Festival start: 01 November 2018
Festival end: 06 October 2018
The Lahore International Children’s Film Festival is a project of The Little Art. It's an an annual event to showcase the best of local and international films made by, for or about children and young people. The Festival was started in 2008, and has completed its 9 seasons successfully and has reached to nearly 451,550 audiences.
Aiming at education as well as entertainment, the film festival is dedicated to promote the culture of film watching, media literacy and alternative learning among children and young people. Each year, the festival brings some of the best international films to Pakistan to promote, peace, creativity, social awareness, world cultures and the arts.
The Festival reaches to nearly 50,000 children and young people each year, from urban to rural areas. The festival defines “children and young people” as its primary beneficiaries, irrespective of their gender, social status, class, education or income level.
The festival has an inclusive approach to involve marginalized and less privileged children as its audience. We collaborate with NGOs and community organizations to show the world's best films to out-of-school and marginalized children across Pakistan.
2018 is the 10th season of the Festival and will take place in Lahore, Pakistan in October 2018.
• Best Children's Feature Film (Animation and Live Action)
• Best Short Film (Animation, in respective Festival section)
• Best Short Film (Live Action, in respective Festival section)
• Best Pakistani Cinema
• Best Child-Made Film
Submission Deadline
30 APRIL, 2018
The Festival will showcase films by, for and about children in the following age groups.
• Up to 7 years
• 8 -13 years old
• 14-18 years old
• 18+ (films about children, suitable with parental guidance or might not be suitable for minor viewing.)
• Children’s Feature (Fiction and Animation) - Competitive section for feature length films (fiction and animation) for children and young people
• Shorts (Animation) - Competitive section for animation short films for children and young people
• Shorts (Live Action) - Competitive section for live action short films for children and young people
• Films made by Children – Competitive section for films made by under 18 children and young people
• Documentary films – Competitive sections for documentary films, for and about children and young people
• Pakistani Section (feature, animation, shorts) – Competitive section for films from Pakistan
• Non-competitive Features – Non-competitive sections for feature length films for youth and families
• Non-competitive Shorts – Non-competitive section of short films
Online Submission
The festival take submissions online through filmfreeway, however if you don’t have the preview online, a dvd can be sent to us.
Entry of films in the Festival
Film Producers, Directors, Distributors or their duly authorized representatives or duly authorized government organization / agency of the participating countries may enter their films for the competition through the enclosed Entry Form.
The Festival organizers reserve the right to invite films they consider suitable for the film festival.
If submitting the dvd, the Form, duly filled in, separately for each film proposed to be entered should reach the Festival.
Screening format
Festival accepts uncompressed digital files (MOV/MP4) formats, which can be sent online (preferred) to us or by post no later than June 30, 2018.
Films will normally be screened in their original language/version. Films in a language other than English must have subtitles in English. Films that arrive without subtitles, or with subtitles other than in English, where such subtitles are not required, shall not be screened at the Festival.
General Rules
Films Other than the one made by, for and about children are eligible for competition.
The participants must ensure that they have the right to participate in the 10th Lahore International Children’s Film Festival-2018 with regard to parties connected with the production / distribution of the participating film and / or other right holders/licenses.
Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of these Regulations.
Competition Conditions
Films entered in the Competition Section must fulfill the following conditions:
Films must be for children of all ages.
Entries will be subject to preview by a committee constituted by this Festival. A film which is not accepted for the Competition Section can be shown in other Section with the specific consent of the entrant.
No person in any way connected with the production or commercial exploitation of a competitive entry will be a member of the jury. All Members of the jury will refrain from releasing any articles or reviews to the press concerning the films submitted for their judgement until after the jury's decisions have been formally published/declared.
Films which submitted in the last year's festival are not acceptable, whether accepted or rejected.
The following prizes will be given away:
• Best Children's Feature Film (Animation and Live Action)
• Best Short Film (Animation, in respective Festival section)
• Best Short Film (Live Action, in respective Festival section)
• Best Pakistani Cinema
• Best Child-Made Film
DVD Submissions by Post
We encourage online submissions, but if you are submitting by post, please considered the following;
Filled Entry Form
Two copies of the film in digital format with subtitles in English: one each for preview and screening
A Data CD consisting of (a) synopsis in English, (b) Film Stills as many as possible (c) Director’s Photos, Biography and Filmography (d) Poster of the film (optional)
Note: The items mentioned in clause a) to d) can be sent through email also at licff@thelittleart.org
The organizers of the festival reserve the right to make changes in the screening schedule of films.
Correspondence and Shipping Address
The package should be clearly mentioned that:
All correspondence, publicity materials, DVDs etc should be addressed to:
Lahore International Children’s Film Festival
C/O The Little Art
81 F, Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-35220796, +92-315 4036167
LICFF website: www.lahorechildrenfilm.com
E-mail: licff@thelittleart.org
Children’s Feature (Fiction and Animation)
Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive section for feature length films (fiction and animation) for children and young people
Shorts (Animation)
Short Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive section for animation short films for children and young people
Shorts (Live Action)
Short Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive section for live action short films for children and young people
Films made by Children
Short Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive section for films made by under 18 children and young people
Documentary films
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive sections for documentary films, for and about children and young people
Pakistani Section (feature, animation, shorts)
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive section for films from Pakistan
Documentary films
Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive sections for documentary films, for and about children and young people
Films made by Children
Short Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive section for films made by under 18 children and young people
Shorts (Live Action)
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive section for live action short films for children and young people
Shorts (Animation)
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive section for animation short films for children and young people
Children’s Feature (Fiction and Animation)
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
30 Apr 18
Save up
Competitive section for feature length films (fiction and animation) for children and young people