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Bonito South American Film Festival

Logo of Bonito South American Film Festival


Bonito South American Film Festival - 2025 | Brazil

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela

Competitive screenings of South American new feature and short films made between 2024 and 2025;

Parallel exhibition of South American children's animation film;

Competitive environmental-themed film exhibition;

Competitive exhibition of Mato Grosso do Sul film, with films made between 2024 and 2025;

Awards, debates, rounds of discussions aimed at international agreements;

Exchange with the most important festival directors in South America;

Workshops for children and the general community, workshops for film and audiovisual professionals and academics.

CMU - [...]

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Festivals that already work with Festhome, including Academy Award, European Film Award, BAFTA, Goya, Méliès d’Or and Cartoon d’Or qualifying festivals, and FIAPP recognized festivals.

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Find the latest calls for entries for film festivals all over the world.

Most recent calls for entries and upcoming deadlines.

Logo of Cinalfama Film Observatory
Published: 23 Mar 2025
Film festival
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Cinalfama Film Observatory

Deadline: 23 Mar 2025

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

The CINALFAMA FILM OBSERVATORY, held in a historic neighborhood, emerges as a transformative cultural initiative that strengthens the community network. By showing independent films, the project not only widens access to alternative and innovative narratives but also stimulates cultural engagement among residents, fostering a sense of identity and belonging.

This regular event, which takes place at Museu do Fado Auditorium, becomes a meeting point where generations cross paths, sharing experiences and reflections that transcend mere film viewing. In addition, by being located in a neighborhood with a rich historical heritage, the observatory revitalizes the urban space, attracting visitors and enhancing the appreciation of the local heritage, generating a very positive [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Lisbon, Portugal

Logo of Dublin International Comedy Film Festival DICFF
Published: 23 Mar 2025
Film festival
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Dublin International Comedy Film Festival DICFF

Deadline: 05 Sep 2025

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

DICFF is about celebrating comedy in film.
So often comedy is overlooked in favour of drama. Drama is in fact easier to write, direct and perform.

Comedy is much more difficult and you know if you've succeeded or failed by how many laughs you get!
So, DICFF is here to ensure comedy gets it's due. We want to support our comedic storytellers and celebrate your craft.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Dublin, Ireland


Logo of Bogotá Music Video Festival
Published: 22 Mar 2025
Film festival
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Bogotá Music Video Festival

Deadline: 15 Sep 2025

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

The purpose of the Bogotá Music Video Festival is to celebrate the art of music video, the joy of music and the passion for filmmaking. We bring the music video art to different screens around Bogotá and top that with live music, exhibitions and academic and industry events. We want to showcase independent and fierce work to new audiences, focusing on the potential of awe brought by the communion between music and moving images.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Bogotá DC, Colombia

Logo of Bio Film Festival
Published: 22 Mar 2025
Film festival
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Bio Film Festival

Deadline: 14 Jun 2025

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Agricultural and environmental biodiversity is an invaluable treasure that we are entrusted with safeguarding for future generations. It plays a pivotal role not only in the preservation of ecosystems but also in shaping our culture, economy, and gastronomy. The Bio Film Festival, now entering its third edition in 2025, is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity and encouraging action towards its protection.

This year’s edition will focus on ecological regeneration as its central theme. Through a collection of films that explore biodiversity’s many dimensions—be it the delicate balance of nature, the impact of climate change, or innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture—the festival will foster important [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Sospirolo, Italy


Logo of Cinemystic Film Festival
Published: 22 Mar 2025
Film festival
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Festival Cinemística

Deadline: 21 Jul 2025

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


What drive us:

A contest dedicated to transcendental cinema, at its several meanings, including philosophic, psychological, scientific, anthropological, spiritual and poetic cinema.

Because transcendence in the man and the world, might be eventually ineffable and, on this, cinematographic art has certain advantages, and a huge responsibility.


All cinematographic possibilities are welcome, with a major interest on rareties


Cinemística as an open space-time, with non restrictive features, enabling the authors to develop their own language: all formats, duration, nationality, year of production, etc. are accepted.


An international refuge for films that intend, technically or with the plot, an approaching to the big mystery of [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Granada, Spain

Logo of Versi di Luce Festival
Published: 22 Mar 2025
Film festival
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Versi di Luce Festival

Deadline: 15 Sep 2025

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Beautiful festival that takes place in Modica and Gela - ITALY.. Modica is the birthplace of Salvatore Quasimodo and the festival is dedicated to him, the Nobel Prize for poetry. The festival has reached its 16th edition and welcomes poets, videographers, directors, writers and any artist who deals with the theme of the Festival: Cinema and Poetry. The cinema section is for short films of videopoetry, short films of fiction, videoclips and feature films.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

modica, Italy


Logo of 6th India International Star Film Festival Awards
Published: 22 Mar 2025
Film festival
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

6th India International Star Film Festival Awards

Deadline: 30 Jan 2026

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

India International Star Film Festival Awards is an amalgamation of unleash cinematic creativity & madness of cine-goers of world. India is a culturally rich & destination of many budding filmmakers since past century. The festival objective is to give momentum to the cinema & to foster the growth of new breed of filmmakers.
The festival is dedicated to serve the short filmmakers specifically from all parts of India as well as world.

ISFFA is an International Film Festival and award event.

The festival objective is to create films culture, promotion of upcoming filmmakers.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Kolkata, India

Logo of Pavez Awards :  Talavera de la Reina International Film Festival
Published: 22 Mar 2025
Film festival
 Has submission fees
Short films

Premios Pávez: Festival Internacional de Cine de Talavera De La Reina

Deadline: 15 Jun 2025

Call for entries

GOYA Qualifiers

International Festival

Short film festival

XII Edition Pávez Awards - Talavera de la Reina International Film Festival. From October 3 to 11, 2025.


- Short films of Spanish or Ibero-American production and/or direction.

- Short films produced from January 1, 2024.

- Spanish spoken language or original language with spanish subtitles.

- Maximum running time: 30 minutes with credits included.

- They may not be hosted on free viewing online platforms.

- 5 competitive sections: National (Official Section), International (Ibero-America), Local (Talavera de la Reina), Animation and Documentary.

- 18 categories opting for a prize.

- 5700 euros + 18 Pávez awards.

- DCP required for Official, International and Local Selection.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Talavera de la Reina, Spain


Logo of Moonstep International Short Film Festival - A First Step Into Cinema
Published: 22 Mar 2025
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Moonstep International Short Film Festival - A First Step Into Cinema

Deadline: 13 May 2025

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

From sailors exploring new seas to astronauts reaching space, we have always gazed to the sky with a desire to go further. Moonstep International Short Film Festival – A First Step into Cinema is created to keep looking up without ever stopping imagining. It’s an invitation to take the first step with daring, just like the first humans on the Moon.

We are looking for emerging artists, voices that demand to be heard, to offer them a space for expression and dialogue. In its first edition, this International Short Film Festival is a starting point for those who dream of making cinema their destination.

As good organizers, we too are ready to take the first step and get out there: behind the Moonstep International Short Film Festival there are 45 young people under 30, coming [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Turin, Italy

Logo of Inclus, Barcelona International Disability Film Festival
Published: 21 Mar 2025
Film festival
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Inclus Festival Internacional de Cine y Discapacidad

Deadline: 07 Jul 2025

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Festival Inclús is a festival of audiovisual productions, both documentary and fiction centered on the theme of physical and mental disabilities. It is an initiative Associació Inclús and conducted by Fish Muvi.

The aim of Festival Inclús is to give visibility to audiovisual works produced around the theme of disability with a different point of view. The goal is to provide a deepest perspective of the reality of disabilities, whether the production is carried by entities directly involved in the world of disability, or other persons or groups.

We also are an inclusive festival that is why we have two new sections: Inclus values, cinema for kids and teens about social issues and Sing Language cinema, movies in sign language.

The Festival will be held in December 10 to 16, [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Barcelona, Spain