BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT Award (Official Competition)
BEST FICTION SHORT Award (Official Competition)
BEST ANIMATION SHORT Award (Official Competition)
Among the competing short films, the jury will select one for the award “MIRADA DE ORO” which is the major award of the festival, even if the chosen film has won another award.
A. All short films made since 2011 to the present day will be accepted, filmed using any support can be presented but only DVD format will be received (Pal Norm) or via online submission. There are no nationality restrictions for the authors. All those shorts made in languages other than Spanish will have to be with the Spanish subtitles properly embedded.
B. Only two short films will be accepted per author in different categories. Works presented in previous editions of the Festival will not be received. The submission deadline is FRIDAY MAY 16th 2014. Films presented after this deadline will not be accepted. For those films sent by regular mail, we will have into acccount the date as postmark, not later than FRIDAY MAY 16th 2014.
C. Each short film should be sent with the printed submission form signed by the director, two copies (in DVD format, Pal norm, Region 4 or Free Region), and a cd containing the following information: ‐ Two (2) photographs of the short film on 300 dpi quality ‐ One (1) photograph of the director ‐ One (1) image of the short film's poster ‐ One (1) digital copy of the Identity card, or passport of the person responsible for enrolment in the festival (the director). The short films will not be returned and the author's participation in the festival entails acceptance to show a part of them, or the whole for promotion purposes. No copy of the films (selected or not) will be returned. All of them will become part of Mirada en Cortos Short Film Festival archives and may be used for special showcases and/or national or international exhibitions. Filmmakers will not be entitled to claim any compensation for the use of their films by Mirada en Cortos Short Film Festival. All the material should be attached to the copy sent via FESTHOME.
D. The films can participate in any of the following categories:
Fiction (maximum length 20 minutes, titles included)
Documentary (maximum length 20 minutes, titles included)
Animation (maximum length 20 minutes, titles included)
International Short Films will have a category of its own, and they're for exhibition only, not for competition. However, they will be able to receive a special mention, if the members of the jury decide so.
E. The film makers will authorize the use of the material for promotion of the Festival. On the other hand, they take full responsibility for the authorship of the material and they commit themselves not to present any material over which they have no rights of use. The Organizing Committee will not be held responsible for the material presented or improper use of copyright on behalf of the authors.
F. The Organizing Committee will be able to modify the Terms & Conditions without previous notice.
G. There will be a pre‐selection of the material. Those films selected will participate in different sections, namely: Official Competition, and Official Exhibition (For Argentinean Short Films), International Exhibition, and Miradita en Cortos Exhibition (Shorts for children), National and International Short films.
H. MIRADITA EN CORTOS. It's an exhibition of short films for children, the festival screens them at schools, and encourages teachers to work with the material. We receive both national and international short films for this section. Short films which are not spoken in Spanish should be subtitled in Spanish.
I. The Organizing Committee will name 3 renowned cinema professionals to judge the short films and award the following prizes: BEST DOCUMENTARY Award (Official Competition) BEST FICTION (Official Competition) BEST ANIMATION (Official Competition). Among the short films competing, the jury will select one for the award “MIRADA DE ORO” which is the major award of the festival, such film could have won another category or not.
J. The winners will have to include the Festival's logo on the starting credits of their films. The prizes for the winners of the Festival will be published on the website in due course.
K. Exhibition: The selected short films, which will participate in the Official and International competition will be screened in Victoria, Entre Ríos, Argentina from August 7th to August 10th. The Festival program will be published on the website in due course, at least 10 days before the beginning of the event.
L. Submission is free. The shipping costs of the material will be at the expense of the participants, as well as any other charge related to it (insurance, customs taxes, etc). The Festival will not cover any cost or expense related to the shipping of the films.
M. Material's reception:
The material can be delivered by postal mail to:
“Mirada en cortos 7”
153 Moreno Street.
Nogoyá, Entre Ríos Argentina.
Zip Code (E3150EGC)
Write on the envelope, no commercial value: “SIN VALOR COMERCIAL/NO COMMERCIAL VALUE.”
THE FESTIVAL ENCOURAGES ONLINE ENTRIES, TO PROTECT THE ENVIROMENT AND TO REDUCE EXPENSES. To send your short film, the festival offers a private space on a server so the content's not public. Only the organizers and the administrator of the festival will have access to preview or download your film. Use FESTHOME application, click and sign up for safe shipment.