Festival start: 15 November 2021
Festival end: 18 November 2021
International Environmental Film Festival «Green Vision» enjoys deserved prestige as the first and oldest festival in Russia, dedicated to environmental issues, the relationship between man and nature. The festival is widely known both in our country and abroad.
The prizes of the Festival are memorable souvenirs made in the technique of laser graphics, with themes and logos of the Festival. The festival does not foresee cash prizes.
XXV International Environmental Film Festival
"Green Vision"
1. General Provisions
1.1 International Environmental Film Festival "Green Vision" (hereinafter - the Festival) is held annually.
1.2 The venue of the Festival is St. Petersburg.
1.3 The Festival is held on the initiative of the Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the Government of St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as the Committee).
1.4 Participation in the Festival is free.
1.5 Official languages of the Festival are Russian and English.
1.6 Detailed information about the Festival is published on the website http://greenvision.infoeco.ru/
2. Goals and objectives of the Festival
2.1 The goal of the Festival is to attract the attention of people in St. Petersburg, other cities of Russia and in the world to environmental problems; to raise the level of public awareness in environmental issues; to build a nature-friendly culture; to form interest in volunteering in the preservation and protection of the environment.
2.2 Objectives of the Festival:
- environmental education and forming the environmental culture among the general population;
- familiarization of a wide audience with the best Russian and foreign films dedicated to relevant environmental issues and ways to solve them;
- increasing demand for environmental films and stimulation of making of Russian environmental films;
- assistance and support for creative activity of professionals and amateurs in the making of films on environmental topics;
- development of international and crossregional cooperation in the field of environmental education.
3. Organizers of the Festival
3.1 The Organizer of the Festival is the Committee (hereinafter - the Organizer, the Committee).
3.2 Determined on the basis of an open competition the CONNECT Limited Liability Company (hereinafter - LLC "Connect") is the provider of services for the organization and holding of the XXV International Environmental Film Festival "Green Vision".
3.3 LLC "Connect" is responsible for the organizational, informational, technical and artistic support of the Festival, representing the Organizing Committee of the Festival (hereinafter - the Organizing Committee).
3.4 The Committee monitors the activities of LLC "Connect".
3.5 The Organizing Committee, in agreement with the Committee, forms a сommission for the selection of competitive works (hereinafter - the Selection Committee) and the international jury (hereinafter - the Jury).
3.6 The Selection Committee provides the processing of applications for participation in the Festival and selection of competitive works. Selection criteria - see paragraph 10 of these Regulations.
3.7 Members of the Jury review the competitive works that have passed the qualifier, evaluate them and award the winners. Evaluation criteria - see paragraph 10 of these Regulations.
4. Festival program
The festival program includes a set of events:
4.1 Press-conference.
4.1.1 The goal is to disseminate information about the Festival.
4.1.2 Objectives:
- establishment of an information event;
- attracting media support to cover Festival events;
- presentation of the Festival program.
4.1.3 Participants:
- Committee representatives;
- reptesentatives of other public authorities;
-representatives of the Organizing committee;
- representatives of the creative professions in the field of cinematography;
- representatives of public organizations concerned with environmental issues;
- Jury members representatives;
- and others.
4.2 International competition
4.2.1 The goal is to involve the general public in covering the environmental issues, to expand the geography of the competition.
4.2.2 Objectives:
- attracting to participate the maximum number of professionals and amateurs in filmmaking on environmental issues from different countries;
- popularization of the patriotism through the attitude towards the nature of their Homeland expressed in their competitive works;
- drawing attention to unknown natural places and identifying problematic issues related to ecology by means of the competitive works;
- forming an international platform to connect people with common interests.
4.2.3 Target audience - participants aged 18 and over (see paragraph 6 of these Regulations).
4.3 Competition "Ecology of the Soul".
4.3.1 The goal is to promote the Festival competitive works that indirectly affect the topic of ecology as a science but more fully disclose the topic of environmental culture.
4.3.2 Objectives:
- attracting more participants;
- highlighting spiritual and moral values;
- participation in scientific research and creative activities.
4.4 Out-of-Competition program.
4.4.1 The goal is to pay attention to each participant of the Festival.
4.4.2 Objectives:
- identifying new directions (nominations) among the competitive works;
- recognition and encouraging beyond the declared program of competition.
4.4.3 Target audience - participants aged 18 and over (see paragraph 6 of these Regulations).
4.4.4 The Out-of-Competition program is formed at the discretion of the organizers of the Festival.
4.5 Competition for children and youth including workshops on creating environmental films, an environmental quest and themed games. (Competition Regulations are published separately).
4.5.1 The goal is to form the interest of children and adolescents in an environmental topic through art.
4.5.2 Objectives:
- stimulating the creative activity of children, encouraging and developing children's creativity;
- teaching children with the help of specialists in the field of film production, journalism, environmental safety;
- creating an interesting atmosphere for schoolchildren to acquaint them with materials on environmental topics.
4.5.3 Target audience - children from 7 to 18 years old * (* By the decision of the Organizing Committee, the age range can be expanded).
5. Dates and venue of the Festival
5.1 The festival is held from March to November this year.
5.2 From March 1 to October 1, 2021 - the qualifier of the international competition. Submission of applications.
5.3 From July 1 to October 14, 2021 - viewing of competitive works (films) of the international competition by the Selection Committee.
5.4 October 15, 2021 - publication of the results of the qualifier of the international competition on the Festival website.
5.5 From 15 to 18 November 2021 - the main stage of the Festival:
- press - conference and grand opening of the Festival;
- workshops and game activities for children, workshops for schoolchildren on creating environmental films, environmental quest, themed games;
- competition of screenplays for children's environmental films;
- screening of the competitive films;
- ceremony of rewarding and closing the Festival.
5.6 The venue for the main stage of the Festival will be determined no later than October 15, 2021.
5.7 Information about the place, exact dates and times of all events of the Festival will be published on the Festival website no later than October 15, 2021.
5.8 In the event of a worsening epidemiological situation due to an outbreak of coronavirus infection, in order to prevent its spread on the territory of the Russian Federation, to protect the health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as in pursuance of measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of St. Petersburg to prevent the spread of cases of disease, the Festival can be partially or completely transferred to the online format.
6. Participants of the international competition of the Festival
6.1 Participants in the international competition of the Festival can be citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens of any profession, including students, youth groups, creative studios, creative groups of directors, independent producers, state and private film studios, television companies - copyright holders of the submitted competitive work.
6.2 The age range for the participants in the international competition of the Festival - from 18 years old and older * (* By the decision of the Organizing Committee, the age range can be expanded).
7. Terms of participation in the international competition of the Festival
7.1 The basis for participation in the competition program of the Festival is the application (Annex 1).
7.2 The application form can be obtained by e-mail, on the website http://greenvision.infoeco.ru/ or from any other sources.
7.3 The application must be sent to the address of the Organizing Committee by e-mail greenvisionfestspb@gmail.com. Applications are accepted from March 1 to October 1, 2021.
7.4 The following are accepted for competitive selection:
- feature-length documentaries and popular science films (no more than 90 minutes in length);
- short documentaries and animation films (no more than 30 minutes long);
- educational films (no more than 30 minutes long).
7.5 Movie format - mp4 or avi. Display resolution - 1920 x 1080. Timing - specified in paragraph 7.4 of these Regulations.
7.6 Films submitted for competitive selection must be produced after January 1, 2017. The year of production is determined by copyright.
7.7 All films with dialogues require English subtitles if the original language of the film is not English or Russian.
7.8 Each film must be accompanied by a correctly filled application in Russian or English.
7.9 For the application to be considered, it is necessary to send the following documentation to the address of the Organizing Committee of the Festival by e-mail greenvisionfestspb@gmail.com:
- a filled application form containing the written consent of the authors for a non-profit screening in the competition programs of the Festival,
- written consent to the processing of personal data (Annex 2), completed by the participant in accordance with the requirements of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data";
- a link to a video on any cloud file storage service;
- a short annotation in Russian and / or English (no more than 100 words),
- at least two illustrations and a poster for the film for the catalog on electronic media (JPEG, PNG, TIFF format),
- dope sheet in Russian or English.
7.10 A separate application is submitted for each competitive film. There are no restrictions on the number of films applied for participation in the competition program.
7.11 The link for downloading the film specified in the application must be available until the end of the Festival.
7.12 Applications submitted via online platforms where the authors can find an application form for participation in the Green Look Festival - 2021 are also accepted.
7.13 Films that are not allowed to participate in the Festival:
- created earlier than in 2017;
- those participated in the competition program of the Festival in previous years;
- containing profanity, images or descriptions that induce antisocial actions.
7.14 Films sent to the Festival are not reviewed.
7.15 All copies of films sent for the competitive selection remain with the Organizer (in the archive of the Festival).
7.16 The Committee has the right to post films on its information sites.
7.17 Films of Russian production selected for participation in the Festival and announced for showing in the audience must have a rental certificate issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
7.18 Participation in the Festival presupposes the transfer of the right to broadcast advertising excerpts from films by Russian and foreign TV channels (10% of the total length of the film, but not more than three minutes). The same rights are assumed for Internet broadcasting.
7.19 Photo and video filming will be during the events of the Festival. The received materials can be used and posted on the information sites of the Committee, the website of the Festival, in social networks without the consent of the participants and those who are depicted on them.
8. Terms for holding the international competition of the Festival
8.1 The Selection Committee chooses films applied for participation in the Festival and forms a competitive screening program.
8.2 Films included in the competition program are judged by the Jury.
8.3 The Organizing Committee reserves the right to selectively show films-participants and films-winners in the framework of non-commercial film screenings at the main and additional venues of the Festival.
8.4 Entrance to screenings and other events within the framework of the Festival is free.
9. Nominations for the international competition of the Festival.
- The Grand Prix
- Best Film for Children and Youth
- For an original approach to covering environmental issues
- For the artistic decision of the film
- Best Film about water
- For personal contribution to the fight against an environmental problem (ecology and volunteering)
- For covering the topic of sustainable production
- "Waste to income" - for coverage of the problem of waste disposal and recycling
- Prize of the competition "Ecology of the soul"
- Special nominations
10. Selection Committee. Jury. The procedure for evaluating films participating in an international competition
10.1 The Selection Committee consists of independent specialists with the necessary qualifications, practical experience in the selection of competitive works (films).
10.2 The Selection Committee consists of 3 people - specialists in the field of cinema and / or environmental education.
10.3 Film selection criteria:
- conformity to the theme, goals and objectives of the Festival;
- year of production - not earlier than January 2017;
- not a participant in previous festivals;
- no defects in image and sound;
- absence of obscene language;
- the content satisfying the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- falling under the category of information products "6+" in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2010, No. 436-FZ "On Protecting Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development."
10.4 The Selection Committee reserves the right to deny the participant in the competition program without giving reasons.
10.5 The Jury of the competition program is formed of independent specialists with the necessary qualifications, practical experience in evaluating the competitors.
10.6 The Jury consists of 2 Russian (including one nonresident) and 3 foreign specialists in the field of cinema and / or environmental education.
10.7 The Jury members will be determined by October 1, 2021 and published on the Festival website.
10.8 The task of the Jury is to set assessment points for each film, as well as to determine the winners of the Festival according to nominations, but no more than 10 people.
10.9 The film is evaluated on a scale from1 to 10 for each of the following criteria:
- compliance with the subject of the Festival;
- depth of topic disclosure;
- novelty, relevance, social significance of the topic being disclosed;
- creativity of the idea presentation;
- informational content;
- the power of emotional impact;
- dramatic embodiment;
- artistic decision.
10.10 In case of imposition of limitations related to Covid-19. (or any other restrictions), the work of the Jury can be carried out remotely.
10.11 The decision of the Jury is recorded in a report. The decision is not subject to review and is not commented on.
10.12 It is forbidden to dispute the opinion of the Jury, to come into conflict with the members of the Jury, the Organizer and the Organizing Committee of the Festival, as well as other participants
11. Results of the international competition and awarding of winners
11.1 Information about the results of the competition program of the Festival is published on the website of the Festival.
11.2 Winners of the international competition of the Festival are awarded with diplomas of winners and prizes.
11.3 The prizes of the Festival are memorable souvenirs made in the technique of laser graphics, with the subject and logos of the Festival.
11.4 The Festival does not provide money prizes.
11.5 The Jury reserves the right to consider individual works out of competition, additionally allocate nominations.
11.6 The Jury has the right to determine not all prizes, and also to divide them among several competitors.
11.7 The Jury has the right to award the participants with special diplomas.
11.8 The best work can be awarded the Grand Prix.
11.9. The Organizing committee organizes the delivery of diplomas and souvenirs to authors who did not take part in the award ceremony in person.
11.10 Participants of the competition program of the Festival are awarded with certificates for participation.
11.11 The Organizing Committee fills in diplomas and certificates in accordance with the applications for participation in the Festival. The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the inaccuracy of the information provided in the application.
11.12 Certificates for participation are sent to the email address specified in the application.
12. Funding of the Festival
12.1 Funding of the Festival is carried out at the expense of funds provided for this purpose by the law of St. Petersburg on the budget of St. Petersburg for the next financial year.
12.2 Transfer of the participants of the competitive program to the place of the Festival and back is carried out at the expense of the participants of the Festival.
13. Note
13.1 Changes and additions to these Regulations are made by the Organizing Committee of the Festival in agreement with the Committee, but not later than the day of the deadline for accepting applications for the Festival.