Festival start: 10 November 2014
Festival end: 15 November 2014
The short films taking part in the competition must necessarily tackle a social topic, since the Festival aims at raising awareness on contemporary issues such as social exclusion, migration, gender violence, unemployment, fundamental rights, etc. Any short film which shows these or other social issues will be accepted in the Festival, notwithstanding the main topic of the short films may not have a particularly social nature.
Cash Prizes: 5,200€
a) For Spanish short films:
• Best Fiction Short Film, awarded with a prize of 900 euro and trophy.
• Best Non-fiction Documentary Short Film, awarded with a prize of 900 euro and trophy.
• Best Fiction Short Film Director, awarded with a prize of 800 euro and trophy.
• Best Actor, awarded with a prize of 600 euro and trophy.
• Best Actress, awarded with a prize of 600 euro and trophy.
• “Youth for Diversity” Jury Prize, awarded with a prize of 500 euro and trophy.
b) For International short films:
• Best Fiction Short Film International Award, awarded with a prize of 900 euro and trophy.
10€ Late deadline fee from April, 1st to April, 27th.
From 10th to 15th November 2014
Torre Pacheco town council, as part of the 6th International Film Festival for Diversity “Andoenredando”, calls for the Best Fiction Short Film, Best Non-fiction Documentary Short Film, Best Fiction Short Film Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, “Youth for Diversity” Jury Prize National Awards, and the Best Fiction Short Film International Award.
a) Short films are invited to enter in competition. Any advertising (pre-edited) spot, short films created after a long feature film post-editing process, TV serial episode – included pilot and post-edited episodes-, as well as short films selected as finalist in the 5th International Film Festival for Diversity “Andoenredando” will not be eligible to take part in the competition.
b) Film genres accepted are fiction and documentary, whereas others such as animation are ineligible.
c) The film production must have been completed after 1st January 2013.
d) Only films up to a maximum length of 30 minutes (including credits) will be accepted.
e) The same director(s) may submit more than one film. The film submitted may have been previously screened or broadcasted and it may also have been awarded in another festivals. Every single short film in competition must be dispatched individually with its own specific register request.
f) The short films taking part in the competition must necessarily tackle a social topic, since the Festival aims at raising awareness on contemporary issues such as social exclusion, migration, gender violence, unemployment, fundamental rights, etc. Any short film which shows these or other social issues will be accepted in the Festival, notwithstanding the main topic of the short films may not have a particularly social nature.
g) The short films must be submitted in their original soundtrack version:
- Without subtitles if the original version of the film is Spanish (except in the case that subtitles are necessary to solve technical difficulties).
- With subtitles in English or Spanish for original versions in other languages. The selected short films must submit a screening copy with Spanish subtitles.
h) The works which do not meet reasonable quality of technical standards to be screened will be dismissed.
i) The works submitted must be in HD format (1920 x 1080 resolution), .mov HD64 compressed file, or mp4 HD64, both in 16:9 format, preferably in 25 frames/s or else in 24 frames/s.
a) The entry must be done from 00:00 of 01/03/2014 to 24:00 of 27/04/2014 through the web application for festivals management Movibeta (for the Spanish and Latinamerican short films) and Festhome (for the other short films). The costs of entry and submission of films through these web applications will be borne by the participants.
b) The Festival management reserves the right to admit short films which are submitted past the deadline.
c) A submission fee is required for the works registered after 01/04/2014. This submission fee is TEN (€10.00) EURO for each film submitted for pre-selection by the Festival.
d) The following information must be provided during the register process in the web application:
Synopsis of the short film (up to 300 letters maximum, including blank spaces).
Technical and artistic credits.
Bio-filmography of the Director.
Picture of the Director (300 dpi, with 15 cm high minimum, jpg format).
Picture of the short film poster (300 dpi, with 15 cm high minimum, jpg format).
The documentation required by the Festival for its press releases, official catalogue, website, etc. will be extracted from the online submission form, and consequently those short films whose registration form does not include the information above mentioned will not be accepted to entry the contest.
Once the submission deadline is over, the works will be screened by the Festival Organization Committee, which will pre-select the works to contest. The decisions taken by this Committee will be made public on 24th June 2014 via the website www.andoenredando.es/festival and the main social networks.
The pre-selected participants must dispatch a copy of the short film in DVD before 31/07/2014, in a case with the title, the name of the director, the year of production and its duration. The physical copy sent to be screened must be an exact copy of the one previously sent and screened on-line. Should any participant fail to comply with this requirement, this will cause it to be dismissed by the Festival.
The Festival Management will name the members of the Jury among specialists of known reputation in the film and cultural areas. The Jury decisions on each category nominees will be individually communicated to each participant and they will be published in the website www.andoenredando.es/festival after 15/09/2014.
The pre-selection material will only be sent back when the participants specifically makes this request. The costs of Courier services will be born by them. The return of material will be done six months after the celebration of the Festival. The Festival will not be liable for any damage the pre-selected material might suffer during the dispatching or returning process.
The decisions taken by both the Festival Management Committee and by the members of the jury will not be subject to appeal.
The Festival Management Committee will settle any contingency not specified in the present regulations.
a) For Spanish short films:
Best Fiction Short Film, awarded with a prize of 900 euro and trophy.
Best Non-fiction Documentary Short Film, awarded with a prize of 900 euro and trophy.
Best Fiction Short Film Director, awarded with a prize of 800 euro and trophy.
Best Actor, awarded with a prize of 600 euro and trophy.
Best Actress, awarded with a prize of 600 euro and trophy.
“Youth for Diversity” Jury Prize, awarded with a prize of 500 euro and trophy.
b) For International short films:
Best Fiction Short Film International Award, awarded with a prize of 900 euro and trophy.
The nationality of the cinematographic work will be settled according to the Spanish Law and regulations, particularly the art. 5 of Law 55/2007, of 28th December, of Cinema.
As for the category “Youth for Diversity” Jury Prize, a high value will be attached to those short films whose subject is specifically related with any aspect of migration and of the eventualities and processes of exclusion/ inclusion of immigrant population.
The payment of cash prizes will be done by a bank check the day on which Festival Awards ceremony is celebrated. These prizes will be subject to their corresponding legal tax withholdings according to the Spanish laws. The persons awarded, in their own name or in behalf of the persons they represent, will necessarily have to provide the documents requested by the Town Council for accounting purposes.
The awarded persons in the national categories will attend inexcusably the Festival Awards ceremony, but for the case of force majeure duly proved. Support to facilitate the attendance will be offered to any awarded person who happens to be outside the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.
The awarded persons are bound to include, at the beginning of the short film, an explicit reference to the International Film Festival for Diversity “Andoenredando” award. The corporate image of this reference will be provided in digital support by the Management Committee.
Torre Pacheco town council reserves the right to screen all the pre-selected or awarded short films at the 6th International Festival for Diversity “Andoenredando”, including extracts of these, naming its author(s), as well as to screen them in other festivals or exhibitions and not-for-profit distribution at national and international level as samples of Festival “Andoenredando” pre-selected or awarded works.
Participants authorise Torre Pacheco town council to use stills, photographs and extracts of the films, up to three-minute length maximum, to be broadcasted by any advertising means, included TV and the Internet, with the purpose to promote and disseminate this Festival.
In addition, every person participating at the Festival Awards ceremony and other events organised by Torre Pacheco town council which are related to these awards, authorise the use of their image for any information or promotional activity dealing with the Festival.
All pre-selected and awarded works will become part of the film collection of the International Film Festival for Diversity “Andoenredando”.
The entry into the 6th International Film Festival for Diversity “Andoenredando” implies the acceptance of every aspect established by these regulations, as well as the settlement by the Management Committee of any issue which might not be specifically considered in these regulations.
These regulations will be subject to change because of any contingency not due to the Festival Management, which will be communicated to the participants in due time.
Council of the Area of Social Welfare and Health
Torre Pacheco Town Hall
Avenida de Europa, 2
30700 TORRE PACHECO – Murcia (España)
Short Films
31 Mar 14
27 Apr 14
27 Apr 14
Submissions deadline
27 Apr 14
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