Festival start: 24 September 2025
Festival end: 27 September 2025
The FiCSor main objective to contribute to the struggle for recognition of the social, cultural and linguistic rights of the Deaf community. In this connection, we believe that this artistic event is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of the cultural, linguistic, social and anthropological perspective of Deaf people.
1. Pursuant to the framework agreement entered into between the International Deaf Film Festival of Argentina (hereinafter, “FiCSor”) and the producers of submitting works (hereinafter, “ROP”), the Call for Applicant Works (hereinafter, the “Call”) is hereby announced. Both national and international producers, with or without a track record, may participate.
2. The Call is intended for short, medium and feature films, national and international, whose subject matter is related to deaf culture and identity. Films that are not related to this theme will not be accepted.
- There will be no restrictions regarding the original language.
- All films must have Spanish subtitles.
- The selected films will be part of the Festival, whose purpose is to disseminate deaf culture at an international level.
3. The Festival will take place from September 24 to 27, 2025 in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
4. The works submitted must be unpublished, either original or adaptations of pre-existing works. In all cases, the submitting filmmaker must legally prove that he/she holds the necessary rights for its exhibition, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
5. The submitting filmmaker must own the rights to use the work without limitations of time, territory or means of exhibition, or be authorized to assign such rights under those conditions.
6. Projects that are continuations, prequels or sequels of films, telefilms or series with previously developed or produced seasons will not be accepted.
7. The preferred presentation format will be:
- Resolutions: 1920x1080 or 1280x720 pixels.
- File formats: MOV, MP4 or H.264.
- Codecs: MPEG4 or H.264.
- Subtitles may be overprinted or delivered in SRT format.
8. Submission of the work implies full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
9. The Call for Entries seeks to:
- Promote and disseminate deaf culture and community.
- Encourage the deaf community's access to the production and enjoyment of films.
- Raise awareness about the rights and inclusion of deaf people in society.
- Generate content of public interest for exhibition in audiovisual media.
10. The submitting producer may be a natural person or a legal entity. In both cases, they must provide proof of legal domicile in any country worldwide and be registered with the Public Registry of Cinematographic and Audiovisual Activity of INCAA (RPACA) or the equivalent authority in their country of residence.
11. To participate in the Call and access the FiCSor Online registration system, registration in the RPACA or an equivalent registry in their country is mandatory. Those who are not registered may enroll under the free "Contestant" category.
12. If the submitting producer is a natural person, they must submit:
- A copy of their National Identity Document (DNI, front and back) or an equivalent document from their country of residence.
- Proof of registration in their country's tax system.
- For foreign residents in Argentina: legal residency in the country for at least two (2) years.
13. If the submitting producer is a legal entity, they must submit:
- A copy of the bylaws or articles of incorporation, duly registered with the relevant regulatory authority in their country.
- Meeting minutes or resolutions designating authorities and the distribution of roles.
- Proof of registration in their country's tax system.
- An address that matches the one stated in the bylaws, tax registration, and RPACA registration or its equivalent in their country.
14. The winner of the contest must submit certified documentation before a Notary Public, Banking Entity, or Judicial Authority in their country of residence, including the latest registered financial statement and, if applicable, a power of attorney with express administrative powers.
15. The submitting producer may not be an owner, shareholder, licensee, or executive personnel of television channels, networks, or audiovisual content distribution platforms in their country of residence.
16. The Call for Entries will be open from the publication of these Terms and Conditions until May 1, 2025 at 11:59 pm.
- Entries will only be accepted online at https://www.ficsor.com.ar.
- Registrations after the deadline will not be accepted.
- Projects with presentation errors will have five (5) working days to correct them.
17. These Terms and Conditions may be consulted at https://www.ficsor.com.ar.
18. The Festival may not contain commercial publicity in the artwork, but only thank-you or exchange plaques will be allowed in the final credits, in accordance with the regulations in force.
19. The FiCSor Jury will be composed of three (3) members, personalities of trajectory in the audiovisual and cultural activity of the deaf community.
20. The jurors will evaluate the works according to the following criteria:
- Originality and creativity**: 0 to 50 points.
- Background of the technical and artistic team: 0 to 30 points.
- Feasibility and production design**: 0 to 30 points.
- Contribution of the associated party and/or associated screen: 0 to 20 points.
- Potential of the project (audience, derivative products, new media): 0 to 10 points.
- Previous awards in INCAA development contests**: 10 points.
- Residence of the three team leaders (production, screenplay and direction) in Jujuy: 10 points.
21. The awards will be announced at the closing ceremony of the Festival.
22. The economic and intellectual property rights of the works are the exclusive property of the PRESENTING REALIZER of the CALL FOR PROJECTS. However, the latter grants FiCSor, during the FESTIVAL, the non-exclusive rights to exhibit the work, as well as the use of a still image and/or a fragment of the audiovisual presentation for broadcasting purposes.
23. The rights assigned to FiCSor may only be exploited for FIVE (5) days, the duration of the FESTIVAL, as stipulated in point three of this document. Registration in the CALL for entries implies that the PRESENTING REALIZER waives any claim related to the assignment of these rights.
24. The screenings may take place in movie theaters, cultural spaces, online platforms and any other means of exhibition that FiCSor considers pertinent. The assignment of rights does not imply exclusivity and is carried out within the framework of the festival with the objective of promoting deaf works and culture.
25. From the date of instrumentation of the respective contract, FiCSor reserves the right to non-exclusive exhibition of the works in exhibitions, festivals or other dissemination activities during the period of celebration of the FESTIVAL.
26. The FiCSor is a non-profit event. Consequently, the PRESENTING REALIZERS and/or the selected works will not receive any type of payment or fee and will not be entitled to make any claims in this regard.
Works may be submitted in the following ways:
- Through the Google form available at the official FiCSor website: www.ficsor.com.ar. In said form, the required information must be provided, including a link to download or view the film with Spanish subtitles and contact information.
- Through the online platform Festhome, following the instructions and requirements specified in the platform.
- By mail, sending a pendrive with the film subtitled in Spanish along with the registration form in PDF format (available for download at www.ficsor.com.ar) to the following address: Avenida Patricias Argentinas 171, Piso 11, Departamento “E”, Barrio de Caballito, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Postal code: 1414.
The deadline for entries is August 1, 2023. Works received after this date will not be considered for selection.
The FiCSor Selection Committee will be responsible for selecting and programming the works that will participate in the different sections of the festival. Once selected, the work may not be withdrawn from the program. The decision of the Selection Committee will be final and unappealable. The selected works will be notified by e-mail.
The submission of a work to the FiCSor and the corresponding registration form imply knowledge and full acceptance of these rules and conditions. Cases not foreseen in this document will be resolved by the organization of the festival. The pre-selection and/or selection of a work does not imply any obligation on the part of the festival to exhibit it.
The terms and conditions may be modified without prior notice.
For further information or questions, please contact the FiCSor team by e-mail at info@ficsor.com.ar or visit the website www.ficsor.com.ar.
We wish all participants of the 4th International Deaf Film Festival of Argentina (FiCSor) every success!
Feature Films
Feature Films >60'
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 May 25
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Open to national and international films of any genre related to Deaf culture and identity, with a duration of more than 60 minutes. All films must have Spanish subtitles.
Short Films
Short Films 20'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 May 25
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Open to national and international films of any genre related to Deaf culture and identity, with a maximum duration of 20 minutes (including titles). All films must have Spanish subtitles.
Medium-length film
Short Films >21' 59'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 May 25
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Open to national and international films of any genre related to Deaf culture and identity, with a duration between 20 and 60 minutes. All films must have Spanish subtitles.
Screenings of short films from schools
Short Films 20'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 May 25
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Open to short films made by deaf elementary and high school students, with themes related to the Deaf community. There are no restrictions on length or language. All films must have Spanish subtitles.
Special Screenings
Short and Feature Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 May 25
Save up
Section dedicated to out-of-competition films, both national and international, related to the Deaf community. All films must have Spanish subtitles.