Фестиваль начинается: 22 Август 2019
Фестиваль заканчивается: 24 Август 2019
#LOVEISLOVE Festival is a film festival, specializing in short films of LGBT + themes; supporting and promoting creative expressions of emerging and internationally consolidated filmmakers.
The first edition of the #LOVEISLOVE Festival will take place from August 22nd to 24th, 2019, based in the Ex Convent of Guadalupe of the Miguel Hidalgo Delegation, Mexico City.
All those selected will be given a certificate of participation in #LOVEISLOVE Festival, in Mexico City.
Official selection
The festival committee will select the short films that will be part of the programming of the first edition of #LOVEISLOVE Festival composed by the different sections, in competition and in sample.
Competitive sections and categories:
1. Mexican Competition (Fiction and Documentary)
2. International Competition (Fiction and Documentary)
The selection committee of #LOVEISLOVE Festival reserves the right to create other competitive sections.
3. Special Programs
4. Tributes and Retrospectives.
Registration will be online through the Festhome platform or our Website www.culturise.org
Registration will be free.
Regulations and eligibility criteria:
Short films will be shown with a maximum duration of 45 minutes (the selection committee may make exceptions).
Short films from Mexico and the whole world of LGBT + themes.
Institutional or advertising materials are not accepted.
Participants can register an unlimited number of works.
Regulations and eligibility criteria:
The publication of the list of short films that will make up the official selection #LOVEISLOVE Festival, will take place on August 5, 2019, through social networks and the official website of the festival: www.culturise.org/LOVEISLOVE.
For all the sections that are part of the official selection, short films recorded in digital format, filmed in 35mm, 16mm and 8mm, as well as those made with mobile devices will be accepted.
The accepted formats for the first edition of #LOVEISLOVE Festival are DCP, Blu-ray Disc, digital video codec file .mov H.264 AAC 1920 X 1080.
Short films must be submitted with subtitles embedded in English, if their original language is Spanish, or with subtitles embedded in Spanish if their
original language is another.
Once the participation has been accepted, the short films can not be removed from the official selection under any circumstance.
It is necessary to sign the letter of authorization and acceptance of the rules of the festival, by the legal representative of the audiovisual work, the omission of this requirement will mean automatic disqualification.
All the information required for the catalog and the diffusion material of the short films selected for the fourteenth edition, must be sent
to email culturisee@gmail.com
The decision of the selection committee will be unappealable.
With the exception of the DCP (Digital Package for Cinema), no material submitted or presented to the festival will be returned for selection and exhibition.
Copies of films that are delivered to the festival will not be returned, all material will be retained for archival purposes.
Mexican Competition:
Short films made in any video or film format can be registered; production must be Mexican regardless of the director's nationality,
place or the country of filming. The short films must be subtitled in English, with the exception of those productions whose original language is different, which
They must be subtitled in Spanish.
International Competition:
You can register the short films made in any video or film format, subtitled in Spanish and produced anywhere in the world.
Selected movies:
By completing the registration of the short films, the persons who own the rights undertake to accept these regulations and the rules determined by the festival.
The owner of the short film (director / producer) accepts the exhibition of the film from August 22 to 24, 2019, during the dates and at the venues
determined by the festival, including the tour, by signing the corresponding authorization letter.
The selected works must deliver in USB 3.0, the short film and the trailer in digital files - video codec .mov H.264 AAC 1920 X 1980976 fp
they are subtitles embedded in English, a file in .srt format and the list of dialogues of the work in Spanish and English.
The DCP exhibition format is accepted by the festival
For the selected works, two self-reproducing Blu-ray discs without a menu must be submitted, with subtitles embedded in English if their original language is Spanish or with subtitles embedded in Spanish if their
original language is another.
If the owner of the short film (director / producer) does not deliver the materials required by the #LOVEISLOVE Festival committee, on the dates and times indicated, they will be disqualified.
All those selected will be given a certificate of participation in #LOVEISLOVE Festival, in Mexico City.
All participants fully accept the bases of this call, as well as the resolutions taken by the festival committee in any situation not foreseen in them.
About the regulation:
If there are doubts, concerns and / or comments regarding this call, you must contact by mail: culturisee@gmail.com
The registration of one or more short films to the present call of #LOVEISLOVE Festival constitutes the acceptance of this registration regulation. We invite you to register your films and be part of #LOVEISLOVE Festival.
Mexican Competition
Короткие фильмы 45'<
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
05 авг 19
Short films made in any video or film format can be registered; the production must be Mexican regardless of the nationality of the director, the place or the country of filming. The short films must be subtitled in English, with the exception of those productions whose original language is different, which must be subtitled in Spanish
International competition
Короткие фильмы 45'<
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
05 авг 19
You can register the short films made in any video or film format, subtitled in Spanish and produced anywhere in the world.
Откройте для себя отличные фильмы и фестивали всего в один клик мышки