This festival is not currently open for submissions.
Festival start: 02 November 2019
Festival end: 24 November 2019
The International Film Festival Sansueña is devoted to short films and feature traditional ANIMATION, optical and digital toys disseminating quality films that hardly reach Spain. Thus, gradually the Festival is intended as a field.
Cash Prizes: 2,000$
Award for best feature ... ........................................... € 1,000
Award for best short ................................................... € 500
Award for best film for young audiences ....................€ 500
International Film Festival Sansueña REGULATION
1 Purpose - The International Film Festival Sansueña is devoted to short films and feature traditional animation, optical and digital toys disseminating quality films that hardly reach Spain. Thus, gradually the Festival is intended as a field meetings and discussions for projects of mutual interest.
2 Organization for el Ojo cojo -Organized NGO dedicated to the promotion of intercultural dialogue From Public Utility declared by the City of Madrid. As such the lame Ojo is a member of the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity and the Anna Lindh Foundation. Sections
3 - will feature the following sections:
Official Selection in competition: from 60 minutes.
Official Selection of short films in competition: Duration up to 20 minutes. (films that are received and not conforming to these characteristics, but outstanding in quality or evidential value could be selected to be shown out of competition). Monographic sections and cycles that offer outstanding film movies and commitment level social as well as aesthetic and discursive search, or relating to a particular reality. They may be grouped by country, theme and current, copyright or other criteria adopted by management. No time limitation will production. The films that aspire to awards must have been completed or released as of 1 January 2016 and have not applied for this festival in previous editions. Not impairment although positively that have not participated in other festivals.
4.Inscriptions - Close June 30th through platforms published on our website The films may register only its directors or with the express and signed for our festival by themselves. Registrations are not accepted by distributors without express authorization joined our Festival by the director. The invitations are directed only to filmmakers. No mailings will be accepted by distributors unless they make the registration fee of each film,. . For the registration to be effectivein this plataform
With this inscription, the directors authorize that the inscribed films, which due to their characteristics merit it, will be directly enrolled in friendly festivals such as the Lajo Eye, Sansueña, Festival of the original peoples or Festival of the painted birds, among others and vice versa.
In the event that a sufficient number of films were not registered or due to their quality did not allow their exhibition, the edition would be moved to the following year in succession
5 Language - It is desirable that the films are presented in Castilian or subtitled in Spanish. If the version is neither spoken or subtitled in Spanish, once selected have a week to provide copy .mov Spanish subtitles or SRT subtitles.
6 Exhibit - Once submitted and selected, the movie may not be withdrawn from the program. Displays within the framework of the Festival will be held in Madrid the second week of October in different rooms and alternative spaces in the street and there will also be online and then functions as itinerant cultural spaces of Spain. Copies received will become part of the lame-eye video library. Can be displayed on cycles in the Cultural Center Sansueña eligible for alternative distribution lame Eye.
7 introductions is important that each director use the different spaces that the Festival will provides, for his work to promote
8 The selected films in competition have the opportunity to be purchased for display at national television or intervene in our editions on DVD. For this reason it is essential that each title will be officially presented during the Festival, either by the Director or their representatives, if the Director could not move.
Once selected the short film will provide a download link of subtitled films and mov Castilian copy will be sent in a usb or memory mov format subtitled the Castilian
9 Transport of copies - in any event sending copies, taxes, etc. paid by the sender. DVD copies, not to be returned. If a copy is sent on film, at time of shipment, please inform the expeditor to email, providing an air waybill number, company used, flight number and date of shipment. Shipping costs, insurance from the place of issue shall be borne by the film who enroll, It should always indicate that the copy has no commercial value and declare a maximum value of U $ S 15 to customs purposes. If a shipping fee of the festival will be held, will be returned to your destination. All copies must be sent to the Festival with transportation costs and prepaid taxes. the shipments made under the Festival will not be accepted. The festival does not cover the cost of returning the 35mm prints or other copies returned or materials.
10 informative and advertising material - Once selected the movies have one week to submit code to embed the trailer on web, and download link poster film photography and director. Thus desired to provide as much information as possible to the international and local media to interest the general public for each film.
11 Invitations - The Festival will make the necessary contacts to facilitate the stay and tickets to the filmmakers who aspire to Jury prizes. These filmmakers, if requested in the period in which the convene, have the opportunity to present his film and make a call to the press, according to the possibilities that provide supports and sponsors each year.
12.-Difusión. aims to the widest publicity and outreach to films submitted. Recommend movies for local distribution in theaters and DVD and can support you with marketing. the lame Eye Trail also carries a traveling festival with selections in the micro and cultural center Sansueña different cultural spaces. It will also seek to facilitate the participation of the films at different festivals friends thus promoting knowledge of the work.
13 Seminars - purpose of the Festival is to facilitate discussion and exchange of experiences motion in a field of cultural integration, for which seminars will be organized.
14 Preset - To be conducted by selected and endorsed by the festival itself professional.
15 Awards - Depending on confirmation of funding sources, the festival jury awarded,: Award for best feature ... ........................................... equipped with € 1,000 Award for best short .......... ......................................................... € 500
Award for best film for young audiences ........................ provided € 500
Audience Award If the jury saw fit, there may be special winks consisting diplomas recognition of the special qualities deemed remarkable. Only the directors will receive cash prizes and trophies. Films that have received an award, agree to mention in all advertising, posters and press material, adding the logo of the Festival and respecting the exact wording of the jury's decision, sine condictio quanon creditor for cash prize Films that have received an award, agree to mention in all advertising, posters and press material, adding the logo of the Festival and respecting the exact wording of the jury's decision.
Indicators for the evaluation of the films: - Reality narrated - Impact of the topic addressed - Originality of treatment - Quality management - Environment in which it was made and its difficulties - Adversities to carry out - Qualities of the script - Artistic quality - Technical quality 16 General Provisions - Registration is a participation agreement of the movie that involves acceptance of the conditions of this Regulation. For cases not provided, the decision will be the Festival.
17 The Festival determine the order and the date of display of each film in accordance with showrooms. All correspondence should be addressed by Festival Official mail to:
International Film Festival Sansueña Amparo Gea Tres peces 32 28012, Madrid Tel / fax 0034 914293307
Feature films
Feature Films >60' (2014+)
30 Apr 18
31 May 18
30 Jun 18
30 Jun 18
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 18
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Short Films
Short Films 20'< (2016+)
30 Apr 18
31 May 18
30 Jun 18
30 Jun 18
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 18
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