- The competition categories are: drama, comedy, animation, horror.
- Will be awarded for the best short film for each category.
The Festival encourages the most immediate audiovisual language of Italian and foreign cinema: short film supports the knowledge of new authors and the visibility of experimental activities that don’t find appropriate distribution, with particular attention to rising cinematography and artistic tendencies
The Festival will be held in Latronico from 22th to 23th of August 2014, in the old town centre. Date and location might change for organizational needs.
section open to short films treating any subject. Every author can enrol no more than two (2) works with maximum duration of 16 minutes. 4/3 or 16/9 formats, on DVD, will be allowed.
Non-competitive section reserved to documentaries, short and full-length films. The organisation reserves the right to insert in this section any work presented as a candidate but not selected.
“Crisci Sano” Exposition:
section open to films and cartoons in Italian or foreign language with Italian subtitles, of any genre, with free subject, that have highly educational contents. Authors can enrol no more than two (2) works with maximum duration of 90 minutes. 4/3 or 16/9 formats, only on DVD, will be allowed.
Enrolment requests must be sent by the 30th of June 2014 (postmark date), by mail or through the online platform FESTHOME.
a) The enrolment to the Festival is completely free;
b) Only works terminated from the 1st of January 2010 can run for competitive sections;
c) The contest is open to people of age and any nationality;
d) Works in foreign languages must have Italian subtitles, or they will not be considered valid;
e) The promoters select the works and decide, at their incontestable discretion, those to let in the contest, in the non-competitive section, and/or in possible sections dedicated to specific subjects;
f) Approved works and possible plan changes will be officialized on the website http://latronicortofest.altervista.org/
g) Candidacies must be presented with regulation and enrolment form completely filled out and signed by those who have exclusive rights, along with:
- n° 1 copy of the movie on DVD;
- n° 1 CD-ROM containing trailer, plot, director’s biography in a Word or Rtf file format, poster (if available), 3 stage photos and 1 photo of the director in digital format jpeg or png, 300 dpi (photos are meant to be authorized for free publication);
h) Shipping costs and transport of all materials are at the expense of the candidates;
i) Copies of DVDs sent for the selective projection will not be returned;
l) The enrolment of the movie involves the storage of every material, included DVDs, in LatroniCorto Festival catalogue and the possibility to use them for educational, research and promotional purposes, even in other contexts; they’ll not be used for any commercial purposes.
Every author can send his works
· Virtual platforms (preferred) :
Festhome - www.festhome.com
website: http://latronicortofest.altervista.org/ e-mail: latronicorto@gmail.com
· REGISTERED MAIL within 30/06/2014 to this address:
Ignorant Production, Vicolo Pindaro n.42, Latronico (PZ) 85043
The organization will nominate juries of experts designated to award the winners. Jury’s decisions are irrevocable.
Short movies Section:
Best Drama, Best Comedy, Best Cartoon, Best Fantasy, Best Human Rights
Special Awards:
The organization, at its incontestable discretion, can give special rewards within National and International overview.
Other Awards
The organization can accept requests of rewards made by qualified no-profit organisms.
With the enrolment, every author is responsible of the content of his works. The author, also, declares and guarantees that he owns all the rights of his work, in its entirety, and that it doesn’t injure third party’s rights, like other authors, rights assignees, music rights, etc.
a) The request of enrolment entails the unconditional acceptance of the present rules.
b) The organization can make decisions regarding matters not considered in this guideline.
c) The acceptance to participate to this contest entails the obligation to make the film available for free for the purposes of the public event and to not withdraw it once enrolled (any commercial use remains excluded).
d) The rules of the contest are available at the administrative office of the organization and on the official website http://latronicortofest.altervista.org/
For further information and clarification, write to: latronicorto@gmail.com