Festival start: 28 July 2019
Festival end: 28 July 2019
Festival audiovisual enmarcado dentro del Arcu Atlánticu de Xixón.
Cash Prizes: 300€
Sección oficial : 300 euros.
Participation BASES
1. Producers or directors may be present resident in the Spanish State of any nationality, France, United Kingdom and Portugal which have the rights of the works they present and which have been produced after 1 August 2017, Valuing that the works have not been premiered in Asturias before.
2. The duration of the work submitted shall not exceed 20 minutes.
3. A single winner is established for the "CortoAtlántico" award, which will be chosen by the audience for the projections.
4. The deadline for sending the parts will be on May 31st, 2019 at 23:59. For any questions, interested people can contact the mail cortogijon@gmail.com
5. The works that are selected should be sent in HD file with the H264 codec and minimum resolution 1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080-1080p-in MOV, MP4,. mkv, or AVI format.
6. Short films that are not in Castilian should be subtitled
Authors and Rights • All the pieces presented to the contest must be original. The participants ratify through the signature of these legal bases that possess the authorship and therefore the Intellectual property rights (or of the authorized license of the use of the part by their owners), in addition to the transfer of the right of the image of the persons who And they appear.
• In case of non-fulfillment of the authorship, the responsible person will be only and exclusively the one who has presented this short film, assuming, therefore, the consequences arising from any type of claim or legal action. Consequently, the organization exempts itself from any conflict arising from the non-authorship of the work presented.
Selected movies
• The works selected for the contest will be announced on the Festival's website. Confirmation will be sent by email to each selected one.
• The submission of the selected films will be borne by the participant.
Official section selection of short films where the audience attending the projections will elect the winner.
The prize will be endowed with 300 euros.
• The prize will be paid by bank transfer in the account indicated by the winners, within a maximum period of three months from the date of the festival.
• The amount of the prizes will be subject to the withholding and taxes that correspond according to the provisions of the current legislation.
• The payment of all taxes, fees and/or surcharges, if any, arising from the award of the prizes, shall be borne exclusively by the prize winner.
• In the event that one of the winners cannot be a person at the prize-giving Gala, you must appoint someone else to pick you up in your place. In addition to notifying your absence prior to the organization, if these requirements are not met, the winner will not have the metallic prize.
• The winners must present the necessary documentation to make the corresponding payment within 10 days from the date of the award ceremony. Failure to comply with this deadline implies the waiver of the economic prize (but not the status of winner).
• The organization reserves the right to make and deliver special mentions.
Personal information
• Participants accept that the personal data provided under this contest will be treated in a personal data file owned by "CortoAtlántico". Those data, as the name of the group or producer, can be disseminated on the website and in the documentation of the festival, protecting those of a personal nature.
• The owners of the data will have at all times the right to know what these are. In the event that any participant wants to make any queries or modifications in his/her data, he/she must send an email to cortogijon@gmail.com attaching a copy of his DNI.
General rules
• The subject of the work to be presented is free, but it will exclude those violent contents that can hurt the sensibility of the public.
• The Cultural Association "PROYECTA 3" as organizer of "CortoAtlántico", reserves the right to dispense with those works that it considers that they do not comply with the bases, do not present a minimum of quality (we will be rigorous with those that do not respect the format of Submission of the works or exceed the time set for the duration of the projections.
• Copies sent to compete will be retained by the festival organization indefinitely, forming part of the archival material, and may be used for non-profit purposes.
• The decisions of the selection committee and the jury are unappealable.
• The votes and the jury's resolution are secret, personal and irrevocable. The vote will be made by a simple majority and will not be public until the time of the awards ceremony. Later, it will be published through the various channels belonging to the festival and other media.
• The contestants cede to the festival the rights of total or partial reproduction of the works presented, both in the scope of the contest and through any of the means used by this festival to be known and promoted. As well as in the places and schedules you consider appropriate. This does not imply the loss of copyright on the part of its owners but the transfer of the same for non-commercial purposes and linked to the festival.
• The contestants authorize the festival to use, reproduce and distribute its name, as well as the works involved, the images and frames contained in these pieces, guaranteeing its use for the purposes previously exposed. In case of winning, the works can be exhibited at other festivals or exhibitions with which the festival collaborates after notification to the winners.
• Any additional information or clarification will be provided by mail, telephone or e-mail addressed to the Festival's headquarters.
• All the participants, for the fact of being, accept in full the present bases, as well as the resolution by the organization of any problem not received in these.