Festival start: 05 April 2019
Festival end: 07 April 2019
INFANCINEMARÍN, organized by the CULTURAL ASSOCIATION BIG AJAJAI with the collaboration of the COLEGIO SAN NARCISO DE MARÍN and the EXCMO. CONCELLO DE MARÍN, arises with the idea of bringing the smallest and youngest audiovisual works that talk about the subjects that interest them, with an accessible language but not for it less artistic, making them discover new ways of telling histories.
The Festival, which will take place from 5 to 7 April in Marín (Pontevedra - Spain).
Cash Prizes: 1,500€
The Jury will award prizes of 450.00 € in each of the two categories ("Nautilus" and "Sputnik").
On the other hand, by means of a vote, the audience of the Festival will award two Audience Prizes in each of the two categories of the Official Section for an amount of 300.00 € each.
First - Both natural and legal persons of any nationality may apply, as long as they hold the intellectual property rights over the works presented. The subject matter of the works will be free, although they must be suitable for children and young people.
The deadline for receipt of entries will be 21 January 2019.
Second: The maximum duration of the short films presented will not exceed 20 minutes, including credits.
Third - There is no limitation on the number of short films submitted, provided that they have been made between 1 January 2015 and the closing date of this call.
Fourth - Papers will be accepted in any language, although those with an original language other than Galician, Spanish and English must accompany subtitles in any of these three languages. Subtitles must be sent in .srt or .txt format not embedded in the audiovisual.
Fifth - The inscribed material must comply with the following technical requirements:
a) Delivery format: .mov or .mp4 HD with H264 coding. 1920 x 1080 Full HD. With a quality of up to 2Gb. Without watermark.
b) The quality must be checked at source, ensuring the legibility of both the image and audio. In case of not complying with this requirement or technical failures that prevent its visualization, it will be automatically disqualified.
c) Registered works must also be accompanied by the following documentation:
three frames of the short film (.jpg format, minimum quality 300 DPI)
technical sheet of the work
trailer (optional)
Sixth: The Festival will not receive any retribution for the inscription and it will be carried out completing all the obligatory sections, through the inscription platforms CLICKFORFESTIVALS (www.clickforfestivals.com), FESTHOME (https://festhome.com/) and MOVIBETA (festival.movibeta.com/).
Seventh - The Festival will have the following categories in the Official Short Film Section:
a) "Nautilus": which will include works aimed at an audience from 6 to 11 years old;
b) "Sputnik": which will include works suitable for an audience from 12 to 16 years old.
Eighth - All the works presented in time and form will be visualized by a Committee of the Organization that will be authorized to select the works that will integrate the Official Sections.
15 days before the celebration of the festival, the name of the selected works will be announced through the Festival website. The Festival Organization will notify the corresponding selection to the participants by e-mail.
Those in charge must send the copies and the requested material to the Festival Organization in time and form according to the calendar established by the Organization.
Ninth - With the selection, the authors and owners of the works expressly authorize the Organization to disseminate materials of the same (stills, posters, teasers and trailers, ...). Likewise, they expressly authorize the dissemination of up to 90 seconds of images of these works in any media.
Tenth - A Jury, appointed by the Festival Direction and made up of professionals and experts from the audiovisual sector, will choose from among the selected works the ones deserving of an award.
The decisions of both the Selection Committee and the Jury are final.
Eleventh - Awards: The Jury will award prizes of 450.00 € in each of the two categories ("Nautilus" and "Sputnik").
On the other hand, by means of a vote, the audience of the Festival will award two Audience Prizes in each of the two categories of the Official Section for an amount of 300.00 € each.
Twelfth - In the event of obtaining any of the prizes awarded by the Festival, the winners will include a written reference to that prize at the beginning of all copies of the film they distribute for exhibition in commercial theatres and/or in audiovisual contests, as well as in all the informative material. This reference will consist of a text with the type of prize awarded, invariably accompanied by the corporate image (logo and name) of the Festival, which will be provided by the organization of the same.
Thirteenth - The simple inscription in the Festival implies the tacit and total acceptance of the present rules.
In case of conflict for the interpretation or application of the described bases, the parts renounce to the own jurisdiction that by law could correspond to them, submitting to the jurisdiction of the courts of Marín.