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26 Mär 23
Rujan is creating two Anthology film, composed of short films with water as the central axis, we'd love to have you on this journey! The selected projects will receive an investment proposal to complement the funding
1) Fantasy Short Films
The film seeks to bring, from the union of different narratives, enclosed in five short films, a possibility of using fear and mystery as a way of expressing feelings. The horror, suspense and science fiction genres travel on the psychological, questioning human fears and rules, related through the contemporary and the anxieties that arise with modern life.
2) Water Short Films
Water as a metaphor, capable of narrating people's deepest feelings. The water does not hesitate. It follows a descending path, looking for the depth, always attached to the earth, and meets up with more water because its course flows into the depths. Know the cracks in the rocks and the interior of each of our cells. But water also knows the highest mountains, those that it covers with snow and then with ice.