Festival start: 01 March 2021
Festival end: 31 March 2021
The Woman Scream Festival (Grito de Mujer) in its 11th. edition, opens its first call for video proposals to participate on the virtual events that will take place online, starting March 1st throughout March 31st , 2021. The chosen theme for this season is: "Women Warriors: Violence is not in quarantine!"
“We, the WOMEN warriors, adapt to any circumstance. We stay strong, in the midst of the worst pandemic. We, who are indoors, quarantined with our abuser. We, the girls who live with those who mistreat us. We, the resilient of life. We, the strong WOMEN who don’t give up, who won’t be silenced, who will never give up or stay quieted! We are brave, we are art, we are hope, we are poetry, we are the SCREAM ”.
-The chosen proposals will be included on the Woman Scream 2021 agenda, under any date according to global calendar availability.
-Event Promotion.
-Certificate of Appreciation sent to email for selected participants.
Participating Categories *:
Short/Micro Film
Video Poems
Micro Conferences
Micro Workshops (literature, art, women, etc.)
Short Theater
Visual Arts
Who can participate:
People of any gender and nationality, over 18 years old, with one (1) proposal, filmed on video in any of these languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese or German, preferably created exclusively for the Woman Scream Festival 2021*. We accept previously published works*, as long as they comply with the guidelines of this call and fit into any of the themes of Woman Scream Festival, as detailed below (*See notes below):
-Single participation per category (One person can participate in up to two languages, same category).
-Video proposals related to the slogan of the Woman Scream Festival 2021, will be accepted: "Women Warriors: Violence is not in quarantine", a tribute to women and girls living in quarantine with their abusers, and / or similar topics within the theme of Woman Scream Festival.
-Proposals whose messages are focused from hope, in a possitive way, will be valued. Raising self-esteem and strengthening women self-value messages are welcome to support those women and girls in truly need during difficult times.
-We do not accept proposals that visualize or promote violence in any way, or sexual, sexist nor offensive content. Woman Scream is a family-friendly event. Please take it into consideration before submitting.
-Due to the current situation of Coronavirus, our festival will be celebrated Online, the proposals received must be available on social networks(YouTube/ Facebook) for our audience from the 1st. to 31st of March 31, 2021. (It could be shared from our channels or we can share it from yours, if you tell us so).
-The chosen proposals will be included on the Woman Scream 2021 agenda for March, under any date according to global calendar availability.
-Event Promotion.
-Certificate of Appreciation, sent to your email once the festival is over.
Time duration, by category:
-Short films (Brief. No established limit)
-Video-Poems (3 mins tops. Including greetings)
-Micro Conferences (15 mins tops).
-Micro Workshops (Topics of interest to the festival: literature, art, women, etc.) (15 mins tops).
-Short theater (monologue 5 mins tops. Group 15 mins tops).
-Performance (video 5 mins tops).
-Music (song, performance, solo or group, 1 piece)
-Dance (1 piece, solo or group)
-Visual Arts (10 tops. including greeting)
Submission format
-You must upload the video to Vimeo or YouTube and send us the link.
-You can record your proposal using a cell phone with good resolution or a digital/video camera.
-We’ll value creativity, relevance to festival’s subject, quality of presentation, image, lighting and sound.
If your proposal is selected
We will ask you to send us the video file through WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox or any other, to download. If your content has Copyright, we’ll need your authorization to upload it on our YouTube and Facebook channels, for festival broadcasting use.
Attachments must be in:
MPG4 format
Maximum Resolution (1080x72)
For publication on Social Networks (YouTube, Facebook, etc.)
Additional attachments, besides downloadable video file, must be send:
-Short biography (5 lines tops)
-A good resolution photo
-Contact email (please double check email to avoid mistakes).
-Written authorization where you allow Woman Scream Festival to use the material to promote and publish it on its social networks, channels and pages, indicating that you’re participating freely out of solidarity in compliance to guidelines.
Greetings to the festival
Each newly created video must contain a greeting or mention to the Woman Scream Festival 2021, indicating name, nationality and country of residence at the beginning (20 seconds or less)
If your proposal hasn’t been created recently but, you wish to send it to this call, you can do so. If you are selected, you must attach to your video a mention or greeting to Woman Scream Festival 2021, along with your name, country, nationality and / or place of residence (10 seconds or less).
How to send your video
Use the form attached at the bottom of this page to summit your proposal.
Our team will be selecting the proposals that best represent the theme of the festival based on the quality of content, image, sound, creativity and relevancy.
*Important notes:
* We will not consider proposals that fail to meet any of the aforementioned requirements.
* We will not maintain any communication with the participants, except with selected ones.
*The chosen videos will be part of our Woman Scream Festival for March 2021 calendar menu of www.womanscreamfestival.com posted by Feb 15th, 2021.
* Your possible questions could be already answered in this call. Please read the details carefully.
* The Woman Scream Festival reserves all selectionthe rights . The decision is final.
* Non selected proposals will be eliminated, but we will keep your email to send future calls (unless you indicate otherwise).
Registration will be considered as a guarantee that author owns image, music and text rights to project their work within Woman Scream Festival. Guidelines acceptance is automatic, when submitting your proposal to this call.