Festival start: 02 May 2017
Festival end: 05 May 2017
La Truca 7th Animated Short Film Competition
Call for Entries: Now Open
February 27 through April 20, 2017
1. Schedule
Opens: February 28th
Deadline: April 15th
Results: April 30th
Exhibition: May 2th to 5th
2. La Truca International Animation Festival invites university, professional and independent filmmakers, Colombian or foreign, to participate in the 7th Animated Short Film Competition, which will be exhibited and awarded under the sixth version of La Truca, from the 2nd to the 5th of May in the city of Cali, Colombia.
● Best University Short Film La Truca 2017
●Best International Professional Short Film La Truca 2017
Through the Animated Short Film Competition, La Truca Festival seeks to identify and exhibit animation produced in the last three years with original ways of telling a story or portraying reality through different resources, techniques and audiovisual languages of animated production.
The competing categories are: University Short Film (national and international) and International Professional Short Film. In addition, there will be two original exhibitions: “Animation for children” (national and international) and “Colombian experimental Animation” (national), curated by the Festival's Academic Committee. All short films that enter the Competition will be taken into consideration for the exhibition.
3. The competition categories are:
University Short Film (national and international): Short films produced in the context of university activities of animation-related careers such as Film, Communication, Design, etc. Subject-matter and animation technique are irrelevant.
National Professional Short Film (national): Short films produced by professional animators, filmmakers or directors from Colombia. Subject-matter and animation technique are irrelevant.
International Professional Short Film (national and international): Short films produced by professional animators, filmmakers or directors with nationalities other Colombian. Subject-matter and animation technique are irrelevant.
4. Short films that enter La Truca 7th Animated Short Film Competition, must:
Not have participated in previous La Truca entries.
Not be Advertising work, institutional videos or related works.
Have been completed between the year 2013 and 2017.
Be subtitled in English if the language is different than Spanish.
Be longer than 1 (one) minute and less than 30 (thirty) minutes.
5. Conditions
By participating in this Call for Entries, the director authorizes the use of the work sent in La Truca Festival and Animated Short Film Competition promotional material. The Festival does not profit from this.
Once a short film enters competition and is selected for an exhibition, the director authorizes the projection of the sent work in local, national and international audiovisual exhibitions by allied festivals, always within La Truca’s Official Selection framework. The rights of files sent remain the property of the author.
Short films that apply to La Truca 7th Animated Short Film Competition will be taken into account for the following oiginal exhibitions:
“Animation For Peace”
“Colombian Animation For Children”
In case a short film is selected for one of the above exhibitions, the competition rules and conditions still apply.
6. Short films that participate in the 7th Animated Short Film Competition and La Truca’s exhibitions are selected by the Festival’s Academic Committee, which is composed of professors from Javeriana Cali University, Icesi University, San Buenaventura University, Autónoma de Occidente Cali University and Del Valle University.
7. La Truca Animated Short Film Competition grants special mentions for:
Best University Short Film La Truca 2017
Best International Professional Short Film La Truca 2017
The choice of winners will be made by an invited group of experts in art and animation industry: An international guest, a national director and a local academic committee member. Also, Jurors will be selected by the academic committee.
8. How to apply to the Call for Entries:
Thoroughly complete the Registration Form. It can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/zzopfkv. You must complete one Registration Form for each work sent.
Upload an HDTV 1080 render of the short film to a Vimeo account. If you wish, you can publish it as Private.
Send an email to latrucafestival@gmail.com with subject line: (Category) with the following information:
a. Short film Vimeo link/URL (if the video is Private, send us the password).
b. Filmmaker(‘s’) biography
c. Photograph of the filmmaker(s).
d. Official poster.
e. 3 (three) screenshots of the film (300 dpi)
f. Official synopsis of the work.
g. Links to other information such as: trailer, website, Facebook, etc. (if available).
You can also apply through our fest home link: www.festhome.com/f/1819/2. Register or sign in to your Fest Home account, upload your film, providing a link or uploading the video and completing the information for your work. Submit your film in the Sections and Fees tab in your category, profesional or academic.
If you have any concerns or difficulties in the registration process, please contact us via email: latrucafestival@gmail.com or contacto@latrucafestival.com
For more information visit:
www.instagram.com/LaTrucaFestival @LaTrucaFestival
Universitary Short film (National and International)
Short Films >1' 30'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
15 Apr 17
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This category is open to short films as part of university activities racing as animation and related cinema, communication, design, etc. Theme and free technique.
Profesional Short Film (National and International)
Short Films >1' 30'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
15 Apr 17
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Theme and free technique. They can participate animated short films produced professionally. For this call
considers international short film if the director and / or director has no nationality
different Colombiano.