Festival start: 30 November 2016
Festival end: 02 December 2016
The Creators for Identity and Memory Association (ACIM) organizes the V Festival of Short Films for Identity, and calls authors to participate with their works. The Festival will take place in Barcelona the 30th of November and the 1st and 2nd of December. It will bring together short films dealing with identity robbery, its recognition and recovery, and the personal and social consequences. ACIM promotes activities that denounce the robbery of identity, mainly when it affects children and It is closely related with the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo Association. Children abduction and forged identity were a systematic policy during both the last Argentine military dictatorship, Spanish Franco’s regime and other “the facto” governments. ACIM considers that stolen identities should be restablished as this is an inherent human right.
Cash Prizes: 300€
Premio al mejor cortometraje
Mención de honor del jurado en caso de que lo considere oportuno
Premio del público
The Associació Crear per la Identitat i la Memòria (ACIM) calls the V Festival of Short Films for Identity, which will take place in Barcelona in 30 November and 1 and 2 December 2016. The submission requirements are:
1. The Short Films Competition is open for all individual or collective creators older than 16 years, regardless of their site of birth or residence.
2. The priority subject of short films should be stolen identity. Children kidnapping is mainly moved by economical and political reasons. It has been a usual practice of many dictatorships. Spain, Argentine, Cambodia, Ruanda, El Salvador, Vietnam, Guatemala, are some of the best known examples. Yet, identity robbery goes further than this throughout the world, in all cultural settings, menacing sexual, national, religious, linguistic or ideological identity. Therefore, our Festival admits short films focused on any form of identity robbery, its historical context, or with other terms of historical memory.
3. All audiovisual categories (animation, fiction, documentary, drama, experimental, etc) will be admitted. Films’ duration must not exceed 20 minutes, including credits.
4. Short films must be presented in their original language. In case this is neither Spanish nor Catalan, they must be subtitled in any of these languages.
5. Deadline for films reception is August 31, 2016.
6. Films may be submitted by any of the following procedures:
a. Send via www.festhome.com
7. Authors may submit more than one film, each one of them in a different file.
8. In case the short film is selected, the organizers will require from authors a maximum quality copy for its exhibition.
9. Short films may have been previously screened or presented in other festivals or awarded prizes.
10. Authors presenting their work must be the original creators of the film and must have obtained the necessary permissions for the inclusion of copyrighted music and/or images within the film. The film must not infringe the rights of privacy and publicity, copyright, trademarks or intellectual property rights of any person or organisation. Entrant authors accept that for the inclusion of any material or element of the presented films which may be subject to the rights of a third party, they must obtain prior to submission of the film, the necessary consents from such party to enable its use and exhibition. Such consent(s) shall be at the expense of the entrant. A non-exhaustive list of such material or elements include: name, voice and likeness of any person appearing in the film, specific locations any physical, audio and/or audio-visual material which the entrant does not own. In case that a third party may claim image rights, authorship or any other intellectual, industrial o other right, ACIM and other collaborative institutions will be exonerated from any responsability.
11. All works presented will be evaluated by the Selection Committee from ACIM, in terms of their aesthetic, expressive and thematic merits. Selected films will be exhibited during the festival.
12. The Jury will be composed by at least 5 professionals not belonging to de Festival organization. Awards will be:
o Best short film
o Jury’s award (if suitable)
o Audience Award
13. The Best Short Film will be screened at the 23 Latinamerican Film Festival of Catalunya (Lérida, Spain) and in the 23 San Gio' Video Festival of Verona (Italy).
14. The work selected as Best Short Film will receive a 300 € award.
15. The awarded short film will be the image of the VI Festival of Short Films for Identity.
16. All materials received for pre-selection will remain in the archives of the Festival, but not available for commercial purposes.
17. Entering this competition implies full acceptance of the submission requirements.
Cortometrajes a concurso
Short Films 20'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 16
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Cortometrajes que enfoquen todas las variantes del secuestro de identidad, su contexto histórico, y otros aspectos de la Memoria Histórica.