Festival start: 22 April 2021
Festival end: 25 April 2021
The FICO is the first Film Festival to be held in a community without being a municipal seat and its objective is to highlight the historical, sports and cultural values of our community.
The best will be awarded: Short Film, Direction, Photography, Sound, Makeup and Hairstyles, Costumes, Original Music, Sound, Main and Support Male and Female Performances.
All projects will receive proof of participation and a gift from our sponsors.
1- Open participation to short films made by Mexican producers in Mexican or foreign territory.
2.-Each producer or filmmaker may submit one or more short films that meet the FICO requirements.
3.-Maximum duration of 20 minutes including credits in film, video or digital format, whose date of realization is after the
May 1, 2019
4.-The eligible categories are Fiction and Animation.
5.-The call to send your short films will be from November 20, 2020 until February 1, 2021
6.-For registrations: Festhome.com
7.-The Official selection will be announced on the 1st. March 2021.
8.- Short films not selected as finalists will be part of our 2021 traveling exhibition.
9.-The screening and awards will be held on Saturday April 24, 2021
10.-The best will be awarded: Short Film, Direction, Photography, Sound, Makeup and Hairstyles, Costumes, Original Music, Sound, Main and Support Male and Female Actuayes.
11.- All projects will receive proof of participation and a gift from our sponsors.
12.-The decisions of the qualifying jury will be final.
1. Participation open to short films made by non-Mexican production companies in Mexican or foreign territory.
2. Each producer or director may submit one to more short films that meet the FICO requirements.
3. Maximum duration of 20 minutes including credits in film, video or digital format, the date of which is after the 1st. May 2019.
4. Eligible categories are Ficr Animation.
5. Short films must be titled in Spanish if their original language is not this.
6. The call to send your short films will be from November 20, 2020 until February 1, 2021.
7. For registrations: Festhome.com
8. The Official selection will be announced on the 1st. March 2021.
9. Short films not selected as finalists will be part of our 2021 traveling exhibition.
10. The screening and awards will be held on Saturday April 24, 2021
11.-The best will be awarded: Short Film, Direction, Photography, Sound, Makeup and Hairstyles, Costumes, Original Music, Sound, Main and Support Male and Female Performances.
12, All projects will receive proof of participation and a gift from our sponsors.
13.- The decisions of the qualifying jury will be final.