Festival start: 26 June 2018
Festival end: 30 June 2018
La Mostra is an international competitive film festival, whose main purpose is to show and to transmit aspects related to the mountain through cinematographic works: culture, sports, artistic creation, environment...
Cash Prizes: 6,000€
GALL FER Pirineus-Ciutat de la Seu d’Urgell AWARD: Works from the Pyrenees (production, direction or topic). Valued at 1500 euros.
GALL FER VALLNORD AWARD: Works related with mountain sports. Valued at 1500 euros.
GALL FER Andorra AWARD: Works about environment related with Mountain. Valued at 1500 euros.
PREMIO GALL FER INTERNATIONAL AWARD: Works that are not included in any of the previous categories: Sport, Pyrenees and environment. Valued at 1500 euros.
The screenings take place over the last weekend in June in the town of La Seu d’Urgell, the villages of Artedó (Alt Urgell) and the Prinicpality of Andorra (parishes of Ordino, La Massana and Andorra la Vella).
This year’s event, the eleventh edition of the festival, will take place on 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 June.
1. The festival is international, competitive and aims to show aspects of ways of life in mountainous regions through film, culture, sport, art and the environment.
2. Any person or legal entity (individually or as a group) may apply. There are no age restrictions.
3. There is no limit to the number of works entered by each producer/director.
4. All entries on a mountain theme will be accepted no matter the nationality of the author and/or producer.
5. The works presented may be documentary, fiction, sport or other genre but must have been produced since 1st January 2016.
6. The competition does not accept entries that can be viewed on the Internet by the general public, or those which have been transmitted on public media.
7. Previous entries to Picurt are also excluded.
8. No entries will be accepted by persons involved in the organisation of Picurt. Works of a tourism or publicity nature will not be accepted.
9. Application to XII Mostra de Cinema de Muntanya dels Pirineus - Picurt is free of charge.
10. Application deadline is 31st January. Entries which are presented after that date will not be accepted.
11. The original work may be presented in any language. If the original version is not in Spanish or Catalan, it must be submitted with subtitles (in an .srt file) in Spanish, Catalan or English. A dialog list in Catalan, Spanish or English may be accepted as well.
12. Application process:
1. Download and fill out the application form using the following link http://picurt.org/convocatoria/
2. Submit the correctly completed form with two photographs of the film to info.picurt@gmail.com
3. Send a copy of the film via one of the following means:
• Private viewing link in streaming (YouTube, Vimeo or similar)
• Private download link for viewing by members of the pre-jury on avi, mp4, mov or similar (webtransfer, myairbridge) to info.picurt@gmail.com
• DVD / Bluray (sistema PAL) by post to:
CEP Cultura i Entorn del Pirineu
Sta. Magdalena 03-4
25700 La Seu d’Urgell, Lleida
13. (Optional) Application via Festhome: https://festhome.com/f/picurt
This process requires applicants to abide by the rules and regulations of the platform Festhome.
14. A commitee chosen by the directors of Picurt will make a preliminary selection of the entries and their decision will be communicated to the producers/directors of the selected entries.
15. The organisation reserves the right to group the entries within the progamming of the festival according to subject matter.
16. The OFFICIAL SELECTION will be announced on the festival website during the month of May.
17. No screening fees will be paid for those works chosen in the Official Selection.
18. There are four cash prizes:
• Premi Gall Fer Pirineus - Ciutat de La Seu d’Urgell
Pyrennean entries (production, direction or subject matter) €1500.
• Premi Gall Fer Vallnord
Entries with a mountain/Alpine sport theme. €1500.
• Premi Gall Fer Andorra
Entries related to the environment in mountainous regions. €1500.
• Premi Gall Fer Internacional
Entries on a mountain theme which do not fall into the other categories (Pyrenees, Sport and Environment). €1500.
19. The winners of the Official Selection will be chosen by an international jury selected by the organisation.
20. The prize money will be subject to relevant taxes.
21. No entry can win more than one prize.
22. A prize may be withdrawn if the jury so decides.
23. The award ceremony and close of the festival will take place on 30 June 2018 in Artedó, Alt Urgell.
24. Once an entry has been selected, a copy of the work on DVD, BR or a high-resolution download link must be provided for screening.
25. The organisers reserve the right to request further information about the work, author or any other material they consider necessary; for example the transcription of subtitles with timing.
26. The organisers will return entries not short-listed. Shipping costs for the copies are the responsibility of the author. The costs of returning the material, if requested, will be the responsibility of the organisers.
27. The selected entries will be screened in accordance with the programming schedule established by the organisers.
28. In accordance with the spirit of dissemination of Picurt, the works selected may be screened over a period of a year (on PIC-TOUR), with no commercial intent. If the works are submitted for commercial gain, this will be subject to agreement by all parties.
29. The authors are solely responsible for ensuring that the screening of their work violates no third party rights, the organisers accept no responsibility in this area.
30. Excerpts (maximum length three minutes) of the short-listed entries may be used by the media to publicise the festival.
31. The festival guarantees Copyright and intellectual property rights.
32. A copy of each short-listed work will be preserved as part of the festival archive, unless the applicant expresses a wish to the contrary when applying.
33. Any situation which may arise that is not included in these Terms and Conditions will be resolved by the organising commission and is not open to appeal.
34. The submission of a work implies the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and the organisers’ interpretation and application of these regulations.
La Seu d’Urgell, 7 November 2017, the president, Montserrat Guiu March.
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
31 Jan 18
Save up
Works / films from and / or about the Pyrenees.
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
31 Jan 18
Save up
Works / films about mountain sports.
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
31 Jan 18
Save up
Works / films about the environment and / or ecology of the mountains.
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
31 Jan 18
Save up
Works / films about mountains from all over the world (except for Pyrenees, sports and environment and ecology)