Festival start: 27 March 2024
Festival end: 27 March 2024
The Short Event association is made up of 30 students from Lyon with a passion for events and a common goal: to create a festival of short films. Thus was born the Prix de Courts short film festival! A festival that focuses on and rewards short films of all levels and ages. The festival is intended as a spotlight for the participants. This event, using the codes of the seventh art as vectors of emotion and sharing, invites you to discover a specific program of short films, according to a defined theme.
This year, we've chosen the theme of passion, in the sense of that which grips the guts, that which transcends, that which inspires, that which is transmitted...
The 6th edition of the Pour Faire Court festival is open to short films created with cameras or animated shorts. Each film must be between 7 and 20 minutes long. The theme of this year's edition is "When passion expresses itself". Each director or group is authorized to submit several films (3 maximum), of which only one may be selected by the Pour Faire Court festival organizers.
Article 2:Festival registration and submission of films
The registration fee is €5.00, payable via https://www.helloasso.com/associations/association-short-event/adhesions/inscription-pour-faire-court. To be officially considered as a participant, applicants must submit all the documents listed below by e-mail to artistique@pfc-festival.com, together with the registration fee:
The completed registration form, with a copy of the rules signed and marked "Read and approved" (PDF or Word).
A copy of the film(s) in high definition, including the following information, sent using WeTransfer or Dropbox:
Film title
Length of film
Date of completion/production
A subtitled version in French or English if the film is submitted in a language other than French (the jury and audience must be able to understand the film).
Finalists are required to provide the festival with a film in perfect condition.
Article 3 : Rights
Before submitting an application, the artist must ensure that all necessary consents for the distribution and use of images have been obtained. The applicant guarantees that all work submitted is original in nature. The work must be the exclusive product of the artist's creation, containing no reproduction or creation belonging to a third party. The Short Event association accepts no responsibility for the declaration of musical extracts to the SACEM.
Article 4 : Selection
All incomplete applications will be rejected.
The organizers of the Pour Faire Court festival reserve the right to withdraw the application :
any film whose copy is of insufficient quality,
any film likely to disturb public order or morality,
any film likely to lead to prosecution.
Entries will be selected solely on the basis of the content provided and the director's statement of intent. The decision will be made by the festival organizers and will be final. Entries will be selected on the basis of their creative and original content, and their adherence to the theme.
Films will be viewed and selected by the Short Event association. No material will be returned to the sender.
All decisions of the selection committee will be communicated by e-mail. They are final.
Any film entered and selected for the competition cannot be withdrawn from the selection by the artist. If necessary, the association's office reserves the right to take legal action to claim any compensation deemed useful and necessary.
Article 5 : Consent
Registration of a film implies authorization, without compensation, for publication of the information and photos provided (free of rights) when registering for the competition by the participants and under their sole responsibility.
Each entrant agrees to use the Festival Pour Faire Court logo, which can be downloaded from our website, on any communication documents they may wish to produce themselves to promote their participation in the Festival, see below.
The author of the film agrees to transfer his or her rights to the Short Event association.
The candidate authorizes the broadcasting of his/her film :
by media partners of the event,
by the Short Event association as part of its promotion of the festival,
Candidates agree that any photos or videos in which they appear may be used for promotional purposes.
Films selected for the festival may be presented in the future by our partner Cinéma Sous les étoiles.
Article 6: Attendance at the festival
Selected candidates undertake to be present or represented by a person of their choice or, failing that, by a member of the association for the duration of the festival. They must inform the association 15 days before the event. A brief presentation of their artistic approach may be requested during the festival in the event of a prize being awarded, before or after the screening of their film.
Article 7 : Prizes
The winning artist in each category will receive a prize following the jury's deliberations, which will take place during the festival.
The prizes are as follows:
First Prize, "Jury's International Favourite" category: a place on the Pour Faire Court 2024 jury and a cheque for €600.
Second Prize, "Student Prize" category: screening of the short film as the opening act at the "Sous les étoiles" festival and a cheque for €400 or equivalent in kind.
Third Prize, "Audience Favourite" category: screening of the short film as the first part of the "Sous les étoiles" festival and a cheque for 400 € or equivalent in kind.
The jury's choice is final.
Article 8: Unforeseen circumstances
The board of the Short Event association is responsible for settling any cases not provided for in these rules, and for granting any dispensations from the above provisions on express, reasoned request. Participation in the Pour Faire Court festival implies unreserved acceptance of the terms of these regulations. The association's office reserves the right to cancel registration and to take any other appropriate measures in the event of failure to comply with the terms of the rules or of any attitude contrary to the smooth running of the event.
The organizing committee reserves the right to modify the rules or cancel the festival in the event of force majeure. All disputes will be settled exclusively by the Lyon courts.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read the rules and accept their conditions without reservation.
Signed at ....................................................................... .... / .... / ....
Signature (preceded by the words "Read and approved") :
Short Films
Standard Fee2€ -8% 1.84€
Submissions deadline
18 Feb 24
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Short Films
Standard Fee2€ -8% 1.84€
Submissions deadline
18 Feb 24
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Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.