Festival start: 11 November 2024
Festival end: 16 November 2024
The Oiasso Roman Museum and the City Council of Irun organize the International Archaeological Film Festival of the Bidasoa.
The aim of the Festival is to present archaeology to the general public, through the diffusion of audio-visual material resulted from the work made by archaeologists, assuring the promotion and the spreading of these films.
The Festival is being celebrated since the year 2001 and from the year 2004 it has four prizes: the Grand Prize of the Festival, the Special Audience Prize, the Educational Values Prize and Arkeolan Prize for Contribution to Science. Since 2006, it’s inside Fedarcine, the European network of Archaeological Film Festivals.
Cash Prizes: 3,750€
• Grand Award of the Festival: 2.000 euros
• Special Audience Award: 1.000 euros
• Educational Section Award: 750 euros.
• Arkeolan Award for Contribution to Science: no financial prize.
The Oiasso Roman Museum of Irun presents the 24th INTERNATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL FILM FESTIVAL OF THE BIDASOA organized by the City council of Irun (www.irun.org), that will be celebrated between 11th and 16th of November 2024. The Festival aim is to present Archaeology to the general public, through the diffusion of audio-visual material resulted from the work made by archaeologists, assuring the promotion and the spreading of these films, according to the following bases:
1.- Participation
Cinematic documents of all genres (documentary, fiction, reporting, investigation, etc.) produced by any person or public or private entity of any nationality whose content is about archaeology and its techniques, about ethno-archaeology, archaeological heritage and its conservation, shall be entitled to participate in the Festival.
2.- Technical Conditions
2-1- The cinematographic documents will be presented to the Selection Committee in digital format, through a download link or by sending the file through WeTransfer, Dropbox or similar. If the film is selected and has a copy in HD, this version will be requested for screening. Likewise, the version with the subtitles in Spanish will be requested, if any. Failing that, the transcription of the audiovisual text will be sent to carry out the subtitling.
The inscription can be done as well through the online platform Festhome (festhome.com) in this link http://festhome.com/f/1213.
The following should be attached:
• Entry form properly completed and signed as in the attached model.
• Documentation of the work. Three digital photos (300 ppp).
• Optional documentation: press dossier, list of other films made by the filmmaker.
2.2.- Films submitted for selection must be presented in their original version:
• Without subtitles if the original version of the film is in Spanish, Basque, english or French.
• With subtitles in Spanish, Basque, english or French for original versions in other languages.
• If the film is selected and is shot in a language other than Spanish or Basque, the festival will be responsible for the translation and subtitling into Spanish or Basque, if the movie does not have subtitles.
2-3.- The Organisation must be notified, by email, of the dispatch date, channel of delivery and title of the film.
2.4.- The original copy will be deposited in the festival archives.
2-5.- The Selection Committee, named by the Organisation, shall proceed to the selection of the works which shall be projected in the Festival and shall be candidates for the prizes.
2-6.- The Organisation shall directly inform those selected of their inclusion in the final phase of the Festival.
2-7.- All the selected works shall be included in the Official Programme of the Festival and/or in the Educational Section of the Festival.
2-8.- During the celebration of the Festival, the organization reserves the right to exhibit the selected audiovisuals in the Festival's online format.
2-9.- The Organisation shall be able to use the graphic material sent for advertising purposes and for the promotion of the Festival.
2.10.- The original copy deposited in the FICAB archives may be used for non profit-making, non-commercial teaching, cultural or promotional activities and Archaeological cinema cycles. The name of the filmmaker shall be cited on all such occasions.
2-11.- The Organisation will at all times take care over the integrity of the cinematographic documents, but if, in spite of this and by chance, any deterioration occurs, the Organisation will not be held responsible for the damage produced.
2.12.- The films submitted to the festival at one point in time will not be allowed to participate again in the same.
3.- Reception of the Works
3.1.-The date to present the films will expire the 15th of July 2024.
3.2.- The works will be sent to the registered office of Oiasso Roman Museum. They will be sent through an online file, to the email ficab.oiasso@irun.org
Bidasoko XXIV. Nazioarteko Zinemaldi Arkeologikoa
Oiasso Erromatar Museoa
Eskoleta, 1
20302 Irun (Gipuzkoa)
4.- Jury and prizes
The Festival includes two sections: the official section and the educational section. All films registered will be considered for either of the two sections, according to their characteristics. The Selection Committee of the festival will be responsible for choosing the films and distributing them in both sections.
4-1.- The following prizes are established:
• Grand Award of the Festival: 2.000 euros
• Special Audience Award: 1.000 euros
• Award to the Educational Section: 750 euros.
• Arkeolan Award for Contribution to Science: no financial prize.
All selected films will opt to the Special Audience Award the Arkeolan Award. However, the Grand Award of the Festival will be awarded to a film of the official section and Award to a film of the educational section.
The Jury of the Grand Award of the Festival, appointed by the Organization, will be composed of professionals from the audiovisual world and the archaeology world with a recognize prestige, and its ruling, which is final, will be announced at the award ceremony that will close the Festival.
The Audience Award will be awarded through the vote of the audience, while the Arkeolan Award and the Educational Section Award will be awarded for each of these foundations, respectively.
It may also grant prizes ex aequo, in which case the corresponding economic endowment will be distributed among the winning films.
4-2.-The amounts corresponding to the prizes will be subjected to the payment of taxes, as established by the current legislation.
4.3. The prizes will be awarded to the person, institution, or company that has made the registration of the film.
4-4.- The prize-winning works must include in the films a note on the winning of the prize with the reference text "24th International Archaeological Film Festival of the Bidasoa, Irun, 2024" as well as the logo of Irun Town Council (www.irun.org).
5.- Acceptance
5-1.-Participation in the Festival implies full acceptance of these Conditions of Entry. In all matters not set out in them, the Organisation will resolve in the most opportune manner.
5-2.- These Conditions of Entry will be published on the Digital Notice board of Irun Town Council for fifteen days.
6.- Protection of Personal Data
The personal data gathered during the exercise of municipal authority for the correct management of this activity will be included in the Irun Local Council's Information System and may only be ceded to third parties under the circumstances outlined in current personal data protection legislation.
Anyone who wishes to exercise their right to access, rectification, erasure, restriction and objection may do so through the SAC or Electronic Headquarters at www.irun.org/sac. They may also lodge a complaint with the Irun Local Council Data Protection Delegate at dpd@irun.org or with the Basque Data Protection Agency at www.avpd.euskadi.eus.
More Information
• Oiasso Roman Museum. www.oiasso.com / E-mail: ficab.oiasso@irun.org. Phone:
• Irun Town Council. www.irun.org / E-mail: cultura@irun.org.