This festival is not currently open for submissions.
Festival start: 09 November 2019
Festival end: 21 November 2019
Purpose- 1936, Memorias del Silencio is created with the aim of promoting through the cinema and colloquies,the peace cultur and another view around the world, regarding the Spanish civil war.
This program responds the intention of dealing with the role of the Spanish civil war from its cultural environment, anthropological and social, with special attention to the role of woman through its evolution.
Lectures and speakers will participate in workshops, discussions, and debates in order to make aware and provoke reflection on some events that a whole sector refuses to talk about. For this reason, we will give priority to the accesible suggestions to people with audible or visual disabilities.
It will be integrated by a retrospective, competition, and colloquies or conferences with specialists.
We encourage the participation of spanish producers and we stimulate the producer’s look from countries with low production or with difficulty to reach our film theaters and specially encouraging the presence of works made by young artists.
Cash Prizes: 3,000€
It will be in charge of selected professionals, the festival’s jury will award.
The awards will depend on the confirmation of the funding sources, the festival jury will award:
Prize- Best Feature fiction Film……..………………………………..worth 1.500€
Prize- Best Feature documentary…………………………………….worth 1.000€
Prize- Best short Film……………………………………………………….worth 500€
Prize-Best phone’s Film…………………………………………………... worth 500€
Prize- Best Children’s public Film………………………………………worth 500€
Public’s Prize
If the jury deems it appropriate, it will be special prizes consisting of certificates of recognition to the special qualities considered noteworthy.
Festival 1936,
1-Purpose- The Monographic 1936, Memorias del Silencio is created with the aim of promoting through the cinema and colloquies,the peace cultur and another view around the world, regarding the Spanish civil war.
This program responds the intention of dealing with the role of the Spanish civil war from its cultural environment, anthropological and social, with special attention to the role of woman through its evolution.
Lectures and speakers will participate in workshops, discussions, and debates in order to make aware and provoke reflection on some events that a whole sector refuses to talk about. For this reason, we will give priority to the accesible suggestions to people with audible or visual disabilities.
It will be integrated by a retrospective, competition, and colloquies or conferences with specialists.
We encourage the participation of spanish producers and we stimulate the producer’s look from countries with low production or with difficulty to reach our film theaters and specially encouraging the presence of works made by young artists.
2. The organization- It is organize by El Ojo cojo, an NGO dedicated to the intercultural dialogue’s promotion, declared of public utility by the Madrid City Council.
As such, El Ojo cojo is member of the global Alliance for cultural diversity and the Anna Lindh foundation.
The film festival will take the second week of May, it is independent and it will award prizes of the jury and the public.
3. Section. It will have the following sections:
Official Feature Film section in competition:
Fiction: Duration from 80 minutes.
Documentary: from 60 minutes.
Official Short Film section in competition: Duration till 20 minutes.
(The films received that do not meet these conditions, but that stand out by their excellent quality or by their testimonial power, they could be selected for exhibition out of competition).
Monographic sections and seasons that will show films of great film quality and social commitment, as well as an aesthetic and discursive search, or referents to a particular reality. They can group together by nationality, theme, trend, author or another approach taken by the management.
There won’t be limitation of production date.
Films aspiring to prizes should be finished or released from 1st January 2015 and not being nominated in this film festival before.
It is not an impediment but it will be viewed favourably if they hadn’t participated in other film festivals.
4. Registration- Films can only register by its directors or with written and signed express authorisation for our film festival by themselves. It will not be accepted inscriptions by distributors, without an express authorisation for registration in our festival by the director.
The invitations are only for filmmakers. It will not be accepted massive shipments by distributors except the ones that make the payment for every film’s inscription.
With this inscription, the directors authorize that the inscribed films, which due to their characteristics warrant it, will be directly enrolled in friendly festivals such as the Lajo Eye, Sansueña, Festival of the original peoples or Festival of the painted birds, among others and vice versa.
If in the event that a sufficient number of films were not registered or due to their quality did not allow their exhibition, the edition would be moved to the following year in succession
Once it is sent, the card will be considered a sworn statement and it claims to know and fully agree with the terms and conditions of this Regulation.
Subsequent to disclosure the preselection it must be sent The scanned file from the film
The Exhibition features must send a copy subtitled in Spanish (at least in Spanish .srt document).
PLEASE do not send by mail photographs or other documents that we haven’t ask for in this way.
5.Language- It is desirable that the films are in Spanish or with Spanish subtitles. If the version is neither spoken nor subtitled in Spanish, at the very moment of the preselection the copy must to be subtitled in Spanish together the Spanish dialogues in .srt format.
6. Exhibition- Once registered and selected, the film can not be remove from the program.
The exhibitions within the framework of the Festival will take place in Madrid in different halls and alternative spaces as well as in the Street, there will be also online functions and then in a itinerant way for cultural spaces of Spain . The copies received will become part of the video library of el Ojo cojo. It can be displayed in cycles in the “Centro cultural Sansueña” and choose to alternative distribution of el Ojo cojo.
7.Presentations-It is important that each director takes advantage of the different spaces that the Festival offers to promote their work.
8. The selected films in competition will have the opportunity to be purchased for exhibition on national television or intervene in our editions online.
For this reason, it is required that each title will be officially presented during the Festival, either by its Director or by their representatives, in case that the director could not get around.
9. Transport of the copies- In any case, the sending copies shall be borne by the sender.
The DVD copies will not be returned.
If a copy is sent on film format, at the time of shipment, we beg to the dispatcher to communicate it to:, bringing the number of air waybill, flight company, flight number and date of shipment.
Transport costs, insurance from the place of issue will be borne by the person who enrols the film.
It has always to be indicated that the copy has no commercial value and declare a maximum value of U$S 15 for customs purposes.
If it is held some shipping charge to the festival, it will be returned to destination.
All copies must be sent to the Festival with paid transportation costs and prepaid taxes. Shipments made under the Festival’s charge will not be accepted.
The festival does not cover the costs of returning the 35mm prints or copies, nor returns or other materials.
10. Informative and advertising material - The Festival must irrevocably receive along with the inscription. After it, it will not be accepted.
The advertising material of each film consist of: press kit, posters and photographs of the authors, as well as a mini trailer in DVD multizone.
In this manner it is wished to provide as much information as possible to the international and local press and arouse the public interest for each film.
* The non- delivery of this material is not exclusive, but it benefits from the influx of public broadcasting and the film.
11. Invitations - The Festival will make the necessary contacts to facilitate the stay and tickets to the filmmakers who aspire to Jury prizes. These directors, if requested in the regular period in which they are convened, will have the opportunity to present their films and make a call to the press, according to the possibilities that provide the supports and sponsors every year.
12. Dissemination. - The Festival aims to give the widest publicity and spreading to films that arise.
It recommends films for local distribution in cinemas and DVD and can support you with the marketing.
El Ojo cojo also carries an itinerant tour with selections from the Festival in the Cultural Microcentro Sansueña and different cultural spaces. It will also seek to facilitate the participation of films in different friend festivals, promoting in this way knowledge of the work.
13. Seminars - It is purpose of the Festival to facilitate the discussion and exchange of cinematographic experiences in an environment of cultural integration , for which it will be organized seminars.
14. Preseletion- It will be in charge of selected professionals, the festival’s jury will award.
15. Prizes- The awards will depend on the confirmation of the funding sources, the festival jury will award:
Prize- Best Feature fiction Film….......……………………………….................................worth 1.500€
Prize- Best Feature documentary……………………………….........worth 1.000€
Prize- Best short Film……………………………………………………….worth 500€
Prize-Best phone’s Film…………………………………………………....... worth 500€
Prize- Best Children’s public Film………………………………………....................worth 500€
Public’s Prize
If the jury deems it appropriate, it will be special prizes consisting of certificates of recognition to the special qualities considered noteworthy.
The certificate and prize in cash, where appropriate, will be sent only to the director.
The winning-awards Films undertake to mention it in all advertising, posters and press materials, adding the festival’s logo and respecting the exact wording of the jury's decisión, condictio sine qua non for the award creditor.
Indicators for Film’s Evaluation:
- Reality narrated
- Treatment Impact
- Originality
- Quality management
- Environment in which it was made and its difficulties
- Adversities to carry out
- Qualities of the Script
- Artistic quality
- Technical quality
16. General Provisions - Registration is participation’s agreement for the film, it implies acceptance of the conditions of this Regulation. For cases not covered, the decision will be up to the Festival.
17. The Festival will establish the order and date of exhibition of each film according to the exhibition halls.
All correspondence has be addressed by official mail to the Festival:
International Film Festival 1936, Memory of Silence
Three fish 32
28012, Madrid
Tel / fax 0034 914293307
Short Films
Short Films 20'<
31 Mar 19
30 Apr 19
24 May 19
30 Jun 19
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 19
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Fiction Feature Films
Feature Films >80'
31 Mar 19
30 Apr 19
24 May 19
30 Jun 19
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 19
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Documentary Feature Film
Feature Films >60'
31 Mar 19
30 Apr 19
24 May 19
30 Jun 19
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 19
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