Festival start: 06 October 2018
Festival end: 06 October 2018
Handwritten letters become source of inspiration for original short films produced by filmmakers from all over the world. This is Movieletters’ project: a unique mix between letter writing and film making that, throughout the years, has given birth to wonderful works of art.
For the 2018 edition of the Movieletters’ competition, film directors from around the world are invited to make short films translating into cinematic language the words contained in the letter written by Lo Stato Sociale: http://movieletters.com/contest2018/the-letter/.
The text of the letter, downloadable in different languages visiting http://movieletters.com, must appear either wholly or partially (simple quotes are also allowed) within the short film, in the way that the author deems most appropriate: voice-over, lettering motion, opening and closing credits, etc.
A dedicated jury will decide on the short film finalists and the winner.
L’organizzazione del Festival si riserva il diritto di assegnare ulteriori premi o menzioni speciali
tra cui:
Sponsor Special Awards – Riconoscimenti da definire
Topic 2018: Letter to the one who changed my story
For the 2018 edition of Movieletters’ competition, film directors from around the world are invited to make short films translating into cinematic language the words contained in the letter written by the Italian band Lo Stato Sociale.
The text of the letter, downloadable in different languages (Ita/Eng), must appear within the short film, in the way that the author deems most appropriate: voice-over, lettering motion, opening and closing credits, etc.
A dedicated jury will decide on the short film finalists and the winner.
Sponsoring organization
The Letters’ Festival
Find out more: https://www.movieletters.com
Criteria for admission
The Movieletters competition is addressed to all film directors, professionals or amateurs, of any nationality, provided that they are adults.
Each participant shall ensure that the work submitted is original, that it has been actually carried out by the same participant and that the idea is of no one else (either through partial or total copying).
The organization shall assume no responsibility for any claims from third parties, for which the author participating in the competition shall be entirely and personally responsible.
No artistic works are allowed whose contents are explicitly violent and pornographic, or incite violence, instigate racial hatred and/or social, political, religious and sexual discrimination.
The works submitted may not contain any advertisements.
Video features
Works can be created with complete freedom as far as style is concerned and with any means made available by video shooting technology, provided that the image quality is such as to exploit same. The film must not last more than 8 minutes (opening and closing credits excluded). The Artistic Direction of the Festival reserves the right to project works in a foreign language with subtitles in Italian processed by the Festival itself, in the case where these are not provided directly by the Director.
Terms and conditions for participation
The works must be registered and sent to segreteria@festivaldellelettere.it using the free file transfer service available to the link movieletters.wetransfer.com within the deadline of 24 hours of September 23, 2018.
The finalist videos will be announced by September 28, 2018.
The selected artists will be asked to send the high definition version of their work together with backstage photos, photos of the author and bio-filmography. Despatch method will be communicated by the organization directly to the finalists.
Finalist Works’ Premiere
The first film of the best works selected by the jury will be shown during the 14th edition of the Letters’ Festival. During this event, the short film winners will be announced and awarded.
Marco Corbani – Creative Director of the Letters’ Festival
Lo Stato Sociale - Authors of the letter
Best Movieletter
Best Cinematography
Best Soundtrack
Best Under 21 Short Film
The organization of the Festival reserves the right to assign further awards or honourable mentions including:
Sponsor Special Awards – To be defined
Deadlines and program
Registration opens: July 17, 2018
Registration deadline: September 23, 2018
Finalists' announcement: September 20, 2016
Letters' Festival: October 4-7, 2018
Projection of finalist films and announcement of winners: October 6, 2018
The Letters' Festival declines any liability for possible plagiarism and copyright infringement. Each participant for the award declares to be author and owner of all rights of the work submitted.
Each candidate expressly authorizes the Letters' Festival in addition to its legal representatives, to process the personal data transmitted, pursuant to Law 675/96 (concerning the handling of personal data) and subsequent amendments Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Personal Data Protection Code), also for inclusion in the databases managed by the above-mentioned subjects. Each participant in the competition grants free of charge to the Letters' Festival and its legal representatives the rights to reproduce the works in order to organize events, make a possible publication of the award and any other form of communication on the website, together with the preparation of materials, promotion and activities of the organization and its partners.
Publication restrictions
The authors of short films are invited not to render visible online, in full version, those works which have been entered into the competition Movieletters 2018, until the end of the 14th edition of the Letters’ Festival.
Closing clause
The organizers of the competition shall have the right to the final decision on all matters not specifically mentioned in this competition notice. The organization reserves the right to make any changes to the competition notice, if required. The adhesion and participation in the award implies the unconditional acceptance of the articles of this competition notice.
Movieletters 2018 - Cortometraggi Ispirati Alla Lettera De Lo Stato Sociale.