Festival start: 01 November 2025
Festival end: 08 November 2025
Festival Nacional de cortometrajes y Audiovisual "Rafal en Corto".
Cash Prizes: 3,000€
• Award for the best National Fiction Short Film: €1,000 and trophy.
• Award for the best National Animated Short Film: €1,000 and trophy.
• Award for best Regional Short Film: €1,000 and trophy.
• Award for best Children's Short Film: Trophy.
• Special audience award: Trophy.
Only for Spanish Filmmakers.
The festival will take place between November 1 and 8, 2025.
During that week, there will be a series of activities within the framework of the festival with the aim of promoting and promoting short films and audiovisual content in the town of Rafal. They can be followed through social networks and the Rafal City Council website (www.rafal.es/rafalencorto). The schedule will be published on said website.
1. Any natural person whose nationality is Spanish and who is over 18 years of age, or any legal person (representative), can participate (compete).
2. Each Author/Producer/Distributor may present up to a maximum of two works. With the condition that they have not been presented to this contest in previous editions, and that they have been carried out between the years 2024 and 2025.
3. The theme of the contest is free, and four categories are established for the contest:
to. Fiction
b. Animation
c. Autonomous
d. Children
The works presented will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes, with credits included.
The video formats recommended by this festival are .mov or .mp4 and with a resolution of 1080, 16:9 frame. The recommended sound format is 2:1 stereo.
4. Each Author/Producer/Distributor has a deadline from the publication of these rules until 11:59 p.m. on April 11, 2025 (Spanish peninsular time) to send and register their works for the contest. After the date and time no more works will be accepted.
5. The short film cannot be a reduced or extended version of another short film. Trailers of short films, unfinished works (work in progress), commercial advertisements or video clips are also not allowed.
6. All works submitted in a language other than Spanish must be subtitled in this language.
7. Each Author/Producer/Distributor has the right at any time during the contest to withdraw the work(s) they wish. To do this you must send an email to the following address: rafalencorto@gmail.com
8. Authors/Producers/Distributors can register their short films on the online platform associated with this festival:
The platforms will request certain information that must be duly completed since uploading the work to said platform constitutes automatic registration for the festival.
9. Works submitted to the Autonomous category (fiction or animation) must meet one of the following requirements:
a. Director or Producer born or resident in the Valencian Community.
b. Audiovisual production companies based in any municipality of the Valencian Community.
c. Work produced in the Valencian language. It must be subtitled in Spanish.
To prove your participation in this section, you must attach a copy of your ID or CIF in the case of a production company to your registration, or send it to the festival by email: rafalencorto@gmail.com
Works submitted to this category that do not meet the requirement or do not send the required file will automatically and without the need for prior communication be moved to the corresponding category.
10. All those works that participate in the contest in any of the participation modalities must present all the sections of the questionnaires duly completed. If not, they will be disqualified and therefore will not continue in the contest.
11. Both the platform and the festival organization will not distribute said works to third parties, the content is not displayed on their websites without the consent of the authors.
12. The short films will remain in the possession of the festival for incorporation into its archive. In the event that said work were to be used, it would always be with prior communication to the Producer or Director and with their permission for its exhibition in events parallel to the festival, being able to offer a screening fee for each work.
13. The producers of the selected short films authorize the organization to take a fragment of their works (1 minute maximum) for dissemination, as information material for the festival, in any media, including the Internet.
14. The information provided to the festival will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations. It will be used to contact the participants in order to resolve any question related to the festival and its activities. For more information, consult the legal notice on our website.
15. The first week of June, a list will be published with the short films received that meet the rules. Non-compliance with any of the points of these rules, as well as lack of information in the registration forms, will be grounds for disqualification.
16. The official selection of all categories will be published in the first week of September. In addition, the directors will be informed of the status of official selection and nominee, if applicable.
17. The nominees of each section will receive an email confirming their attendance at the festival. Once received, they will have a period of two weeks from the sending of that message by the organization to confirm their attendance or that of a duly authorized representative.
18. Nominees will have to meet the following condition to be eligible for the award:
- Confirm attendance at the closing gala of the director or a representative, which will take place on October 25 at the Rafal municipal Auditorium, “Musical Art”.
- If the Director cannot attend, he or she will have to send a video of less than 1 minute in length thanking the jury for the nomination and possible awarding of the prize in their category, and the representative who attends will be in charge of collecting the prize.
19. The organization will provide accommodation for the nominees on the night of the closing gala and awards ceremony, as well as a companion. An email will be sent requesting confirmation to each of them to reserve the corresponding night.
20. The selected short films must be sent before September 15, 2025, a copy of the short film for screening by Wetransfer, Dropbox, etc., to: rafalencorto@gmail.com. The weight of the recommended digital file to be able to project optimally should not exceed 3 GB. Short films must provide subtitles in Spanish to make the screenings accessible to everyone.
21. The jury will be made up of professionals from the environment and/or closely linked to it. Culturally relevant people who can prove their knowledge of the environment may also be part of it.
22. The jury will select three nominees per category from which the winner of each competitive section will be obtained.
23. All categories will have the same importance: Fiction, Animation and Regional; so they will have their correlation in the amount of the prizes to be awarded.
24. A qualifying team will select different short films with children's themes that will be screened, during one morning during the week of the festival, in front of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students, who with their votes will choose the work that will be awarded the Best Children's Short Film Award.
25. The jury's decisions will be final. The awards will be presented at the closing gala on October 25, 2025.
26. The list of winners is made up of the following awards:
• Award for the best National Fiction Short Film: €1,000 and trophy.
• Award for the best National Animated Short Film: €1,000 and trophy.
• Award for best Regional Short Film: €1,000 and trophy.
• Award for best Children's Short Film: Trophy.
• Special audience award: Trophy.
27. All prizes will be awarded to their authors or, in their place, the persons designated by them.
28. To pay the amount of the prizes, the presence of the Director at the Closing Gala on October 25, 2025 will be essential. If you are unable to attend, you may designate another member of the team to collect the prize. If no member of the team attends, the Organization will not pay the financial part of the prize.
29. In the case of obtaining any of the prizes awarded by this Festival, the winners must include a written reference to said prize at the beginning or end of all copies of the film that they distribute for future competitions, etc., in addition to all the informative material that accompanies the work. This will be provided by the festival organization, once it is over.
30. Any prize obtained is exclusive of all other prizes with a financial award.
31. The prizes will be paid through a nominative check/bank transfer issued by the Rafal en Short Film and Audiovisual Association, in favor of the natural or legal person who has registered as a participant in the contest. Being subject to the withholdings determined by current tax regulations.
Payment will be made no later than three months after the Closing Gala.
The organization will provide the winner with the necessary documentation requirements for the payment of the prizes.
If the Organization fails to establish contact within this period, the prize will be void.
A) Participants must not incur the prohibition of the status of beneficiary of article 13 of the General Law of Subsidies, 38/03 of November 17.
B) In the event that there are no participants, the participation is lower than expected, or the quality of the short films is not the minimum required in the RAFAL EN CORTO rules and/or by the Jury, the awards may be declared void or this Festival may be cancelled. The Festival may also be canceled even once it has started, due to circumstances of force majeure at the discretion of the Association.
The cancellation of the festival will NOT mean that the participants have the right to receive any compensation for this reason in any of the cases indicated.
C) To resolve any questions about participation, the email account is made available: rafalencorto@gmail.com
D) For any contentious issue that may arise from this Festival, the winners and the rest of the Participants expressly renounce any jurisdiction that may apply to them, and expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals that correspond to the town of Rafal (Alicante).
E) If any work does not comply with any point of these rules, it will be automatically disqualified.
Short Films 15'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
11 Apr 25
Save up
Cortometrajes realizados a nivel nacional en español o subtitulado al español
Short Films 15'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
11 Apr 25
Save up
Cortometrajes de producción española, de animación. En español o subtitulado a español.
Short Films 15'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
11 Apr 25
Save up
Cortometrajes de producción en la Comunidad Valenciana, en valenciano subtitulado a español.