Festival start: 22 October 2015
Festival end: 31 October 2015
The International Documentary Film Festival of Mexico City, from its inception in the year 2006, is an annual event dedicated to promote and divulge contemporary documentary cinema, to accompany the creation of new filmmakers and documentary makers and to promote the creation and development of documentary projects in Mexico and Latin America. - See more at: http://www.docsdf.org/en/porque-docsdf/#sthash.tTB182ho.dpuf
Call for entries DocsDF 2015
10th International Documentary Film Festival of Mexico City.
We accept any documentary genre, open to any matter or thematic, and the submission is completely free of charges.
1. The 10th International Documentary Film Festival of Mexico will take place from October 22nd to 31st, 2015.
2. Each participant may submit one or more films to the call for entries.
3. The competitive categories will be distributed by narrative and thematic criteria, length, and defined as follow:
• International Feature.
• Mexican Feature.
• Ibero American Feature.
• International Short Film.
• Mexican Short Film.
4. In order to participate, you must fill in the submission form. There are two options:
- Downloading the form at docsdf.org and sending it to submissions@docsdf.org
- Filling it online at docsdf.org
After the form has been sent, please send two (2) dvd copies of the film to the following address (Please do not send screeners in Bu Ray):
Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de la Ciudad de México
República de Cuba 43, primer piso. Centro Histórico
CP 06010, México DF.
4.1 We also receive screeners online through the platform, www.festhome.com.
4.2 No film will be properly registered until we receive the screener. Once the film is properly registered, the submitter will receive a notification with the reference number for each film.
4.3 Please do not send any screeners through UPS, due to the customs charges. In case this clause is contravened, the copy will be returned and the sender will pay any charges.
5. The submission is free of charges.
6. The deadline to submit the films is Friday, May 29th, 2015.
6.1 For the Mexican documentaries, both feature and shorts, the deadline is FRIDAY, JULY 3rd.
6.2 We take in consideration for submission, the date in which the films have been sent, rather than the date in which we receive it.
7. The date of production should be later than January 1st, 2014.
8. We consider Short Films those works up to 30 minutes (Credits included). In the case of the films that exceed that length, they will be considered as Feature Films.
9. We accept films produced or co-produced for and by any broadcaster, no matter whether they have been broadcasted or not.
10. Those films in a language different than Spanish or English must be subtitled on any of those languages.
11. DocsDF does not require, neither for the submission nor for selection, that the films are Premier in Mexico. The films could have been exhibited in Mexico prior to the festival.
12. By no means the screeners will be returned. They will be part of the festival archives, where they could be use strictly with cultural purposes at the DocsDF Videotheque, as well as at other events organised by DocsDF, always with prior consent by the right holder.
13. In case the film is selected, the person who submitted the film will be notified with the instructions to participate, as well as with the screening copy details.
14. The Selection Committee will be formed by members of DocsDF, as well as Mexican personalities of the genre, following the quality and creativity parameters, set by the Artistic Direction of the Festival.
15. The Selection Committee reserves the right to switch from one section to another any film, if considered convenient, always with a previous notification.
16.The selected films will have 20 days, from the date of notification, to send the screening copy.
16.1 After the notification, all the participants will receive further instructions about the digital formats and necessary materials, required for their participation at the festival.
17. If the producing company or the individual that submitted the films does not have a copy on NTSC format, subtitles or both, DocsDF may provide such services.
18. The selected films must send, along the screening copy or by e-mail the following materials:
• Two (2) stills of the film for the catalogue (900 x 900, 300 dpi) and another for the web (1920 x 1080, 72 dpi).
• Brief Synopsis of the film (500 characters maximum, including dots, comas and spaces).
• Press Kit, which will be distributed to the media during the festival, as well as other promotional materials (dossier, posters, post cards, etc).
19. All the expenses generated by the shipping of the materials must be cover by the sender. DocsDF is not responsible for any damage suffered by the materials during the shipment.
20. All shipments and parcels must be clearly marked as follows: “With no commercial value, for cultural purposes only”
21. The festival organisation assumes that the producers or directors that submit the films through this call for entries are the right holders of the works for exhibition, exempting DocsDF of any civil or penal responsibilities.
22. In case of being selected, the documentaries in the stage of post-production (WORK IN PROGRESS), will be accepted as long as the producer / director guarantees the reception of the film within the stipulated dates at this call for entries. This shall be expressed through a “Letter of intent” that the festival will provide at the appropriate moment.
24. The Jury will be formed by renowned personalities of the audiovisual and culture world. The members of the jury will be announced prior to the festival.
25. No member of the jury can participate in any of the sections of the festival, under any credit.
26. No member of DocsDF will be part of the jury.
27. The Jury’s decision is final.
Final clause
28. The submission means the total acceptance of this rules and regulations, and its interpretation and application are solely for the organisers.
29. For any question, doubt or further information, please write to programacion@docsdf.org, or call (+52 55) 55 10 36 89.
México City, February, 2015
Largometraje Internacional
Short and Feature Films >30'
29 May 15
29 May 15
29 May 15
Submissions deadline
29 May 15
Save up
Sección competitiva internacional.
Largometraje Iberoamericano
Short and Feature Films >30'
26 Dec 13
26 Dec 13
26 Dec 13
Submissions deadline
29 May 15
Save up
Sección competitiva para películas realizadas en Ibero América
Largometraje Mexicano
Short and Feature Films >30'
26 Dec 13
26 Dec 13
26 Dec 13
Submissions deadline
29 May 15
Save up
Cortometraje Internacional
Short Films 30'<
26 Dec 13
26 Dec 13
26 Dec 13
Submissions deadline
29 May 15
Save up
Los cortometrajes deberán tener una duración máxima de 30 minutos incluyendo créditos. En caso de sobrepasar los 30 minutos, podrán ser considerados para las secciones de largometraje.
Cortometraje Mexicano
Short Films 30'<
26 Dec 13
26 Dec 13
26 Dec 13
Submissions deadline
29 May 15
Save up
Los cortometrajes deberán tener una duración máxima de 30 minutos incluyendo créditos. En caso de sobrepasar los 30 minutos, podrán ser considerados para las secciones de largometraje.