Festival start: 02 November 2022
Festival end: 06 November 2022
The Narbonnaise Archaeology Encounters aim to promote and enhance Archaeology and the audiovisual productions dedicated to it and to raise awareness of a wide range of public to these themes.
The award-winning films will be able to display one of the following mentions:
"Awarded to the 10th Meetings of Archaeology of the Narbonnaise."
"Price (price denomination) of the 10th
Encounters of Archaeology of the Narbonnaise."
Narbonnaise Archaeology Encounters
November 2-6, 2022 in Narbonne
1. Object
The Narbonnaise Archaeology Encounters aim to promote and enhance Archaeology and the audiovisual productions dedicated to it and to raise awareness of a wide range of public to these themes. These Meetings will promote audiovisual works through:
- the dissemination of a selection of recent film works that are respectful of scientific data, dealing with topics related to archaeology
- the award by a competent jury of prizes for the best productions in different categories mentioned in Article III
- the organisation of screenings dedicated to the school public (primary, colleges, high schools)
2. Festival Dates, Organization and Administration
The Narbonnaise Archaeology Encounters are organized by the association ARKAM.
This 8th edition will take place from , November 2 to November 7, 2021 in various partner venues of the festival (Mediatheque, Theatre - Cinema, Archbishops' Palace-Museum, MJC cine-club, INESS Micro-folie, etc.)
ARKAM determines the direction of the Meetings, it has overall responsibility for the selection and admission of films, as well as the formation of selection committees and juries.
3. Competitions and juries
1) Theme and frame
- Any recent film (produced since January 2020 for the 2021 edition), amateur or professional, documentary, fiction or animation, of any duration can claim to be selected for the Encounters as long as it deals with a theme related to archaeology.
- The meeting selection committees will select, among the films that have been sent before the deadline, a selection of films that will be screened as part of the various official competitions. There are two selection committees, the general public committee and the school committee.
- Different trophies reward the best achievements, for qualities such as the originality of the theme or form, tone, accessibility of scientific content, understanding, scientific value, humour, aesthetics...
- These awards are: the Paul Tournal Grand Prix, the Jury Prize, the Audience Award, the High School Award, the College Award. Subject to other possible categories.
Spectators vote during the festival for the Audience Award. Ballot papers and an urn are made available to all spectators during the festival, allowing them to record the films screened. The film receiving the highest rating will receive the Public.
2) Juries: The grand jury:
- The jury is composed of 5 members: archaeology specialists, audiovisual professionals, journalists, researchers and scientists, etc., chosen by the management of the
Meetings. This jury is independent and sovereign.
- This jury views all the films in competition, and awards the Paul Tournal Grand Prix and the Jury Prize.
- The jury explains its decisions in a deliberation made public at the closing night of the Meetings.
- Special mentions may be awarded to productions of particular interest, depending on the jury's decision.
3) Juries: High school and high school juries:
- The high school and high school juries are composed of about thirty students supervised by their teachers, from partner schools.
- These juries watch all the films selected in their respective competitions, and award the College Award and the High School Award.
- Juries justify their decisions in a deliberation made public at the closing night of the Meetings.
- Special mentions may be awarded to productions of particular interest, depending on the jury's decision.
4. Participation and registration
- For the 2022 edition, applications must be submitted by 31 May 2021, via an online form on the festival website: www.rencontres-archeologie.com
- Films sent after this date will not be eligible for selection.
- Can be eligible for selection for the Encounters any recent film and in French (or failing that, dubbed or subtitled in French for foreign versions) produced since the 1st
January 2021 for the 2022 edition.
- The same producer can offer several films for selection.
- There is no registration fee to submit a film.
- Participation in other festivals does not exclude the selection of a film at the Encounters.
- For selection, the films will initially be sent exclusively by viewing link, accompanied by this signed regulation. Links will need to be active during the selection process and until May 2020, such as Vimeo, YouTube or the like, possibly protected by a password. The file will be visible exclusively to members of the
selection committee.
- For selection views, download links (such as We Transfer, MyAirBridge or otherwise) or links with limited availability time are NOT ACCEPTed.
- Selected films must be sent in HD mp4 format format in an online downloadable version (via viewing link with HD-enabled download option) or via direct download links.
- Directors or production companies that have sent a film to the festival for possible selection will be informed of the result of this selection by email by July 15, 2022.
- Directors whose films will be selected may be invited by the festival to present their production according to the competitions. The festival will not be able to take only the cost of accommodation and catering for one person and for a day.
The transport costs remaining at the expense of the director or the production company.
5. Registration
Registration for RAN leads to acceptance:
- the free dissemination of the work's rights in the context of non-commercial projections in the various venues of the event.
- the partial use of the work in the promotion of encounters. (Posters, flyers, trailer, website, social networks...)
- possible non-commercial screenings related to the Encounters, including the screening of award-winning films in the municipalities of Grand Narbonne and the Occitanie Region or in partner places or in other institutions that may request them (museums, schools, etc.).
Films selected for the official selection will be able to display the mention:
"Selected at the 9th Narbonnaise Archaeology Meetings"
The award-winning films will be able to display one of the following mentions: "Awarded to the 10h Meetings of Archaeology of the Narbonnaise." "Price (price denomination) of the 9th Encounters of Archaeology of the Narbonnaise."
Commitment: Participation in the Narbonnaise Archaeology Encounters is committed by the signing and full acceptance of this regulation.