Festival start: 21 March 2015
Festival end: 29 March 2015
Some call it the “Lady Tickler,” “Lip Spinach,” or even, the “Cookie Duster.” Formally, it is known simply as “The Moustache.” In all of its forms it represents a man’s individuality and inner strength. Whether a full, furry and lustrous lip warmer or a smooth, sleek line of suave sophistication weaving it’s way across a dude’s upper lip, a man’s Moustache is an indication of his robust heart and the very soul of his being.
As part of the annual Facial Hair Fest—a celebration of facial hair in Portland, Maine—we are now looking for submissions for the International Moustache Film Festival (IMFF). Films will be screened in several venues throughout the week of March 21 through March 28, 2015,.
The Facial Hair Fest features all sorts of delightfully hairy good times, including the 8th annual Stache Pag (a moustache pageant), the Facial Hair Farmers Market, the Can-Am Beard and Moustache Competition, and of course, the IMFF. A number of IMFF screening blocks will be held, each dedicated to a different kind of stache. And despite the official name of the festival, beards are welcome. They are, after all, the less refined cousin to the moustache.
Films will be selected based on two criteria. First, we want good films. Second, we want films that highlight conspicuous, outstanding, and awesome facial hair. It's that simple.
Past years have seen the IMFF covered in the global press, including: Movie|Line, EW.com, The Guardian, BBC, Reuters, The Huffington Post, Boston.com, Yahoo.com, The Times of India, Buenos Aires Herald, DownEast Magazine, The Tribune, American Mustache Institute, The Beard Club and Stuff.Co.NZ.
Have a main character with a nice stache? Send us your film.
A documentary about hippies with beards? That's good to.
A film about Salvador Dali or Jesus? Totally qualifies.
A film about any of the following:
Hippies. Prophets. Musicians. Mountain Men. Cops. Robbers. Firemen. Old Fashioned Strong Men. Cowboys. NFL Quarterbacks. Private Investigators. Scientists. Political Leaders. Pirates. Canadians. Wizards. Dwarves. Dads. Cavemen. You. Your friends. Your enemies.
So send us some films, and please consider attending the International Moustache Film Festival!
The winner of Best Frickin' Facial Hair Film receives $250 Top Category Winner Awards will receive a trophy for: The Dali The Chaplin The Magnum The Zappa The Waters Filmmaker attendance is the responsibility and sole discretion of the filmmaker.
Film Requirements:
• Entrant must be 21 years of age to enter a film in the festival
• Must be entered in one of the two (2) length categories
• All accepted films will be considered for all Special Awards, to be awarded at judges' discretion
• All finished film/video must be in NTSC Acceptable Submission Formats.
• Playable DVDs should be mailed to: International Moustache Film Festival c/o Nick Callanan - No Umbrella Media LLC 222 Saint John St - Suite #2G Portland, ME 04102 USA
Term and Conditions: Important, please read closely.
1. By entering a submission to the International Moustache Film Festival, you agree to all of the terms and conditions stated below and herein.
2. You are establishing an enforceable agreement with No Umbrella Media, LLC, and therefore are responsible for understanding all these terms and abiding by them. If you do not understand a term, please contact us.
3. You are giving No Umbrella Media, LLC, its licensees, successors, assigns, and any other parties succeeding or authorized by it (collectively, “No Umbrella”) certain rights with regard to intellectual property that makes up your submission.
4. With regard to your submission, you agree to give No Umbrella a perpetual, worldwide, nonexclusive license to use, publicly perform, publicly display, copy, distribute, and create derivative works of your submission in connection with the “International Moustache Film Festival” and “Stache Pag” names.
5. We agree that No Umbrella will give all credits that we practicably can, given case-by-case circumstances.
6. You warrant that all copyrighted material--music, pictures, web content, videos, art, graphic design, etc. (this is not an exhaustive list, rather it is exemplary)—is either owned by you, or that you have express written permission to use any copyrighted material found in your submission. No exceptions.
7. You agree, that in the event that the previous bullet point turns out to be not true (you have infringed someone else’s copyrights), to indemnify and hold harmless No Umbrella for any claims or threat of claim against the same, and that you will pay for (first), or reimburse (last resort), all costs associated with defending any such claims against No Umbrella for violation of another’s copyright as a result of your submission.
8. You warrant that you have full consent and permission from all people who appear in any identifiable manner in your submission to use their persona in your submission, their knowing and understanding that their image or likeness may be used commercially.
9. You agree to hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless No Umbrella from any and all claims, including, without limitation, claims for damages for libel, infringement of rights of publicity, invasion of privacy, portrayal in a false light, or any other claim from any person based on use of your submission.
10. Any and all disputes arising from your submission shall be first attempted to be resolved by a mediator in Maine, in person or through electronic and phone communication.
11. The parties agree Maine law applies to this agreement, and that all federal and state courts of Maine shall have subject matter jurisdiction of this agreement.
12. This is the entire agreement with respect to the parties, and all other communications about this matter are not a part of this agreement.
Prizes: Film makers whose films are selected to run during the festival will be notified in advance. Category winners will be selected and winners announced the day of the festival. The winner of Best Frickin' Facial Hair Film receives $250 Top Category Winner Awards will receive a trophy for: The Dali The Chaplin The Magnum The Zappa The Waters We reserve the right to give category winners and Best of winners more prizes then listed here. Filmmaker attendance is the responsibility and sole discretion of the filmmaker. But it would be awesome if you could come.
Short Films
27 Feb 14
01 Mar 15
07 Mar 14
Submissions deadline
01 Mar 15
Save up
Short films, under 15 minutes
Long Films
Short and Feature Films
27 Feb 14
01 Mar 15
07 Mar 14
Submissions deadline
01 Mar 15
Save up
Any film 15 minutes or longer.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.