Festival start: 12 June 2018
Festival end: 17 June 2018
The International Human Rights Film Festival of Uruguay organized by Tenemos Que
Ver and Cotidiano Mujer opens its call for national and international films, to select
its 7th edition.
In this edition the central theme is Institutional Violence. Other human rights topics are NOT excluded.
Cash Prizes: 3,300$
The International Jury of the International Feature Film Competition will be composed
of a minimum of 3 professionals, at least one of them from abroad, and all not related to the Festival, who will give the Award for Best Feature Film composed of a statuette and amount of US $ 1000; and the Award for Best Documentary Feature, consisting of a statuette and the amount of US $ 1000.
The jury of the Audience Award of Tevé Ciudad will be in charge of the Municipal
Canal hearing which will vote online, giving the winning film in the amount of US$ 800.
The jury of the International Short Film Competition will be composed of 10 young
people (between 18 and 29 years old) chosen by the contest, who will award the Young Jury Award for Best Short Film composed of US $ 500.
7th Tenemos Que Ver International Human Rights Film Festival of Uruguay will take place in June 2018.
It is called: filmmakers, producers and distributors, of length and short films, of
fiction, documentary, essay and animation to submit their films until December 15, 2017 including.
Can participate films that deal about social problematics and Human Right, finalized
from 2016 onwards. Priority will be given to those that are premiere for Uruguay.
The registration deadline is December 15, 2017.
From Tenemos Que Ver, we seek to promote the necessary social conditions that guarantee respect for diversity, projecting an attitude
of change in the behaviors by which we are relate how human beings.
The cinema has the capacity to place ourselves in the situation of the "other", to make us
accomplices of his life, helps us to feel their emotions, makes us partake of their joys, as well as their sadness. In this way, we can see of a different way to the diversity, understanding and feeling the lives of others a little more ours. We seek to know in depth different histories, analyzing together the most appropriate way to reverse the violation of human rights. Always starting from each one of us and seeking a contagious effect towards good practices about the respect of our rights.
The aim of the Festival Tenemos Que Ver is to screen quality films that reflect on about the defense, claim and violation of human rights today.
Through the cinematographic art, we seek to create a space for meeting, debate and
exchange of views, promoting a positive transformation of society through
involvement and participation.
Can participate films involving national and international films related to human
rights in its broadest sense, documentary or fiction, which have not been exhibited in
Uruguay before the Festival in the following sections:
■ International Competition of Fiction Feature Films: Films finalized from 2016, with a minimum duration of 60 '.
■ International Competition of Documentary Feature Films: Films finalized from 2016, with a minimum duration of 60 '.
■ International Exhibition of Feature Films (Fiction and Documentary): Films finalized from 2016, with a minimum duration of 60 '.
■ Audience Award of Tevé Ciudad: Films finalized from 2016, with a minimum duration of 60 '.
■ International Competition of Short Films (Fiction and Documentary): Films finalized from 2016, with a maximum duration of 18 '.
■ International Exhibition of Short Film (Fiction and Documentary): Films finalized from 2016, with a maximum duration of 18 '.
Films that are in a language other than Spanish must have subtitles at the time of their registration, otherwise they will not be considered for selection.
Registration for the Festival is free and may be carried out by: producers, independent producers, international organizations and associations, professional associations, television channels, and associations of producers, who own the rights.
All entries of films must be made in digital format, indicating whether it is: final cut,
first cut or Works in progress, by means of:
Completing the registration form, which can be found on the page:
www.tenemosquever.org.uy, with online viewing link and sending the broadcast
material to programacion@tenemosquever.org.uy
Through the platform: FestHome
Accompanying material:
Each registered film must be accompanied by the following publicity material:
• Press releases and dissemination
• Posters and artwork
• 3 Pictures of the film (300dpi, jpg)
• 1 photo of / the manager on high quality (300dpi, jpg)
The Festival will be able to use excerpts of the selected works for the dissemination
and promotion by any means of communication, both before and during the Festival, as on the occasion of samples or subsequent events.
Movies that are not sent before December 15, 2017 until 23:59 hours will not be taken
into consideration in the pre-selection.
The Programming Team is in charge of selecting the films that will participate in the
7th edition of Tenemos Que Ver, locate them in the corresponding sections and project them within the framework of the Festival when deemed appropriate.
Once the selection of the films, the authors of the works will be contacted requesting the sending of a letter of assignment of rights, within a period not exceeding 10 days, and a copy in format and display quality.
After receiving the letter of transfer of the rights, the film may not be withdrawn from the Festival program.
The person responsible for the selected film undertakes to communicate before January 20, 2018 any projection planned in Uruguay, before and during the Festival;
Taking into account that this fact can mean the non-inclusion of the film in the final
Each particular situation will be evaluated by the Festival team and may determine the inclusion or exclusion of that film in the final Schedule.
As for the competition about Audience Award of Tevé Ciudad, four feature films will be chosen that will compete with each other and will be exhibition on the channel screen with the prior authorization of the holder of the film rights.
The International Jury of the International Feature Film Competition will be composed
of a minimum of 3 professionals, at least one of them from abroad, and all not related to the Festival, who will give the Award for Best Feature Film composed of a statuette and amount of US$ 1000; and the Award for Best Documentary Feature, consisting of a statuette and the amount of US $ 1000.
The jury of the Audience Award of Tevé Ciudad will be in charge of the Municipal
Canal hearing which will vote online, giving the winning film in the amount of US$ 800.
The jury of the International Short Film Competition will be composed of 10 young
people (between 18 and 29 years old) chosen by the contest, who will award the
Young Jury Award for Best Short Film composed of US $ 500.
Those who have interests in the production and / or exploitation of the films presented in Competition will not be part of the Jury. Votes will be secret, and decisions will be taken unanimously.
Any conflict of interests not covered by this call will be resolved by the Festival
Due to the nature of this Festival (non-profit and free entry), the cost of sending the
projection copies will be borne by the participants. The copies and materials received for the pre-selection will not be returned, and will be available to the Festival file for use for educational purposes, should the filmmakers mark it in the rights session.
The projection copies will be returned only on express written request and will bear the
costs of return the participant.
The Festival will not cover any costs for damage or wear of the copies during
Registration does not provide for payment of fee by the organization.
Once the participation in the Festival has been accepted, those responsible for the selected films must submit the projection version, either through digital platforms or by sending the copies to:
Tenemos Que Ver - International Human Right Film Festival of Uruguay
CP 11200 1436 San Jose City Montevideo, Uruguay.
The projection copies have a deadline to reach the organizers on May 2, 2018. If not arrive on time will not be able to take place in the Festival.
At the time of sending, it should be indicated that the copy has no commercial value
and send by e-mail to programacion@tenemosquever.org.uy the following information:
● the number of air waybill
● Company used
● flight number
● date of shipment
For participants of Montevideo, copies and required materials can be delivered in
person to: San Jose 1436, Monday to Friday from 12 to 17h.
Those responsible for the selected films are committed to include in all their press
and publicity material the phrase "Official Selection of Tenemos Que Ver International
Human Rights Film Festival of Uruguay".
Participation in the 7th edition of Tenemo Que Ver International Human Rights Film Festival of Uruguay, implies KNOWLEDGE and total acceptance of these Rules and Regulations. Any doubt, conflict or exception will be evaluated and resolved by the organization of the Festival.-
International Competition of Documentary Feature Films
Feature Films >60'
No Fee
Submissions deadline
15 Dec 17
Save up
International Competition of Short Films
Short Films 18'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
15 Dec 17
Save up
International Competition of Fiction Feature Films