-Best Full-Length film
-Best Short film
-Best documentary
No film can win more than two awards.
The TarapacáFilm Festival will be carried out on May 21 to 24th, 2015 in TarapacáRegion, Chile.
1. – Terms and Conditions
1.1 - The applications for the Festival are open for national and international fiction, documentary and experimental films, including short films; which have been finished after January, 2014.
1.2 – The audiovisual productions can be screened according to the following formats: DVD, Digital movie file HD 480i/p720pó1080pCodecH264,extension.mov.mp4. If the productions have a different format or video system,it will be required the Festival authorization to be screened.
1.3 – The Festival gives priority to both national and international premiere films.
1.4 – Selected films will be screened in their original version.
1.5 Specifications
Specifications for foreign films:
A copy of the original version with spanish subtitles must be sent in case of short or full-length non spanish-spoken films.
Specifications for Chilean films:
In case of short films or full-length films with subtitles in English, the copy containing the subtitles will be requested for its use at the Festival.
1.6 – This year can send files through www.festhome.com
1.7 – The producer holding the rights, must communicate the Festival, before Mayo 8 th, 2015, the willing to participate on it , by sending the registration form properly filled, because once it is signed will be a sworn statement, affirming the knowledge and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
1.8 – When the film is submitted and selected, it cannot be withdrawn from the Festival program.
2 - Competition
2.1 – Films fulfilling the following conditions can participate in the competition categories:
Full-length documentary or fiction films
International or national experimental films
Short films
2.2 – The Festival Selection Committee will mention the members that will make up the panel of judges.
This Committee will have the following conditions:
-People who have interests in the production and/or exploitation of the films shown in the competition cannot be part of the jury.
-The Jury will vote by secret ballot, and the decisions will be adopted by simple majority.
-A Festival representative will be able to attend to the Jury’s deliberations without the right to vote.
-The members of the Jury are firmly committed to not express publicly their opinions regarding the films subjected to their consideration, before the official award proclamation.
-Any conflict (of the organization or its performance) that have not been mentioned in Terms and Conditions will be solved by the Festival organization.
2.3 – The awards that will be granted by the Jury are:
-Best Full-Length film
-Best Short film
-Best documentary
No film can win more than two awards.
2.4 – The film producers that receive an award are committed to mention it in all publicity and press material, including the TarapacáFilm Festival logotype.
2.5 – After accepting the invitation for one of the competitive sections, the films cannot be withdrawn from the Festival program.
3. – Applications and Required Materials
3.1 - The producer of the submitted films has to send the following material to the Festival :
- Filled and signed registration form .
-Two copies of the film in DVD (NTSC, any zone), subtitled in Spanish; digital movie file support flash drive, SD card, hard disk or download link. the material must be correctly labeled with the film’s title, director’s name, length, format, subtitles; preview in Spanish and/or English.
If the film is selected, other requirements will be:
Director’s statement (letter of intent) in Spanish and/or English.
Bio/filmography of the director or the film
Film’s cast and credits
Film`s pictures
Poster and/or press material (if any) The producers of the selected films must send a copy of the film and the registration form before May 15 th, 2015, to the following address: Latorre 345 Iquique, Chile.
Addressed to Festival Internacional de Cine Tarapacá2014”.
The representatives living in Iquique can deliver the applications, materials and DVDs in the Festival offices, from Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm.
3.2- Sending of the materials
The transport charges of the copy or video, as well as their ensurance are responsibility of the participants until its arrival to the Festival.
The Festival organization will be in charge of the safety of the copies since its arrival to the Festival offices until the carrier withdrawal .
3.3– The Selection Committee of the Festival is not obligated to watch the films submitted after the deadline.
The deadline of films reception in the Festival offices will be on 8 th may 2015 (stamp date will not be valid) None of the submitted materials for the pre- selection and selection of the films will be returned.
4. - Selected films
4.1 – Catalogue
In order to edit the catalogue correctly , for each selected film, the Festival must receive a filled-out registration form and the required material (DVD, film trailer, director’s biography and filmography, a picture of the film and a complete list of technical and artistic credits).The required material must be sent as soon as possible once the invitation to the Festival is accepted.
4.2 – Decisions regarding the editorial contents of the catalogue are in charge of the Festival.
5 – Press and publicity
5.1 – The film producers that participate in the Festival must send, separately, the adequate quantity of press material and pictures to be used by the Festival press office, which objective will be its distribution to the press and guests .
5.2 – When the official selection has been carried out, the Festival will be able to use fragments of the national and international films – of a maximum of 3 minutes –for promotional purposes (short films length may not exceed 10% of the final length of the production).If the fragments were not available by the film producer, the Festival will be
able to copy one or more fragments of the film for promotional purposes during the Festival.
5.3 – To promote the program and each one of the selected films, the Festival will be able to use pictures and digital videos ( less than 3 minutes) of the films on the Festival website.
5.4 – Once the Festival ends , an itinerant exhibition will be carried out through Tarapacá Region and other regions of the country. All the selected films may opt to participate in the exhibitions.The previously mentioned will be non profit exhibitions, which aim is to promote the Festival and to establish an audience. A maximun of 2 projections per film will be shown at the exhibition.
Contact us :
www.festcinetarapaca.com - Latorre 345, Iquique, Chile