their aesthetic value, artistic quality, originality in style and content. The winners of each section will be awarded the "Jury Prize" which includes a cash prize.
-The young jury, made up of children under 30, will assign the “Youth Award” plaque to the works of each section, which will best be able to tell the world of youth.
Cash prize of € 1,000.00 and plaque for the best short film.
All finalists will receive a participation plate from the 1st edition Trivium Festival.
The Trivium Festival announces three types of competition:
International Film Competition (TFC);
National Music Competition (TFM);
National Theater Competition (TFT).
The call is open to works of cinema, music and theater of the following categories: authors, directors, producers and distributors (holders of the rights to the work).
The selection is accessed by submitting a single short film without language and genre limits, lasting no more than 15 minutes, including the credits.
It should be specified if the short films are subject to S.I.A.E. indicating titles, authors and any useful references or clearly state if they are not;
all films must be submitted in the original language with subtitles in Italian or English. Films in the original English version must be subtitled in Italian on the copy. The realization and costs of the subtitles on the copy are borne by the participants;
all members must be between 18 and 45 years old.
Registrations are open from 30 September 2020 to midnight on 19 December 2020 (it is at the discretion of the artistic direction to decide whether to extend the registration date for the festival).
Artistic proposals must be sent by filling in the appropriate form on the website www.triviumfestival.it under the heading subscribe or by email at info@triviumfestival.it, attaching the following:
- video / audio link to online platforms (YOUTUBE, VIMEO, SOUNDCLOUD copy / paste mode) for viewing and listening to the entire work in the section to which it belongs, if a password is entered, report it in the registration form. The link must remain active until the end of the Festival. Physical formats will not be accepted;
- brief presentation of the artistic project with the author's biography and photos;
- completed and signed registration form;
- the signed regulation;
-copy of the payment of the registration fee.
The non-refundable registration fee for secretarial and organization services is Euro 10.00.
All subscribers are responsible for the content of their works and declare by registering for the Trivium Festival that they have fulfilled all obligations towards third parties deriving from copyright.
The selection of the works received, within the limits, terms and conditions set out in this announcement, will be made at the sole discretion of the internal commission appointed to the artistic direction of the Trivium Festival, which will select based on the artistic quality of the projects presented.
Will be selected for the official dates of the festival: 10 short films.
The list of works admitted to the final phase may be subject to variations based on the number of entries per section and the quality of the individual projects.
For any information and clarification regarding the registration procedure, you can contact the Festival secretariat at the following email address info@triviumfestival.it.
Only the selected works will receive, by email, official admission to the Trivium Festival, which will be made official by April - May 2021.
Those who have not received any communication on the aforementioned date will be automatically excluded.
Finalists will be required:
- Synopsis of the work and director's notes (max 2 pages).
- High resolution scene photos (max 2).
-Poster and poster.
-The short films finalists for the screening must have a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 (Full HD) in the formats AVI, MOV, MP3, MPG.
Trivium Festival Cinema - shortfilm
Short Films >1' 15'<
19 Dec 20
31 Jan 21
22 Feb 21
Submissions deadline
31 Mar 21
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Fiction Documentary Animation Fantastic Terror Other Experimental
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