Festival start: 05 January 2023
Festival end: 25 February 2023
A.P.S. Callysto presents the first edition of the East Naples Short Film Contest as part of the Cinematopedia project, co-funded by the Creative Europe & Media program, an initiative aimed at current students and those who graduated no more than three years ago from film schools in Italy.
The contest aims to give voice to the talent and creativity of the young generation of authors and filmmakers, through meeting and participation, bringing out themes of interest to contemporary society and originality in storytelling.
BEST SHORT FILM: VOUCHER of 400€ expendable in equipment and technique;
BEST SUBJECT: VOUCHER of 400€ expendable in equipment and technique;
BEST PHOTOGRAPHY: VOUCHER of 400€ expendable in equipment and technique.
The vouchers will be usable at supplier indicated by the organizing body.
The call for entries, which is public and free of charge, is open to audiovisual storytelling projects for formats of short films, original and undistributed, whose rights have NOT already been assigned to third parties or that rights have been assigned to film production companies and that they agree to the screening as part of the above contest, with a maximum duration of 15 minutes. The following may participate students or graduates within a maximum of three years of obtaining a degree or academic diploma in audiovisual disciplines and/or related fields.
Entry Cost: No cost.
Call for entries deadline: 05/02/2023.
Month of the event: february 2022.
Registration is free of charge. It is possible to register from Thursday, January 5, 2023 to Sunday, February 5, 2023, no later than 6 p.m., by sending an email to info.callystoarts@gmail.com.
Only submissions received by deadline will be accepted for pre-selection.
Each application must contain the following materials:
- entry form (application form) duly completed in all its parts accompanied by
valid identification document and in .pdf format;
- link for online viewing.
All the above materials may be submitted in Italian and/or english. All entry materials entry will be used exclusively for the purpose of pre-selection and final selection. By participation in this notice the participants hereby authorize the CallystoArts entity to the use of the relevant works, guaranteeing as of now the non-existence of any impeding cause and/or rights related to them. The aforementioned materials will be kept in the digital archive of A.P.S. Callysto at Centro Asterix, via Domenico Atripaldi N°52 that nor will have free faculty of use .
- Project contact person:
By participating in the contest one assumes the responsibility of being the legitimate authorized representative of all rights holders of the work, guaranteeing that the project does not violate the rights of any third party, and indemnifies the 'organizing body from any claims by third parties and/or rights holders. Each contact person may submit only one project for the contest.
The organization may require the submission of documents attesting to originality if there are any doubts or reservations in addition to verification of membership in a national film academy or school.
The contact person warrants from the outset that he/she possesses any consent from third parties to participate in this notice and is also authorized to collect the prize in the event of a positive outcome of the evaluation.
- Necessary conditions for participation:
In order to participate in the selection, all projects must submit complete applications accompanied by all the materials described above.
Only students enrolled in national film academies and film schools, graduated for a maximum of two years. Participants should enter their email (institutional address from student in the case of students still in course) and declare in the entry the status of student or recent graduate (not more than two years old). Original projects may be entered, which have not yet been produced, are not yet in pre-production, have not yet been optioned or whose rights have been assigned to third parties. Projects that have already participated in other contests are allowed as long as they provided that they have not been awarded prizes. Projects of a purely pornographic nature are not allowed, inciting violence and discrimination or violation of human rights.
Representatives of the pre-selected projects undertake to ensure their presence at the awards ceremony to be held in Naples at the Asterix center located at via Domenico Atripaldi 52 in April 2023 (unless otherwise arranged due to Covid-19), organizing independently and with costs at
their own expense for the trip.
The organizers strictly exclude any co-participation in the expenses incurred for the participation in the event.
Participation in the project will be at one's own risk and responsibility, exonerating explicitly each of the organizers from any obligation of compensation, except in cases of established fault and/or liability.
The entry of a project implies full acceptance of these regulations, as well as of the decisions of the selection committee, which are final.
ART.4 - TERM AND duration
It is possible to register from Thursday, January 5, 2023.
The deadline for project registration is Sunday, February 05, 2023 (no later than 6 p.m.).
Entries received after this date will not be considered.
The applications received will be evaluated by a selection committee, composed of experts selected by the 'organizing body that will pre-select 9 projects.
The finalist projects will be announced in the second week of February 2023.
Finalists will be offered the opportunity to:
- Present their projects during the awards day, to be held in attendance in the month February, in the presence of committee members . Each project will have 3 minutes for the oral presentation of the project, after which their work will be screened.
- Upon completion of the work, a jury appointed A.P.S. CallystoArts, will announce three awards (best short film, best subject/screenplay, best cinematography).
The jury's judgment is of a technical-discretionary nature and must be considered as such unchallengeable.
Participation in the call for proposals implies compliance with these regulations. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that he/she is entitled to the participation itself.