Festival start: 21 February 2017
Festival end: 28 February 2017
FICUNAM, the UNAM International Film Festival, was founded by the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 2011. The intention of the Festival is to promote the exhibition in Mexico of critical and innovative cinema, both domestic and foreign, in a space open to reflection, discussion of ideas, and networking. The editorial line of the Festival represents its political stance, in terms of aesthetics’ politics.
The seventh edition of FICUNAM will be held from February 21st to 28th, 2017. The award ceremony will take place in Mexico City on Tuesday 28th of February, 2017.
1 Films included in the official feature selection will compete for the following awards:
Best Feature Puma Award
Puma Statuette made by Mexican Artist Martín Soto Climent
$100,000.00 pesos M.N. (to be shared between the producer and the director)
Best Director Puma Award
Puma Statuette made by Mexican Artist Martín Soto Climent
$100,000.00 pesos M.N. (for the director)
Audience Puma Award
1 The FICUNAM International Feature Competition is open to all films with a running time of over 45 minutes. Only 2016-to-present productions will be considered.
2 All participating films must have their Mexican Premiere at the Festival.
3 After accepting the invitation to one of the Competitive Sections, films cannot be withdrawn from the Festival Program nor screened at any other event in Mexico before their official presentation at FICUNAM.
4 The official screening formats for all films are 35mm, 16mm, and DCP. Screenings in other formats will have to be authorized by the Festival.
5 The producers of the winning films assume the obligation of mentioning the Festival by including the FICUNAM logo in all of the film publicity and press material released after this event.
6 Films participating in this Call but not selected for the competition can be invited to participate in other screening sections of the Festival with the previous agreement of the film director, producer, or the film’s representative agent.
7 Both the selection made by the FICUNAM Selection Committee and the final decision of the Jury are not subject to appeal.
8 Final deadline for this call is Friday, November, 28th, 2016, at 18 hrs, Mexican Central Time. The Festival Selection Committee is not obliged to consider films submitted after deadline.
9 Submission of a film into this Call entails the acceptance of this set of Rules & Regulations.
1 Films included in the official feature selection will compete for the following awards:
Best Feature Puma Award
Puma Statuette made by Mexican Artist Martín Soto Climent
$100,000.00 pesos M.N. (to be shared between the producer and the director)
Best Director Puma Award
Puma Statuette made by Mexican Artist Martín Soto Climent
$100,000.00 pesos M.N. (for the director)
Audience Puma Award
1 In order to submit an entry for the competition it is necessary to send the following items to the Festival before October 28th, 2016.
Filled-out application form (available at the Festival web page, ficunam.unam.mx).
An online version of the film, including password.
A copy of the film in DVD (PAL, NTSC, any region code), spoken or subtitled in either Spanish or English. The DVD must be clearly marked with the title of the film, director’s name, running time, format, subtitling (if any), year and country of the production.
Important Note: It is necessary to specify whether the submitted DVD is a final cut or a work in progress.
1 Needed items for the catalogue and the promotion of the Festival, to be submitted before January 16th, 2017:
Director’s Statement in Spanish and/or English
Director’s bio-filmography
Director’s photography
Full film credits
Technical specifications
High-resolution stills of the film (300 dpi)
Poster and/or press material (in case of having them) printed and in digital format.
2 For the screening of selected films, it will be necessary to count with:
A screening copy of the film with English subtitles (in case the film is spoken in another language) in 35mm, 16mm, or DCP. In case of other digital-screening formats, the Festival is open to offering alternatives.
A backup (Blu-ray) copy with English subtitles.
A backup (Blu-ray) copy without subtitles.
Dialogue list with time codes for subtitling (in case of having such), in the original language of the film and in English.
3 In case there were any specifications in relation to the setup or the checking of a film this must be informed by the producer through a written note delivered together with the material.
4 Participating films will deliver a promotional set of images of the film. If this material is not delivered, the Festival will copy stills and fragments (with a maximum running time of 3 minutes) of the selected films for promotional use in the Festival’s web page and other media.
1 Shipping expenses of the DVD for the selection process will be paid by applicants. No unpaid shipments will be accepted.
Due to the local customs system, if you are using a courier service we recommend you to include in your package the legend: “VALOR COMERCIAL 5 USD.”
2 The postmark will count as proof for the entry date to this Call.
In case the film is selected, the Festival will be responsible for all shipment costs derived from the returning of the screening copy of the film, unless it is necessary for this copy to be forwarded to a different festival. In this case, the Festival will establish a direct agreement with the addressee.
3 None of the materials received during the selection process will be returned to senders.
4 The sender should inform FICUNAM the time of shipment and guide number for the sent screening copy.
5 All the applications, materials, and DVDs should be submitted to:
Tabasco 152-202
06700 Colonia Roma Delegación Cuauhtémoc
CDMX México
+52 55 55339079
1 The Festival will set a digital archive with the films it programs. This will be a space for research and education open only to students and professionals authorized by the Festival.
2 Throughout the year, the Festival will organize screening seasons in cultural spaces and educational institutions in Mexico City and throughout the Mexican Republic showing a selection of films in its latest edition. Authorization for these screenings will be asked previously in all cases.
3 By participating in the FICUNAM selection, films are invited to join —with previous authorization of the film’s representative agent— the platform of Festival Scope, a partner of the Festival accessible for film professionals.
+52 55 5533 9079
International Feature
Short and Feature Films >45'
No Fee
Submissions deadline
28 Oct 16
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Competencia Mexicana
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
28 Oct 16
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Las películas considerables para competencia podrán tener cualquiera duración, considerando en la misma categoría cortometrajes, mediometrajes y largometrajes.
ACIERTOS. Encuentro Internacional de Escuelas de Cine
Short Films 50'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
28 Oct 16
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Podrán participar trabajos de estudiantes de escuelas de cine de la región iberoamericana, considerando América Latina, España y Portugal.