Festival start: 28 August 2019
Festival end: 01 September 2019
II O Anjo Exterminador - Brasília International Fantasy Film Festival
The 2nd edition of O Anjo Exterminador will be held at Cine Brasilia (Brasília - DF), September 17 to 21, 2019.
Registration is open until July 31, 2019, with the date of upload of the movie being completed by filling out the registration form on the digital platform https://festhome.com.
The Angel Exterminator - International Festival of Fantastic Cinema of Brasilia counts on two competitive national shows: national competitive and international competitive.
Composed of short films (up to 30 minutes) and Feature films (over 60 minutes).
And two international competitive shows: national competitive and international competitive. Composed of short films (up to 30 minutes) and Feature films (over 60 minutes).
Troféu Melhor Curta Fantástico Nacional
Troféu Melhor Curta Fantástico Internacional
Troféu Melhor Longa Fantástico Nacional
Troféu Melhor Longa Fantástico Internacional
O Anjo Exterminador - Brasília International Fantasy Film Festival
The 2nd edition of O Anjo Exterminador will be held at Cine Brasilia (Brasília - DF) September, 17 to 21, 2019.
Registration is open until July, 31, 2019, with the date of upload of the movie being completed by filling out the registration form on the digital platform https://festhome.com.
The Angel Exterminator - International Festival of Fantastic Cinema of Brasilia counts on two competitive national shows: national competitive and international competitive.
Composed of short films (up to 30 minutes) and Feature films (over 60 minutes).
And two international competitive shows: national competitive and international competitive. Composed of short films (up to 30 minutes) and Feature films (over 60 minutes).
A jury of specialists and professionals will award prizes in the categories: Competitive Short Film and Competitive Feature Film.
Award voted by the Popular Jury, vote of the public that can vote by means of ballots distributed at the entrance of the session in the film, Competitive Short Film, Competitive Feature Film.
3. Conditions for registration INTERNATIONAL FANTASTIC SHORT FILM
3.1. Horror Films; Sci-Fi; Fantasy; Trash; completed from 2017 and not shown in the previous edition of the festival;
3.2. Entries must have a maximum duration of up to 30 minutes and subtitles in English;
3.3 Audiovisual works finalized in any format;
3.4.In case of registered teams, it must elect only one representative;
3.5. For registration, the interested party must register their film in the Festhome (https://festhome.com/) and then submit it to the registration in the 2nd Angel Exterminator;
3.6. By registering the film, the interested party may upload the film to the FilmFreeway specifications;
3.7. The upload of the project must be done in this system until May 31, 2019
3.8. No unfinished works will be accepted, nor will advertising and / or institutional videos be accepted.
4. Conditions for registration Competitive category FEATURE FILM FANTASTIC INTERNATIONAL.
4.1. Horror Films; Sci-Fi; Fantasy; Trash; completed from 2017 and not shown in the previous edition of the festival;
4.2. Entries must be longer than 60 minutes and subtitles in English;
4.3 Visualized audiovisual works for display in DCP digital system;
4.4. In the case of registered teams, it must elect only one representative;
4.5. For registration, the interested party must register their film in the Festhome (https://festhome.com/) and then submit it to the registration in the 2nd Lobo Fest;
4.6. By registering the film, the interested party may upload the film to the FilmFreeway specifications;
4.7. The upload of the project must be done in this system until MAY 31, 2019
4.8. No unfinished works will be accepted, nor will advertising and / or institutional videos be accepted.
5. General provisions
5.1. Films selected for any show on the 2nd O Anjo Exterminador are automatically entitled to their viewing rights during the event.
5.2. The choice of the films participating in the curatorship will be unquestionable;
5.3. A jury of experts and professionals will award prizes in the categories: Competitive Short, Competitive Long, Popular Jury (Best National Short, Best International Short Film, National Feature Film and Best International Feature Film).
5.4. The public may vote by means of ballot papers distributed at the entrance to the
favorite film awarding the Jury Prize for the films of the international competitions and also for the films participating in the national competitions.
The Organizing Committee will indicate the members that will compose the selection jury
(curating committee) and the official jury (judging committee) of the competitive shows.
The selected participants cede to e Filmes, without compensation, the right to broadcast up to 30 seconds of the selected films for public festival projections, jurie projections and press projections, as well as the right of exhibition and / or reproduction images or excerpts of up to 30 seconds of the films for broadcast in the press, TV channels and the internet. The material sent for registration will become part of the festival's collection The International Film and Television Terminator, and may be used strictly for cultural purposes without commercial objectives.
It will not be allowed the participation of directors related to the organization of O Anjo Exterminador in the competitive shows of the event.
6. Responsibility of the Director
6.1. By submitting your application to the Festival, the copyright holder expressly declares and warrants to be the owner or possessor of all rights and licenses necessary for the display of the audiovisual content, including - but not limited to:
a) Rights of use of image and sound of people or things that appear in the work;
b) Rights of songs used as sound or incidental film;
c) Right of texts appearing in the video;
d) Right of archival images that appear in the work;
e) Right to the exhibition, display or dissemination in cultural centers, museums and other
non-profit cultural establishments, inside and outside Brazil;
f) Disclosure of the festival of excerpts of up to 30 seconds in open and closed TVs, internet, websites, mobile media or any other media, with the prior authorization of the producers of the audiovisual work.
h) Or any other copyrights that may prevent or violate the
of the work.
The Festival has a competitive character.