Festival start: 20 October 2023
Festival end: 28 October 2023
Quartmetratges is a short film festival organised by the City Council of Quart de Poblet (Valencia). Only film directors who was born or are living in the Valencian Community can participate.
Cash Prizes: 7,300€
-First Prize (best short film entered in the competition): 2.000 € and competition trophy.
-Fiction Section Prize: 1.200 € and trophy.
-Animation Section Prize: 1.200 € and trophy.
-Documentary Section Prize: 1.200 € and trophy.
-Prize for the best short film in Valencian: 500 € and trophy.
-Award for the best new short film: €700 and trophy.
-Prize for the best interpretation: 500 € and trophy.
-Honorary prizes: Audience Award and Youth Award.
1. PARTICIPANTS: Short film directors born or resident in the Valencian Community may participate with a maximum of two (2) works.
At the proposal of the director, actors and actresses born or resident in the Valencian Community, with a leading role in one of the short films in the fiction section, may participate in the award for the best performance.
a) Fiction
b) Animation
(c) Documentary
Each short film must be submitted individually as a digital file (MPEG, MOV, MP4) no larger than 700 Mb or a web link for the Jury's viewing.
If the short film is selected, the author commits to submit an HD digital copy in high quality compression for public screening.
The duration shall not exceed 30 minutes.
Works produced before 1 January 2022 and those submitted to this competition in previous editions will not be accepted.
Works may be submitted from 20 May to 16 June 2023 inclusive, by the following means:
a) In person: at the General Registry Office of Quart de Poblet Town Council. The documentation to be provided, as indicated in the registration form, must be attached on a CD/DVD or USB memory stick.
Download the registration form from the festival website: www.quartmetratges.com
b) Through the FESTHOME platform at the following link: https://festhome.com/es
A copy of the director's DNI must be attached.
5. prizes
First Prize (best short film entered in the competition): 2.000 € and competition trophy.
Fiction Section Prize: €1.200 and trophy
Animation Section Award: 1.200 € and trophy
Documentary Section Award: 1.200 € and trophy
Prize for the best short film in Valencian: 500 € and trophy.
Prize for the best new short film: €700 and trophy
Prize for the best performance: 500 € and trophy
Audience Award: trophy
Youth Prize: trophy
Cash prizes will be subject to the corresponding income tax withholdings.
SELECTION: the competition organisers will make a pre-selection of the works submitted and reserves the right to exclude those whose content is obscene, violent, sexist, racist or violates any fundamental human right.
The jury, made up of the mayoress of the town, as president, or a member of the corporation to whom she delegates, and three specialists in the field, will determine which ones will be exhibited publicly and will award the prizes. The jury may leave a prize vacant or accumulate it to another section. The prize for the best short film in Valencian is compatible with the other prizes.
The organisers will inform all participants of the official selection results by e-mail prior to their public announcement.
PUBLIC SCREENINGS: the public screenings will take place in October 2023. The programme will be circulated well in advance and sent to all participants.
8. CLOSING AND AWARDING OF prizes: The closing ceremony and the awarding of the prizes will take place on 28 October 2023.
REMARKS: non-winning entries may be withdrawn within 30 days from the day after the prize-giving ceremony.
The City Council of Quart de Poblet reserves the right to reproduce a copy of the awarded short films and may screen them occasionally in activities related to the festival, always without any commercial purpose and notifying the owners previously.
By participating in this competition, the directors declare under their own responsibility that they are in possession of the copyright or that they have the authorisation of the owners of the intellectual property of the work to enter it in the competition.
The contestants are responsible for the fact that there are no rights to third parties for the use of musical pieces in the submitted works, nor claims for image rights of the persons appearing in them.
Participation in this competition implies acceptance of the terms and conditions. See complete terms and conditions at: https://quartdepoblet.sedipualba.es/tablondeanuncios/anuncio.aspx?id=33868
This competition is governed by the provisions of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Law on Subsidies, by Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, which regulates the Regulation of the General Law on Subsidies and which provides the basis for the implementation of the budget of the Town Council of Quart de Poblet.
Persons who are subject to any of the grounds for disqualification from receiving subsidies set out in Article 13 of the General Law on Subsidies may not participate.
Participants' data will be collected and processed in accordance with Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights.